The month of green, gold, four leaf clovers and leprechauns.

Oliver Travel Trailers Newsletter
Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2018


Letter from the Editor

The month of green, gold, four leaf clovers and leprechauns...

What do you think of when you hear the word March? When I do, I think green for St. Patrick's Day. I've never really been one to do much St. Patrick's day celebration until I met my fiance`, who in fact celebrates everything.... EVERYTHING, I even get a birthday month. Her dog gets a birthday month that rival's mine (Me jealous? Nope... ok a little.). She is such a happy person... So happy about life. She's always loved making memories more than any materialistic thing I could ever give her.

This year we planned on going to do some Irish Festivities in Nashville, where we can find some good ol' authentic Irish music. Speaking of music - Ireland is somewhere we have added to our bucket list to visit, there is just something about the calm, vibrant, green ever-flowing hills and valleys that has intrigued us since the day we saw it in pictures and articles.


Can you imagine going into some of those towns and pubs with real Irish songs playing, being sung and the people enjoying being alive in that one very moment in time? It is so magical to me.

Whatever you do, wherever you are and whoever you are with.... Find something to celebrate, live each day like it's the first time seeing it, because it is.

Wishing you a rainbow,

For sunlight after showers -

Miles and miles of Irish smiles

For golden happy hours -

Shamrocks at your doorway

For luck and laughter too,

And a host of friends that never ends

Each day your whole life through!

- An ol' Irish Blessing -

Until next month,

Jason K. Walmsley, editor

We encourage you to research further and I can promise you, you will like what you see in an Oliver travel trailer. Visit our website at to see more and schedule a plant tour or field visit. Happy Trails from Hohenwald, TN, USA!


Grider Creek Camp – Klamath National Forest

By: Frank McMichael, Hull No.101

One early morning I left my Oak Bottom camp on the Salmon River and headed west to SR 96 and then toward Happy Camp about fifty miles north on SR 96. Happy Camp is a small rural town with a not too prosperous look but it is home to some interesting and diverse creatures. Once at Happy Camp, I gassed up, drove through the town and looked around some. There was only one place in town to obtain gas. I had enough groceries so I didn’t stop to stock up at the one supermarket in town. There is a paid campground in town with full utilities but I was not interested.


Just like Bigfoot, my interests are for remote, more unpopulated places such as the campground I just left, along with seeing new country.

As far as unpopulated, new country, Mr. Big wasn’t much for giving directions except he did point east toward Seidad valley.

The Seidad valley is approximately 20-25 miles east of Happy Camp on SR 96 and approximately 65 miles west of Yreka where 96 connects to IS 5. In this valley is the turnoff to USFS Grider Creek Camp. That was my destination. All I knew about this location was essentially a symbol on a Benchmark Atlas map and that it was far enough off paved roads that there would likely be a low population of people and few campers. I was right.


The signage for the road to Grider Creek was not well located but I was able to find the turnoff after some searching. There was no Grider Creek USFS flagging sign on 96 indicating the upcoming turn as is usual for FS campgrounds, so I drove by the turnoff the first time or two.

This sign, sheltered from view by trees, was set approximately 100 feet from SR 96 where most vehicle drivers on that road would not notice it as they drove by. The road seen in the picture is the turn-off road from 96 towards Grider Creek.

The first part of the road was paved, with houses along each side for the first approximately two miles. After that, the road narrowed, turned to gravel with ruts and dips and ample dust. The heavy winter rain had not been kind to the road - the rain had eroded and pot holed the road significantly and it did not appear that any seasonal maintenance had been done. Once past the houses, there were no pull outs or drive ways for turn arounds. If the road became too bad and I needed to turn back, there was no place to do so. Trusting the map, the sign and the camping gods, I continued forward.

About five miles in, I came to a Y intersection. One part of the Y went up hill and the other downhill. There were no directional signs that I could see. I stopped and parked at the Y, knowing that if I needed to retrace my travels this would be a good location to turn around. I nearly turned around but at the last minute decided to walk the downhill road to see if there was a campground ahead. I sagely chose downhill because there are generally not creeks uphill. After approximately a third mile I was able to see what might be a campground below but it was difficult to tell because of the trees. Presuming that it was and that any campground would have a roundabout or space enough to turn around, I went back to my truck and proceeded downhill.


As I walked back I wondered why the usual NFS campground signage was not posted. At my return, I searched around and sure enough, there was the sign lying hidden in the ditch on the upslope side covered by weeds and brambles.

