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Oliver Newsletter May 2018

Issue 5, Volume 3, May 2018
Letter from the Editor
April Showers bring May Flowers
We've probably all heard the saying "April showers bring May flowers" and while this is true, it also brings the dreadful sneezing, puffy eyes and scratchy throat! I love spring but I can do without the pollen running rampant and spreading it's green "love" all over... well, over everything. 

Despite the pollen, spring is my favorite time of year. It's the time when all the colors come alive. I get a wonderful feeling from the warm radiating sun, the vivid colors from the plant life and the smells of sweet aromas that fill the air. It's the season everything is made new again. Just thinking about it gets me pumped and ready to hit the open road with my loved ones. This year our very first spring stop is the 2018 Oliver Rally.

Let’s hope that this rainy start brings us lots of beautiful flowers and good warm weather for the 3rd Annual Oliver Travel Trailers Rally being held at Lake Guntersville State Park, Alabama! This is going to be our biggest and best rally since we started back in 2015 with a small group of people that came from all over. By the second year we had grown from a small group to nearly 100 attendees. Now for the 3rd annual Oliver Rally we're expecting more than 200 attendees and over 80 Oliver owners. 

If you haven't made your plans yet, you may do so by going to our Rally Registration Page, found here https://olivertraveltrailers.com/rally/
Until next month,

Jason Walmsley, editor

We encourage you to research further and I can promise you, you will like what you see in an Oliver Travel Trailer. Visit our website at olivertraveltrailers.com  to see more and schedule a plant tour or field visit.

Happy Trails from Hohenwald, TN, USA!
To  LIVE  would be an awfully big ADVENTURE.
Wool Gathering and
Sagebrush Sitting
By: Frank McMichael, Hull No.101
     Because of the snow, it was necessary early one morning to hurriedly leave my campsite in the Joaquin Miller Horse Camp in the Malheur National Forest and head toward the community of John Day. This was not a good start to my day as I had to forgo my usual morning routine.

     My usual morning routine is to make coffee in my percolator and then stroll around the camp area, coffee cup in hand, greeting the sun, checking out the morning and watching the day come alive. If in a campground, sometimes other early morning people are about and we will talk. I have met some interesting people this way. Other boondocking times, on occasion, animals such as birds, foxes, deer, and very occasionally a coyote would be observed. I have never seen larger predators such as bears or mountain lions around my camping area but I have seen bear scat. The scenery and views are always interesting and new. After walking around, I return to my beloved Oliver to perform my morning ablutions and then make breakfast.

     Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, coffee and food were large on my mind and not much else upon arrival to the community of John Day. After breakfast, I sat curbside in front of the restaurant looking at maps and debating which direction to go next. The weather was supposed to be more snow for the mountains over this late May weekend. While mountain camping has high appeal, camping in snow and cold has little appeal. Thus my quandary as to which direction to point my nose, as all directions were having snowy weather. It had been a long wet winter. Spring had been mostly wet and cold all over the intermountain west including eastern Oregon.

     Eastern Oregon is very different than coastal or central Oregon. It is a big place with little population and small towns with few places of employment. Except for ranching and some tourism, little else in the way of legal economic activity is available for employment. Distances between population centers are large. In some places, one would have to drive a hundred miles over steep, winding, mountain roads to find a box store. It has wooded mountains interspersed with grass valleys, far less rainfall than west of the Cascades - deserts in some places and has large amounts of government owned land.

     The federal government owns approximately 28% of the lands of the US, most of it in the western states. It owns 52% of the land in Oregon, nearly 85% in Nevada, 61 % in Idaho, nearly 65% in Utah, nearly 46% in California and more - altogether 47% of the west. By comparison, eastern states’ lands have little Federal ownership, most land is in private ownership. As a part of the federal government, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) rules over an area the size of France, Germany and Italy combined. It controls one-eighth of the land mass in the US, about the size of South Africa. Its holdings are in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. BLM land holdings do not include land in the eastern part of the US, so many people back east are not familiar with this federal agency. In companion to BLM, the US Forest Service also owns large tracts of land, mostly timbered mountain land.

     This level of ownership by the Federal government effectively prevents private ownership and thus private economic activity that could provide employment for people in a large part of the west, including eastern Oregon. The lands of the Federal government contain a large amount of timber land which once was selectively harvested by private contractors in response to bid requests initiated by the USFS. This was effectively stopped during the Clinton administration. Twenty years on, this is why many small communities in the west look hollowed out. This long article in the New York Times will help to understand some of the economics and people’s viewpoints and circumstances.

