Oliver Tracel Trailers Newsletter
Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2018


Letter from the Editor

February, the month of love.

Whether you embrace Valentine's Day complete with love poems, candlelit tables-for-two and grand romantic gestures, or prefer to declare your feelings with a little more subtlety, you'll be in need of a thoughtful gift for her this month.

As legend has it, St Valentine fell with a jailer's daughter while serving time for arranging secret marriages, and sent her a love letter signed 'from your Valentine' on February 14. Ever since, we've been using it as a reason to celebrate romance, and to treat our loved ones in the midst of winter.

Even if you've agreed not to exchange presents or tokens of your love, there's nothing wrong with exceeding expectations and seeking out a little present anyway. After all, it's the thought that counts.

Until next month,

Jason K. Walmsley, editor

We encourage you to research further and I can promise you, you will like what you see in an Oliver travel trailer. Visit our website at olivertraveltrailers.com to see more and schedule a plant tour or field visit. Happy Trails from Hohenwald, TN, USA!


The Lost Coast – Mattole River Campground

By: Frank McMichael, Hull No.101

One time as I was traveling to Tillamook, Oregon, I camped for a partial day and a night at a pay campground on the coast in southern Oregon. Not having been there before and only looking at the website, my expectations were high for what appeared to be a pleasant place on the beach. It was not, I was naïve. As you also may have discovered, websites by the creative use of prose and camera angles can mislead.

The sites were all straight pull throughs. They were so close together and the access road was so narrow, it was very difficult to slot my vehicles into my designated spot between RVs already parked. A claque of my to-be camp neighbors sat and watched me make the attempt, willing to heckle or praise as needed. Apparently, this was a form of afternoon entertainment and much good-natured commentary was provided. Having recently struggled with the same process, they awarded me a cold beer for my struggle. They then proceeded to catalogue to me all the negative issues of this campground beyond the ability to get into the assigned site.

Two of them indicated that they regularly come to this campground because, in their opinion, this was the only location on both the Oregon and California coasts where one could camp at the beach and walk from their rig directly to the ocean to go surf fishing. Because their large rigs would not allow access to places where I know that Oliver owners could have a day at the beach without too much difficulty, I did not disagree with them.


This photo was taken at a campground where one can camp at the beach with direct walking access to the ocean. When I took this, I was standing on a sand dune with the ocean directly behind me. This beach is in northern California and it is available to all who don’t mind a bit of a drive. That is my trusty Dodge Ram and beloved Oliver in the middle of the picture.

While it is not apparent because of the drift redwood logs that were emplaced by a storm, the campground roadway provides ample room to make a backing turn into the chosen site.

It cost $8.00 to camp there. The location provides trash collection, fire rings, vault toilets and water spigots. Because I spend most of my camping times boondocking, I carry a full tank of water, therefore I did not use the water spigots. For this reason, I am unsure of the quality or taste of the water. Sometimes water taken from a well near the beach has an off taste from sea water intrusion that reminds one that fish crap in the ocean.

Cell phone reception can be spotty and even with a hot spot, internet is unlikely. Best bring a book or two or a preloaded Kindle.

There can be plenty of drift wood for the evening fire, all-in-all it is a great place to spend a few days. But expect and prepare for cool - you will need jackets and hoodies for the evening and morning hours, even in the summer.


There is usually an onshore breeze and fog in the morning which will help greatly to cool your coffee. The fog is usually gone by mid-morning. Because of the steady breeze, flies and mosquitoes are not a problem,

Compared to most private, pay campgrounds the sites are spacious with good buffer distances so a sense of privacy can be had. That is a lovely thing that helps one enjoy the camping and the beach.

The first photo above shows the number of campers on the Sunday that I arrived. Those on the left and others out of the frame were a group. By midmorning of the following day, I had the place to myself. I was delighted they left - it was a quiet time that night. It is impossible for me to understand people who come to a quiet, peaceful, natural place and choose to disturb the peace by sitting around a campfire at night with music blaring, getting drunk and screaming and shouting.

It is good to camp mid-week as this behavior seems to come from mostly the younger, weekend crowd. They left some trash and a lot of fire wood at their campsites. I appropriated the firewood for picking up their trash.