Usually these signs are well anchored with two posts in the ground, so someone had gone to considerable effort to break the anchor posts and remove it from its place and essentially hide it. I pulled it out of the weeds and propped it against the slope so that it might be better seen by the next traveler.

Throughout the campground there were water erosion ruts and other signs of flooding from this past winter’s rain. Many of the camp spots were so destroyed that a four wheel drive vehicle would have had difficulty moving into them. It was clear that this campground had not been maintained for several seasons as the blackberry vines had pioneered their way into some spots and essentially eaten them. Here and there, one could see a camp table peeking above the vines seemingly begging for help to resist the voracious vines.


However, near the Creek, there was a just right spot with sunshine for the solar and shade for the relaxing. It had a fire ring and a camp table, uneaten by the blackberry vines. It also had some amount of cut and split firewood. Goldilocks had followed me from my Oak Bottom campground, it appeared.

The site was level enough that I did not have to disconnect from the truck nor use the leveling jacks. I never had this happen before. Seeing the bubble dead center inside the tongue jack bullseye was a surprise - I double checked it with my two foot carpenter’s level, it was all good. A good omen for a pleasant camping experience, it seemed. There were no other campers in the campground and it remained that way for the four days that I was there.


Grider Creek was flowing strongly. There were many rounded rocks and some boulders in and alongside the creek. It was deep enough and the flow strong, enough, I did not attempt to wade to see if I could observe fish. Three to four inches of water moving with sufficient force can knock a person off their feet causing a fall – the deeper the water with the same force, the greater the chance for a fall.

If I fell, the rocks would catch me and break my old bones. I have become very cautious in my old age, if not wiser. It was unlikely that stronger, more agile person could have waded without mishap. Maybe Bigfoot could have waded about.

I looked from the banks but did not see any fish lurking around the rocks or small pools. Because I couldn’t see them didn’t mean they weren’t there or someplace else in the stream. However, in thinking about it, I am reminded that after more than five years of drought, few trout might have survived. The drought helped to nearly eliminate the salmon in the Klamath River so likely the trout too. Grider Creek is a tributary of the Klamath. This past record rainfall year would not be enough to bring back the fish – it will take continuing winter rains for several to many years to do that.

My camp spot was above the right side bank just forward of where the big rock can be seen at the limits of the photo. The sounds of the flow lulled me to sleep each night that I was there. Best sleep aid there is in my opinion.


If the objective is to simply get to the other side, about a hundred feet down from where I was parked there was a rusty steel walk bridge crossing over the creek. By their new appearance in contrast to the older boards, it could be seen that some walk boards had recently been replaced.

On the other side, heading up slope, remnants of a trail could be seen. The bushes and vines were so overgrown, the trail could barely discern it. Based on the overgrowth and no foot marks, it did not appear that anyone had recently gone through the upslope trail.

On first sight, it was a puzzle to me as to why anyone (presumably the USFS) would place a very well built bridge across this stream when there seemed to be little need or value for it. I was later to learn from a United States Forest Service employee that this bridge location was to allow hikers on the Pacific Crest Trail to come down from the Trail and then walk into the Seidad valley where they could re-supply, get a shower, scarf down a few burgers and fries and generally relax for a day or so. In my three days there, I only saw two hikers cross the bridge and head up the road to the valley; two young women, very lean and fit looking, with backpacks seemingly larger than them.

On two days, I brought my chair to the middle of the bridge, sat in the morning sunshine and read while occasionally looking at the view. Often the lullaby of the water pulled me away from my book into a drowsy, hypnotic state of not here. Also, ate my lunch there. Dining on a walk bridge over a cheerful creek that I had exclusively to myself is the kind of reason that I seek out more remote places to be.

On the second morning, Bill and Peggy arrived along with two mules and a horse mare in a trailer. They worked for the USFS keeping the Pacific Crest Trail cleared. Bill said that they had been assigned fifty miles of trail to clean and clear. They were only to use hand tools, no power tools. The only way they could haul their tools in was by mule back.

Bill rode one mule, Peggy rode the mare and the third mule carried a pack with axes, hand saws, picks, shovels and the like in it. There was no lead rope on the pack mule, it readily followed the other two animals without any direction or control by Bill or Peggy. They made quite a sight as they left to do some maintenance. Bill told me later that male mules have an affinity for following a lead horse mare’s rear and that he had gone across country with multiple mules without lead ropes and that as long as the horse mare was in the lead, the mules would follow wherever the mare went.