     Before the timber industry was effectively eliminated by federal rules, people were able to make a living working in the forests or the mills. The county that I live in, twenty plus years ago had nearly two dozen mills providing thousands of jobs from timber harvested from federal lands. Now, there are three. Similar tales can be had in other places like eastern Oregon. 

     The massive federal ownership of land does have a benefit to people like me who can find places to camp at little or no cost. This gives me many choices for travel and camping which can sometimes be a quandary; thus my study of which direction to proceed from John Day. East could have taken me to US 95 which could then lead north to Idaho or south to Nevada. While Idaho was tempting, it was fairly certain that it would have more cold and snow than my current location so that would have to wait until another time. Heading south to Nevada was the best bet for finding some sunshine and warmth. Going west to coastal Oregon was not considered because the snow-laden Cascades would have to be crossed and snow chains would likely be needed. Plus, I have visited the spectacular Oregon coast many times - my interest was new places.

     Because it was close by, my decision was to head north on US 395 and go to Ukiah, Oregon. Ukiah, California is my place of residence. Ukiah, Oregon was named after Ukiah, California so this seemed an opportunity to visit and compare the two communities. Ukiah, Oregon is a small community maybe as large as 300-400 people - located a mile or so east of US 395 along State 244. I drove through the three blocks or so of downtown and then turned around - there did not seem to be much going on. Surprisingly, there was no vehicle traffic. The place seemed hollowed out. There were vestiges of better times past as evidenced by empty store fronts and a few unused industrial buildings on locations that were probably lumber mills at one time.

     Houses were spread within walking distance of the town center. Most looked to have been built individually (no subdivisions) on lots spacious by modern subdivision standards. It appeared that there was ample room for a garden and fruit trees on most lots; some were large enough to have grazing horses. Many homes were in a cottage style common to pre-WWII with painted wood siding of the double ogee type. Wood smoke poured from most house chimneys. As one might expect for a town this small in an isolated area, there were no chain supermarkets or formula fast food restaurants. Any such was a two hour drive away. Living here would be more like the 1950’s than in urban areas today. I would like it, my wife not so much.

     There was no one about the streets - not one walking person was seen. On a cold, rainy, gloomy day even the town sign seemed reticent to be seen. 
Notice the length and greenery of the grass. Just south of this valley, in the mountains whence I came, it was near freezing and it was snowing. Similar weather was likely in all directions, as mountains surround the valley in all directions. By witness of the green grass, it was apparent that the Ukiah valley had a warmer and sunnier spring than current weather would indicate. The signage for the road to Grider Creek  

was not well located but I was able to find the turnoff after some searching. There was no Grider Creek USFS flagging sign on 96 indicating the upcoming turn as is usual for FS campgrounds, so I drove by the turnoff the first time or two.

     After this whirlwind tour of greater Ukiah, noting that Pendleton, Oregon was a little more than two hours north, visiting the Pendleton Mill, which is famous for making wool blankets, shirts and jackets, seemed to be a good idea. Pendleton Mill was established in 1863 during the middle of the Civil War. Pendleton-made shirts were known all over the west for their warmth and durability. They were a product made for the working west. Outdoors working people wore them for all kinds of outside activities. Even cowboys who proclaimed their hatred of all things sheep, wore these shirts.

     When we were first married my wife gifted me with several Pendleton shirts. They were nice, thick, substantial feeling shirts that were warm enough for being outside without benefit of a jacket on a northern California winter day. I wore them every winter for over a decade before I outgrew them. I looked forward to finding some that would fit the more robust figure of my late married life.

     To me, seeing how things are made is fascinating. The Pendleton Blanket Mill is a very interesting place, worth a tour if you stop by. The Mill Shop was disappointing in that all of the shirts in the shop were made in Mexico, albeit with Pendleton / Oregon wool - at least that was the store clerk's claim. The clerk said that they had to move their shirt making operation to Mexico because the cost of manufacture in Oregon was so much higher that no one would buy their shirts.

     Compared with the ones that my wife bought me, the shirts were quite thin - flimsy feeling. There was no sense of substance to them. Solid colors, which were my interest, were not available. Given that they are made in Mexico, prices were $99 to $149 at their factory store for a flimsy feeling shirt of unattractive plaids, I am not sure that many were still being sold. At that price and quality, few if any working men could buy these shirts or would be interested in doing so. Certainly this retired working man wasn’t interested. I didn’t see others buying either.