There are miles of beach to walk and comb from this location. The below picture was taken after the morning fog had burned off. The camera direction for this is north-northwest. As I remember, I was standing approximately where that dead stalk is seen on the right-hand side of the picture when I took the picture of my truck and Oliver at the campsite.


It can’t be seen easily but right at the limits of the picture is where the Mattole River empties into the Pacific Ocean. There is a shadow of a fold on the nearest hill side that could be mistaken for a canyon, instead look farther, the first canyon that is barely discernible in the mist is it.

It is a one to two-mile hike through fine sand to the river from the campground. It is a something of a slog, because of the pull of the fine sand on moving feet which tends to discourage people. Because of this, if you make the walk, it is likely that you will have the River to yourself. If one takes the hike, it is possible that river otters may be observed, as they are plentiful. Seals are commonly seen. Also bears may occasionally be seen.

This is black bear and mountain lion country. Depending on the season, with a good scope you might spot a bear. They are generally not nocturnal and will forage many hours a day. I have been as close as the distance of a football field from one when I first became aware that it was there, it paid no attention to me. Black bears have a keen sense of smell and will quickly become acclimated to humans if eatables are left about. Black bears are the only bear kinds remaining in California. During the early Spanish times, Grizzlies were common. There are no Grizzlies left in California, although there are some grizzled types, here. I have encountered Grizzlies in Alaska, I am okay with them not being here.

Mountain lions, like your housecat, tend to be nocturnal but not always. The lions don’t always sleep during the day, especially if hungry. They do appreciate campers bringing tasty dog treats with them for their dining pleasure, so make sure to keep dogs inside at night and on a leash during the day. A lion can exit the brush, take a loose running dog and be gone before the owner realizes that Rover has disappeared.

According to posted signs there can be rattle snakes in the rocky areas. I have never seen one and have some doubt about there being snakes around because of the generally cool temperatures but the signs are put up for a reason not having to do with my doubts.

As you may have gathered by looking at the beach photograph above, this is not a sheltered nook of a beach, it faces the Pacific Ocean straight on. There is generally an onshore breeze, the surf piles onto the beach with energy and the water is cold. So, don’t come here if you expect to swim or play in the water, unless you are a Navy Seal. There is a better thing than a cold-water swim and that is the beach itself.


Being at the beach can be very relaxing. The sense of isolation and the natural peace at this beach encourages relaxation. So, come sit and watch the waves, listen to their rhythm, absorb some sunshine, cast aside your problems and concerns, release your worries, let all fade away until your spirit is revitalized and nothing is left but peacefulness. This is a selfie of me after I did that.

While the drive to this location is a bit demanding, Oliver owners can make it without worry about tight turns and overhead clearances that drivers of larger rigs have to concern themselves about. To get there, take Highway 101 to Ferndale, go through this very picturesque Victorian era town (it is worth a stop) and follow the signs to the community of Petrolia.

This road will follow the coast south - there are many places to stop and enjoy the view. I know many coastal scenic roads - this is one of the best. National Geographic once rated this stretch of road as one of the thirty-six most scenic drives in the country.

If you are pulling your Oliver with a six, maybe you shouldn’t try this road as there are a few long, steep pulls. Also, make sure you leave from Ferndale with a full tank so you can make the round trip without worry about having enough gas. It is only an approximately fifty-mile drive one way but there are many hills to climb that will severely reduce your mileage per gallon.

A drive of an hour and half or so will deliver you to Petrolia - that is if you can resist the urge to pull over for the views or to access the beaches along the way. Petrolia is the north end of the Lost Coast. Petrolia’s historical claim to fame is that this was the first place in California where an oil well was drilled, hence its name. Now the area is a haven for pot growers, but they are friendly or indifferent unless they are trespassed upon.

Once in Petrolia, follow the signs to the Mattole Campground. Hikers park near the campground to walk 30 miles or so along the coast to the black sand beach at Shelter Cove. There may be a large number of cars near the entrance of the campground, these are for dropping off hikers heading south or for receiving those coming north from Shelter Cove. Ignore them and turn into the campground just past the vault toilets.