About six o’clock they returned, looking exhausted. As they were unsaddling their animals and feeding and watering them, I invited them to have dinner with me, offering them a choice of lasagna or enchilada pie which my dear wife had made for me. With pleased smiles, they indicated that lasagna was their choice. Thanks to the blessed Oliver’s microwave, it took very little time for preparation. After eating, Peggy made a point of telling me that I should send her appreciation to my wife for the delicious lasagna. I told her that I would when I next got to a cell phone reception area.

As they ate, we talked. Bill and Peggy appeared to be about my age maybe some younger. They were very lean and fit looking. They owned a ranch in the Seidad valley where they lived and kept their various mules and horses. Having been raised on a farm with mules and horses for farm power, I had some limited awareness and experience with equines.

When I told Bill that while I liked horses, I had always thought mules were preferable for many tasks because of their agility, strength, endurance and less likelihood of spooking by comparison to a horse. Bill readily agreed and then talked about his lifetime of experience cross country packing with mules. Because of our age similarities, we had much in common including that opinion about mules. We talked for a long time until Peggy told Bill that they still had chores at the ranch and she was very tired and wanted to go home.

I was so pleased with our visit that I completely forgot to ask them to allow me to take pictures of them and their mules. My bad! But my good in having such a pleasurable conversation and visit with them.

I stayed at the Grider Creek Campground for two more nights, this was the highlight of my time there. Had I turned around at the Y, as I first thought to do so, I would not have met them nor made this nice memory.

This was the day that was.

Are you a story teller?

Do you have interesting experiences, places you have been, an Oliver Travel Trailers specific adventure, new horizons or other? We're looking for people like Frank McMichael who wish to share their stories with all of us newsletter subscribers. If this is something that you would be interested in please email me your stories and they may be featured in one of our monthly newsletters. Please be mindful and use pictures to help describe your story and while good writing skills are necessary, they are not required.



Easy to do Customizations for your Ollie

Dependable Flashlight at hand and always in the same place.


Umbrella within reach and protected, I used a plastic fishing rod holder to secure the umbrella in a great location.


Screen Door Bar. Credit for this idea goes to the Lukens. Thank you! Purchased on sale at Camping World $9.47


- by Cobra1169 on the Oliver forums

For More Cool Ideas check out our forums page at


Starting this month we're adding a new section that features an article from the service department manager Jason D. Essary. Every month he will be adding some insights to help maintain your Oliver Travel Trailer.

Dealing with Humidity & Moisture Buildup

by Jason D. Essary

Every Oliver camper is designed for 4-Season camping. However, cold weather can bring along with it unwanted moisture. This natural phenomenon brings positive and negative effects to your camper. The increase of moisture in the air can actually make the air feel warmer but it also brings the possibility of condensation inside your camper. Eventually this condensation builds up can become a problem as the water may start to fog up your windows, run down the side of your camper or even drip onto your mattresses. In a typical RV you might not even notice this issue as it may hide in your wood walls and floors or carpeted walls, eventually turning into mold and rot. In the Oliver there is nothing to hide this natural phenomenon which definitely puts a spot light on the problem at hand but also keeps you safe from future major repairs. The main question is, how to solve this so it doesn’t cause us a problem at all?

1. Use a Dehumidifier

Just like you might have a dehumidifier at home in your basement, you should have one in your camper during the cold season. If you choose to use one with a holding tank be sure to empty it out frequently. You can also use a dehumidifier that has special beads that absorb moisture in the air and then they can be replenished. Be sure to replenish these units outside the camper so you aren’t just putting the moisture right back inside the camper.

2. Use your Exhaust Fans when Cooking or Showering

Water vapor is being put into the air inside your camper every time you cook or shower. To help rid your camper of this unwanted water vapor that will turn into condensation, turn on your exhaust fans and exhaust it outside the camper.

3. Open a Window

Just by opening a window when it’s chilly outside it can help reduce the inside humidity. This may make your heat source work a bit harder and it isn’t recommended when it’s raining outside but the payoff on reducing the inside moisture may be worth it.

4. Increase the Temperature

Condensation is created because water vapor in the air is cooled and turned back to liquid form. By increasing the inside temperature it may help reduce the amount of condensation.

5. Monitor the Humidity

Some moisture in the air is actually good for you so monitoring the inside humidity and keeping it somewhere between 30% to 50% should be fine. You can buy a hygrometer that displays the humidity level inside of your camper.