     In their blanket room, it was markedly different. Along with myself, six to seven people were lining up to purchase armloads of blankets. I really liked the very substantial feel of the blankets and the implied warmth possible with them. (Before Mexico, their shirts used to have a similar substantial feel.) The heft of the blankets was such that the prices seemed worth it but my bargain bone was tingling. They had some very nice, twin bed blankets marked down because of "flaws". The flaws were marked by a small pieces of tape with a notation but they did not seem significant to me. The marked down price was appealing enough to buy two twin bed blankets for use that night. I had been using an opened sleeping bag as a comforter over my top sheet but it was not working. It worked for warmth but because of the slickness of the bag’s material, it kept sliding off the bed during the night. The wool blankets didn't slide and they were very warm. Life is good!

     While the city of Pendleton has been around since the 1860’s, it seemed to have little vestige of the western, frontier flavor of its past. Mostly it seemed like just another small city with freeways slicing through it. With little to attract me, I left the community with my blankets safely ensconced on my bed in the Oliver. By 2:00 PM, Pendleton was behind us, beloved Oliver and I were heading south on IS 84.

     For the next two hours, rain, sleet, snow, wind and pockets of sunshine were my drive companions. By the time Baker City appeared, I had enough of the buffeting wind and the sleeting rain. The first available campground with utilities was quickly decided upon. It was predicted to be cold this night so plugging in my electric heater rather than using my propane for the furnace was an incentive for finding a private pay campground.

     The next morning’s sunshine and still air seemed to belie yesterday’s weather. In all directions from the campground, one could see snow capped mountains in the distance. 

     After a shower and breakfast, I left my camp spot about 9:30 a.m. and again headed south on IS 84 intending to connect to US 95 south through southeastern Oregon to some Nevada sunshine. 
     Southeastern Oregon is sagebrush land of little trees or water. This land has a beauty all of its own but if you prefer grass and trees, this is not the place for you. For me, the vistas are the attraction as is true for much of the arid west. Sage has an odor that is enticing to me. Plucking some and rubbing it between my palms to release its pungent odor is a delight. I often bring some into my truck and the Oliver. Smelling it makes me feel all western and cowboyed up.
This is the view as I approached my yet to be determined sagebrush camp spot for the night. The snow capped mountains in the distance are in Nevada.

     Because of the long distances and the clear air, this vista held for a long part of my drive. Approaching the Front Range of the Rockies from Nebraska has a similar effect. At 60 mph one can observe the change over a period of hours. The early wagon train, 
pioneers were lucky if they made ten miles per day. Imagine how they must have felt as those mountains loomed before them for many days and weeks. Especially knowing that somehow they had to get their wagons over or around those mountains. Is it any wonder many of them stopped east of the Rockies to make Denver? (And yes, I know about the Santa Fe Trail and the Oregon Trail). The more that I travel the west, the more I admire those early people that moved to the west.

     By six o’clock I was sitting on BLM sagebrush land not far from the Nevada line eating dinner and watching the range cows graze. (One takes entertainment where it can be found). There was no one else around, just me, my Oliver and the cows. The mountains were still before me. The ability to pick a spot on government land and camp is one of the great attractions for owning my beloved Oliver as it can be taken many places that larger rigs dare not go.
     This is the view from the Oliver’s dining table window, as I was eating. It is hard to see but there are snow capped mountains behind the rain cloud. The cows that I had watched grazing are out of the frame to the left. The brown spots in the middle distance are cows that did not want me to watch them eat.

     As I was eating, Oliver was rocking from the wind. I liked it. There is something viscerally satisfying about 
knowing the cold wind was blowing and you are warm and toasty. The wind continued into the night, rocking me to sleep with a whistling lullaby.

     I had driven into clearing weather and sunshine and expected that would continue as I proceeded further south. My travel plan for the morrow was heading south for the Ruby Mountains in Nevada.

This was the day that was.
Are you a Story Teller?
Do you have interesting experiences, places you have been, an Oliver Travel Trailers specific adventure, new horizons or other? We're looking for people like Frank McMichael who wish to share their stories with all of us newsletter subscribers. If this is something that you would be interested in please email me your stories and they may be featured in one of our monthly newsletters. Please be mindful and use pictures to help describe your story and while good writing skills are necessary, they are not required.

email: jwalmsley@olivertechnologies.com
Nightstand Table Lamp
My list of requirements for the lamp were: that it be 12 volt so that I didn’t need to be plugged in or have the inverter on to use it; that it be securely mounted but easily removed; that all the wiring should be hidden and everything look completely built in; that the bulb have a nice warm temperature (I’m a believer in having only low temp lighting on for at least an hour before bed); that it have a switch that’s easily accessible while lying in bed; and that 
the lamp itself should be high quality, able to withstand bumps and vibrations, and last the life of the trailer.