The community of Petrolia is small with few stores, don’t go there expecting to buy groceries or other supplies. People who live there shop in Ferndale or Eureka for their food and major purchases. From Ferndale, it is less than an hour to Eureka.

The Mattole Road off of Highway 101 through the Humboldt-Redwoods National Park and on to the community of Honeydew will also bring you to Petrolia. If you are pulling a trailer or driving a motor home, I strongly caution you about this road. It is narrow with tight turns and steep drop-offs. Best to go to Ferndale and come down the coast, plus the views are far better.

The Lost Coast is not really lost in the sense that its whereabouts is not known. It was called lost because of the lack of roads into the area, thus it was “lost” to people as few could access it. Coast Highway One, known as the Pacific Coast Highway or PCH in the southern part of the state, follows the coast from the Mexican border north until it reached this part of the California. Because the steep terrain made it too difficult to build roads, Highway One bypassed this part of the coast, it turns inland just above Westport and connects to US 101 at Piercy.

It would have taken an inordinate amount of bridges and switchbacks on unstable mountain sides to build a road through, if the coast was followed. For the road builders, it was easier and cheaper to go inland where there was comparatively flatter terrain. Also, at that time and still today, there were few people living in this coastal area. Many who think of California as being the Los Angeles area with its crowds, are flummoxed to discover that much of northern California has an extremely low population. To this day there are few roads into the area, most are problematic in the winter.

Many people know about the Lost Coast, especially NorCal people like me. Out of area people, as they drive along US 101 into the Bigfoot populated wilds of northern California may not know about it -driving through it and visiting it, are not the same. It is a terrific place to spend some time. It is due west of major redwoods to be found in parks along US 101.

A walk in old growth redwoods can be awe inspiring. Standing in the midst of a circular grove of redwoods has a Gothic church sense to me. I have met others who have had a similar response. Come and see them, we have one or two left.

There are other places where one can camp at the beach. Westport where Highway One turns inland to Highway 101 has a pay campground with full hookups. North of Westport is the actual beginning of the Lost Coast. Shelter Cove has RV parking and people overnight there. The road to Shelter Cove is notorious for destroying brakes on the way in and engines on the way out because of the long, steep grade just before entering the community. Many poorly maintained motor homes have gone there to die.

Trinidad, California and above, along US 101, have places that allow beach access but I have never camped there. I did scope one location once that was a County Park but never came back to camp.

I have seen overnight campers at pull-outs along the Petrolia road and Highway One, also 101 above Eureka into Del Norte County. Because of the remoteness, there doesn’t seem to be much concern or enforcement regarding this. Mostly, I think it is because people who make the effort to come to this part of the world to enjoy the natural beauty do not leave a mess behind, so the Locals don’t complain.

Shall we meet: For some time now, I have wondered if there are enough Oliver owners in northern California and southern Oregon to do a meet-up. The Mattole Campground is a first-come-first-serve place so this campground would not be good but there are plenty of other locations within the indicated area of northern California and southern Oregon that would be suitable for a spring or early summer gathering.

If a meet-up can be arranged, one of the things we could do, beyond developing friendships and displaying our Oliver’s, is offer up information about some of our favorite places to camp in trade for receiving information from others. It would be nice.

If interested, contact me at frank@frankcamp.net


Adding Water Accumulator to pre-2018 Elite II

This week I added the much needed water accumulator tank to the outlet of of the water pump. The following may be helpful to you if you want to add to your trailer. FYI, the factory has added this to all the 2018 trailers as I understand.

I decided to not only add the accumulator tank, but also utilize the silence kit which adds 2 ea. 30″ hoses. The reason was to make the mounting more flexible. With the hoses, I would not be limited where I mounted the tank. (You may be able to find suitable hoses locally, but having everything arrive at my doorstep has it’s benefits.)

Parts I used:

1. ea SHURflo 182-200 Accumulator tank. $42.11 on Amazon today

1. ea SHURflo 94-591-01 Silencing kit. $25.94 on Amazon

1. Remove the 4 mounting screws in the pump base.

2. Turn off water pump, open the sink valve to relieve the water pressure, and remove the short white hose between the output port of the pump and the valves to the right of the pump. Have towels available because the faucet is higher than the pump so some water will drain out when you break the connections.