6. Use a Moisture Absorber

You can get different products that absorb moisture in the air and help prevent excessive humidity. This type of product works well in closed areas of your camper like a closet or other closed storage areas that may not be heated.

7. Use an Anti-Moisture Mattress Underlay

You can purchase a special underlay material that provides air flow under your mattress. This will help to prevent moisture buildup, mold and mildew.

Here is a list of some of the products available to help with humidity and moisture:

Damp Rid


Indoor Hygrometer

Hypervent Condensation Prevention Matting


Trail Overview


Distance: 2 miles (3.2 km) round trip to lake and back; 5 miles (8 km) loop around lake

Elevation: 100 feet

Difficulty: Easy to Moderate

Time: 1 hour round trip to the lake (end of paved trail); 2-3 hours for full loopBegin at: Mirror Lake Trailhead (shuttle stop #17)

This trail begins at shuttle stop #17. The first mile of this trail is a paved service road that leads directly to Mirror Lake. You may access the loop trail from the end of the paved path. The loop follows Tenaya Creek beyond the lake, and crosses two bridges after the Snow Creek Trail junction before returning past Mirror Lake on the south side of Tenaya Canyon. (There is no safe access to the north side of Mirror Lake directly from the south side of the loop, except via bridges at the west and east ends of the trail).

Mirror Lake has little water much of the year and, while pleasant at any time of year, it is fullest in spring and early summer, when Tenaya Creek flows freely with fresh snowmelt. When water is calm, the lake offers beautiful reflections of surrounding cliffs. Exhibits along the trail tell the story of Mirror Lake's lake-to-meadow succession, and also highlight some of the cultural history of the area. Mirror Lake is often referred to as Mirror Meadow in late summer due to the lack of water and the influx of grasses and sandy areas.


This trail is open year-round. In winter it can be icy and snowy, especially along the south side of Tenaya Creek.

Stay Safe

  • Be aware of slick conditions along the south side of this loop trail during winter and early spring. With few natural barriers to hold onto or to brace yourself, it is fairly easy to slip and fall. This section of trail often remains covered in snow and ice, even when the north side of the loop is snow-free. When winter conditions exist, consider making an out and back trip along the north side of the loop.
  • Stay on the trail! This is especially important during spring and early summer when water levels are highest. When hiking on the south side of the loop, hikers often spot what appears to be an easy way to rock-hop across Tenaya Creek, either just for fun, or as a way to shortcut the loop and rejoin the trail without doing the entire loop. While this crossing is only ankle deep at first, it quickly becomes thigh deep, and, all too often, hikers are swept into dangerous whitewater and pinned against rocks. Don’t be tempted to leave the trail, and always remember when approaching moving water to look at the conditions downstream.
  • Watch our preventive search and rescue/swiftwater videos to learn more about past experiences visitors had in this area of the park.


Drinking water is not available at the trailhead or along the trail. Come prepared, and if you opt to extend your hike to travel the full Mirror Lake Loop or up the Snow Creek Trail, plan accordingly.


Vault toilets are available about 0.5 miles (0.8 km) from the trailhead and also 1 mile (1.6 km) from the trailhead at the end of the paved service road at Mirror Lake. There are no additional restrooms along the trail.


Parking is not available at the trailhead. The nearest parking area is at Half Dome Village (formerly Curry Village), though you can easily access the trail by parking anywhere in eastern Yosemite Valley and taking the free shuttle (get off at shuttle stop #17).


The Valley Visitor Shuttle (7 am to 10 pm year-round) serves the trailhead at shuttle stop #17. You can also bicycle the first mile of the trail to the end of the paved service road. From there, you can either turn around or park your bike and begin your hike.

Trail Etiquette

Leashed pets, bicycles, and strollers are allowed on the first paved mile of the trail. Beyond that, they are prohibited. Keep your food within arm's reach at all times and do not feed the wildlife. Carry out all trash and food waste (fruit peels, shells, etc.).


Music City Irish Fest

March 17th & 18th

Music City Irish Fest is a FREE St. Patrick’s Day festival at Riverfront Park on Saturday, March 17th and Sunday, March 18th. There will be Irish music and performances, hurling, jigs, food, beer, and lots of green. Get ready for a fun, family-friendly Irish festival.