So, with all that in mind, I first picked out the lamp. We went with the Petite Candlestick Lamp from Restoration Hardware. I would have preferred something a little bit more modern, but this one was the right size and has an Art Deco feel to it that I think goes fine with everything else we’ve done and with the trailer itself. It’s way too tall as it comes, but dismantling it and cutting it down to a reasonable height for the trailer is pretty straightforward. I’ve gotten several lamps from Restoration Hardware, and they’ve all been super high quality and this one is no exception. They have a yearly or twice yearly half-off sale on lighting, so if you get one from them, be patient and wait because they’re arguably overpriced at retail.

Secondly, I found these bulbs on Amazon , which you can get in warm white or daylight, whichever you prefer. That’s really all you need to convert a lamp to 12 volt these days, apart from swapping out the plug or direct wiring it to the trailer. I went with a lighter plug since I wanted to be able to remove the lamp. You can get those anywhere, but I highly recommend a locking marine style plug because the quality difference is substantial.

Third, you’ll need a socket for the plug if you go that route. I was fortunate in that I had asked Oliver to provide us with USB ports on the nightstand, so I already had 12 volt power run. If you don’t, then you’ll need to tap into the wiring behind the breaker panel on the right side of the attic and then run your wiring down to
the basement and then up through the base of the nightstand. Shouldn’t be too difficult but I can’t say for sure since I didn’t have to go that route. But I did need the socket, and while I was at it I wanted to add some USB ports inside the nightstand as well. So I ordered a combination outlet panel by Blue Sea off Amazon. It has a pair of dual USB sockets and a lighter outlet, and also has a switch and circuit breaker inside. It’s a really nice panel.
So, how to mount the lamp to the table. Steve and Tali had the genius idea of gluing magnets to the base of their lamp and to the underside of the table top. I experimented with that but just couldn’t get it to work. Maybe the table tops are different or thicker, but I just got a really weak hold even with some super strong magnets. So instead, I decided to bolt through. Since I had the lamp apart anyway, I just swapped out the threaded rod holding it together with one that was a few inches longer than what I needed. (The way the original rod was made it couldn’t be cut down.) When I put the lamp back together, I left the extra rod sitting out the base at the bottom. Then carefully drilled a ½” hole where I wanted the lamp, put the rod through the hole and screwed it in. I got the biggest washer I could find to distribute the load on the tabletop.
Finally, I decided that a little chrome push button mounted to the table top in front of the lamp would make for a great switch. This one was perfect.

Then I drilled another ½” hole just in front of the lamp and mounted the switch. The switch is just a tad mushy for my taste, but it’s acceptable and I like the way it kind of disappears in all the reflections on the top. Underneath, wiring it up was a simple task and the only tricky part was that I had 
to solder the connections to the switch, and I’ve never developed good soldering skills. But it works. I added a few zip tie mounts with VHB tape to hold the wiring in place out of the way and keep it from vibrating too much. The switch connection is a bit exposed, so I think I might paint some plasti dip on the leads. Finally, I added the lighter plug, leaving plenty of slack in the cord, and covered the cord with wire wrap to protect it.
In the nightstand, I removed one of the little shelves that hold the tray in place and mounted the outlet panel there. The panel is a bit too wide, but it’s a good spot for it, so I cut a little notch on the bottom of the tray for it to fit back. I just unclipped the wiring from one of the USB outlets Oliver had installed and clipped it to the new panel. I’ll probably run a jumper back to that outlet even though I doubt we’ll ever use it now. I don’t like the 
angle of the wire coming out of the plug, so I’ll need to add another zip tie mount or something there, but I was down to the two I used on the top so I’ll need to get some more. I then cut a scallop out of the back of the tray to run the wire, and any other cords we might have for charging stuff in the tray. You’ll also notice in the pics that I drilled a hole in the back of the nightstand for USB cords to run, and ground out a little notch in the bottom of the top for the cords. I think I need to grind out a notch along the back as well, since right now I have to pull the top out a bit for the cords. And that’s it.

To see more of the post and more information go here:
Nightstand Table Lamp
Every month service department manager Jason D. Essary  will be adding some insights to help maintain your Oliver Travel Trailer.
Camper Maintenance
Preventative maintenance is maintenance that you perform on your camper to help prevent problems and keep the camper in its best condition. This type of maintenance consists of inspecting, cleaning, lubricating, greasing, adjusting and servicing your camper. Some of these maintenance items should be done on a monthly or yearly basis. Other checks or inspections should be done each time you plan to go on a trip. Knowing what maintenance to perform and when is important to ensure that your camper stays in good working condition. Now, let’s take a look at these maintenance items and how often they should be performed.