3. Before I remounted the pump, I tested several locations for the tank. I chose to move the pump as far to the left, allowing the tank to be mounted to the right. I dressed the hoses around trying to minimize any sharp turns and minimize the hoses hitting other objects.

4. After you have all the connections secure, test the setup, and if you’re satisfied, mount the pump and tank.

This modification made my trailer much more pleasant to be in. At times the pump vibrations would make the plumbing lines vibrate against the back of the cabinets and sounded like a jack hammer.

The tank is pre-charged to about 30 psi. As you can see from my picture, I placed the tank so I could access the air connection should I need to adjust the pressure.

- bradbev on the Oliver forums


For More Cool Ideas check out our forums page at olivertraveltrailers.com


Visiting in Winter

Plan your visit: https://www.nps.gov/arch/planyourvisit/winter.htm


Winter at Arches

Winter at Arches is a peaceful time, without the crowds or scorching heat that can plague summertime visits. Ice, snow, and reduced park operations, however, can provide their own challenges for winter visitors.


  • We do not offer ranger-led hikes or campfire talks in winter.
  • You can watch the park orientation film at Arches Visitor Center, which is open seven days a week 9 am to 4 pm. (The visitor center is closed December 25).
  • Kids can earn a Junior Ranger badge by completing activities in the Arches Junior Ranger booklet. Ask at the visitor center.


Between November and February, there are 25 sites at Devils Garden Campground, first-come, first-served. There are restrooms and drinking water at the campground. You can purchase firewood at Arches Visitor Center bookstore.


Road Conditions

After a snowfall, the park road might be closed for several hours for plowing. Park roads, parking lots, and pullouts can still be icy, especially in shaded areas. Check at the visitor center for the latest information on road conditions.What about roads outside the park?Check the Utah Road Weather Forecast or call 1-866-511-UTAH (8824) for road conditions outside the park.


Trail Conditions

Most hiking trails remain open year-round. After a snowfall, popular trails like Delicate Arch quickly become slippery from packed snow and ice. We recommend traction devices and trekking poles. Drifting snow can cover trail markers, making even "easy" trails harder to follow. You can see updated photographs of trail conditions at the visitor center.


Winters are cold, with highs averaging 30 to 50 F (-1 to 10 C), and lows averaging 0 to 20 F (-17 to -6 C). Though large snowfalls are uncommon (except in nearby mountains), even small amounts of snow or ice can make local trails and roads impassable.

Read more about weather.

Get a seven-day forecast for the Arches area.



February 10, 2018

Trips include a four-course dining experience on board a restored 1924 dining car. The excursion trains typically depart from our Chattanooga Grand Junction at 5:30 p.m., traveling at a leisurely pace through portions of urban Chattanooga, passing Warner Park Zoo and Chattanooga National Cemetery. The train travels about 7 miles from the depot and then returns along the same route, taking about 2 hours overall.


Upcoming Events


3rd Annual Oliver Travel Trailers Rally

We are planning a great time for the 2018 Oliver Travel Trailer Rally. As the popularity of the rally has grown from 45 attendees for our first rally to the second this year of 175, we wanted upscale accommodations that offers exceptional recreational activities as well as great local attractions. We also needed a campground that is near enough to Hohenwald, Tennessee to allow an easy drive for Oliver Travel Trailer service work. For the 2018 rally, we will gather at one of the most beautiful state parks, Lake Guntersville State Park located in Guntersville, Alabama. This premium park offers full hook-ups, exceptional views of Lake Guntersville and the Tennessee River. May 4-7, 2018

Lake Guntersville State Park

24 State Campground Rd,Guntersville, Alabama 35755


Toronto RV Show

We will be at the 2018 Toronto RV show March 1-4 2018 We’ll have both the Legacy Elite and the Legacy Elite II models available for showing.