There are some videos on the website of the music you can expect to hear:

Upcoming Events


3rd Annual Oliver Travel Trailers Rally

We are planning a great time for the 2018 Oliver Travel Trailer Rally. As the popularity of the rally has grown from 45 attendees for our first rally to the second rally last year with 175 attendees, we wanted upscale accommodations that offers exceptional recreational activities as well as great local attractions. We also needed a campground that is near enough to Hohenwald, Tennessee to allow an easy drive for Oliver Travel Trailer service work. For the 2018 rally, we will gather at one of the most beautiful state parks, Lake Guntersville State Park located in Guntersville, Alabama. This premium park offers full hook-ups, exceptional views of Lake Guntersville and the Tennessee River. May 4-7, 2018

Lake Guntersville State Park

24 State Campground Rd,Guntersville, Alabama 35755


Toronto RV Show

To celebrate the recent regulatory approval of the Oliver lineup in Canada, Team Oliver participated in its first international RV show by exhibiting two Ollies at the Toronto RV Show March 1-4, 2018. As we reflect on our visit to the RV show in Toronto, we realize we met some really great people and saw just how enthusiastic the people are about camping up in the "deep freeze" of Canada.

Most of the visitors at the Toronto RV Show had never heard of us. Several that had heard of us, have told us that the pictures and videos online do not compare to seeing an Oliver in person. We even met a few that had driven 8-10 hours just to see our trailer models. We cannot thank you enough for taking your time to travel and see us in person. Our time in Toronto was very gratifying and we are reassured that our travel trailer were well received. If we only had a dollar for every time we were told that the Ollie is the best quality travel trailer the viewer has ever seen, maybe we wouldn’t need to make them anymore. We certainly are blessed and beyond grateful for all of our visitors, customers and the people that came together in Toronto to make this expansion possible.

Thank you Canada for such a great & memorable experience!

For More Information visit


Campfire Cinnamon Roll-Ups

These sweets treats are made with just 3 easy to pack ingredients and only take about five minutes to cook over an open flame.


Total: 15 min

Prep: 10 min

Cook: 5 min

Yield: 6 servings

Level: Easy


  • 1 package crescent rolls
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 tbsp cinnamon
  • Wooden BBQ Skewers


  1. Combine cinnamon and sugar in small bowl
  2. Separate crescent rolls and wrap them around the skewer
  3. Roll it in the cinnamon sugar mixture
  4. Cook over campfire for 5 minutes, rotating frequently
  5. Optional - Mix 1/4 cup powdered sugar and 2-3 tbsp water together to make a glaze and drizzle over cooked roll-up

For More Recipes visit

Welcome to the Family


Welcome Bruce & Lois A, to the Oliver Family. We hope y'all have a wonderful time in your brand new Oliver Legacy Elite II!


Welcome the Mike E. to the Oliver Family. We hope y'all have a wonderful time in your brand new Oliver Legacy Elite II!


Welcome Joseph J. to the Oliver Family. They are taking home their brand new Legacy Elite II and looking for adventure!


Welcome David and Diane C. to the Oliver Family. We hope y'all have a wonderful time in your brand new Oliver Legacy Elite II!


Welcome Ron Huggy Bear and Jean H. to the Oliver Family. We hope y'all have a wonderful time in your brand new Oliver Legacy Elite II!


Ollie's Trivia of the Month

Last Month's Trivia:

What is the approximate date of the first Valentine ever sent?


While there’s some debate about who first sent a V-Day missive, some sources say the down-and-out Saint Valentine himself actually sent the first valentine. Enamored with his jailor’s daughter, Valentine sent her a letter before his execution. And the British Library in London holds the oldest known surviving valentine, a poem composed in French in 1415 by Charles Duke of Orleans to his wife, which he sent while imprisoned in the Tower of London.

And lest one think that only incarcerated men were once capable of sending love notes, the British Library also possesses the oldest known valentine in the English language, a poem composed in 1477 by a woman named Margery Brews to her fickle fiancé.

This Month's Trivia:

In Ireland, what does the color green stand for?

On behalf of The Team at OTT and The Oliver Family we'd like to thank you

for your interest in Oliver Travel Trailers.

We look forward to helping you learn more about the Oliver difference.

Feel free to give us a call with any questions you may have at this time.

Kind Regards,

The Oliver Family and Team

For more information about our travel trailers, please give us a call at...


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Oliver Travel Trailers 737 Columbia Hwy Hohenwald, Tennessee 38462 United States 1 (888) 526-3978