Time: March 1, 2018 - March 4, 2018 at 10:00 am - 7:00 pm


We will be at the 2018 Toronto RV show March 1-4 2018

We’ll have both the Legacy Elite and the Legacy Elite II models available for showing.


Quartzsite, AZ

If you have never seen an Oliver Travel Trailer or would like to see a 2018 model, you can see one now in Quartzsite, Arizona. There will be several Oliver Travel Trailer owners camping in the area, including a Legacy Elite and several Legacy Elite II models. We also have a 2018 Oliver Legacy Elite II Twin Bed Floor Plan demo available for viewing. The owners and 2018 demo will be available for viewing until February 11th, 2018.

If you are interested in seeing an Oliver Travel Trailer at Quartzsite, AZ, please call 1-888-796-2218 to schedule an appointment and get directions. Office hours are Monday to Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Oliver Forums: https://olivertraveltrailers.com/topic/oliver-invasion-at-quartzsite/

For More Information visit olivertraveltrailers.com


Classic Pot Roast


Total: 40 min

Prep: 10 min

Cook: 30 min

Yield: 4 servings

Level: Easy

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 2 1/2 cups pasta sauce (a 24 or 25 ounce jar is perfect)
  • 12 oz fresh lasagna noodles divided into 4 sets (thawed if frozen)
  • 3 cups fresh baby spinach
  • 1 1/2 cup shredded cheese mozzarella or a blend of Italian-style cheeses works best
  • 1 tablespoon dried oregano or basil or a blend of the two


  • 10″ (4 qt) Cast Iron Dutch Oven
  • Dutch oven lid lifter
  • Measuring cups & spoons
  • Spatula


  1. PRE-HEAT: If cooking over a campfire, get your coals ready. You'll need 25 total. If cooking at home, preheat your oven to 400.
  2. ASSEMBLE THE LASAGNA: Start by coating the bottom of a 10" Dutch oven with the olive oil to help prevent the bottom layer from sticking. Add 1/2 cup pasta sauce and spread evenly over the bottom of the Dutch oven. Use the first set of noodles to create the base of the lasagna. Layer 1/2 cup sauce, 1 cup baby spinach, and 1/3 cup cheese. Repeat (one set noodles, 1/2 cup sauce, 1 cup spinach, 1/3 cup cheese) two more times. For the final layer, use the last set of noodles, 1/2 cup sauce, and 1/2 cup cheese. Sprinkle the oregano over the top.
  3. BAKE: Use 8 coals to create a bed to set your Dutch oven on. Place the Dutch oven on top of the coals. Cover the oven with the lid, and place the remaining 17 coals on top of the lid. If cooking at home, simply cover your Dutch oven and stick it in your preheated oven. Bake for 30 minutes, until the noodles are tender and

For More Recipes visit freshoffthegrid.com

Welcome to the Family


Welcome Bill and Elaine W. to the Oliver Family. We hope y'all have a wonderful time in your brand new Oliver Legacy Elite II!


Welcome the Ken & Madelyne Brunty to the Oliver Family. We hope y'all have a wonderful time in your brand new Oliver Legacy Elite II!


Welcome Tim Hiles to the Oliver Family. They are taking home their brand new Legacy Elite II and looking for adventure!


Welcome Kelly Ratchinsky to the Oliver Family. We hope y'all have a wonderful time in your brand new Oliver Legacy Elite II!


Welcome Jay and Karen B to the Oliver Family. We hope y'all have a wonderful time in your brand new Oliver Legacy Elite II!


Ollie's Trivia of the Month

Last Month's Trivia:

What year was the 1st New Year's ball drop at Times Square, NYC?



This Month's Trivia:

What is the approximate date of the first Valentine ever sent?

On behalf of The Team at OTT and The Oliver Family we'd like to thank you

for your interest in Oliver Travel Trailers.

We look forward to helping you learn more about the Oliver difference.

Feel free to give us a call with any questions you may have at this time.

Kind Regards,

The Oliver Family and Team

For more information about our travel trailers, please give us a call at...


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© 2018 Oliver Travel Trailers

Oliver Travel Trailers 737 Columbia Hwy Hohenwald, Tennessee 38462 United States 1 (888) 526-3978