Inspections before each trip

  1. Inspect your 7-Pin Trailer connector and all trailer lights
  2. Inspect Safety Break-away switch
  3. Inspect Safety Cables
  4. Inspect Tires & Tire Pressure

Monthly Inspections/Services

  1. Grease Dexter EZ Flex Wet Bolts (Every mths/3,000 Miles)
  2. Inspect/Clean Water Pump Filter
  3. Lubricate Waste Blade Valves
  4. Wash Exterior

Yearly Inspection/Services

  1. Repack wheel bearings & inspect for improper wear/damage
  2. Inspect Brake Linings/Magnets
  3. Inspect Suspension Components
  4. Inspect Water Heater Filter or Anode
  5. Inspect/Re-caulk Exterior Caulk joints
  6. Inspect/Grease Jacks
  7. Inspect LP System
  8. Inspect A/C Operation/Clean Filter
  9. Inspect Furnace Operation/Clean
  10. Wash & Wax Exterior
  11. Inspect Frame Anodes
Some of these inspections may be better performed during certain times of the year. You’re A/C inspections and cleaning would be more beneficial right before the Spring or Summer season whereas your Furnace should be inspected and cleaned before Fall or Winter. Fall and Winter also bring with them the need for potential winterization and/or storage of the camper. Spring and Summer on the other hand may bring the need for de-winterization and inspection before the main camping season begins.

Winterization & Storage

  1. Use RV Antifreeze to properly winterize the entire plumbing system.
  2. Disconnect the Batteries if being left in storage with no charge connection.
  3. Leave Fridge door cracked open for fresh air circulation.

*This article is for informational purposes only. Please refer to your owner’s manual and/or individual component manual for specified and detailed maintenance schedules.
Trip Planning
Jefferson Rock derives it's name from Thomas Jefferson, who stood there on October 25, 1783. He described his first view from the landmark as a scene, "worth a voyage across the Atlantic." Four stone pillars were placed under the uppermost slab of Jefferson Rock to stabilize it sometime between 1855 and 1860.

Today, visitors can hike up to Jefferson Rock from Lower Town, passing the African American History Museum and the Civil War Museum on 
High Street, St. Peter's Catholic Church and the ruins of St. John Episcopal Church.

Jefferson Rock is a popular destination in Harpers Ferry. It is situated along the Appalachian Trail between the Lower Town and Camp Hill areas of the park. The location offers gorgeous views of the surrounding mountains, the confluence of the Potomac and Shenandoah rivers, and the water gap.

To access Jefferson Rock from Lower Town, first go to the stone steps located between the African American History Museum and the Civil War Museum on High Street. Climb the steps and proceed past St. Peter's Catholic Church to the next set of steps. Continue to follow the path past the ruins of St. John Episcopal Church until you reach Jefferson Rock. Please note, due to the nature of its location, Jefferson Rock is not accessible to those with physical limitations.
Rules / Regulations
Please note the following regarding your safety and the protection of Jefferson Rock as a cultural resource:

- Jefferson Rock is unstable.

- Walking on, climbing, ascending, descending, or traversing Jefferson Rock or its supporting base rock is prohibited. [36 CFR 2.1 (a) (5)]
Scenic Views
Visitors view the falls from the Virginia side of the Potomac River at Great Falls Park.
Jefferson Rock is a popular destination in Harpers Ferry. Along the Appalachian Trail.
There are many places to access the Potomac Heritage Trail.
Chimney Rock is at about 1,400 feet in elevation and looks out to the east over the piedmont region.
Gaze upon the magnificent sight of this water gap in the Blue Ridge Mountains.
As a scenic easement meant to preserve the view of Mt. Vernon, from Piscataway Park.

Find out more information by going to their website.
Jefferson Rock
Music City Events
Iroquois Steeplechase
Percy Warner Park - May 12, 2018
The Iroquois Steeplechase has been Nashville's rite of spring since 1941, attracting more than 25,000 spectators to watch the best horses and riders in the world race over hurdles on a three-mile turf track. In 2018, the race will celebrate 77 years for the Iroquois Steeplechase and more than seven decades of Music City’s annual celebration of time-honored traditions, Tennessee hospitality, and Southern fashions.

More information
Upcoming Events
We are planning a great time for the 2018 Oliver Travel Trailer Rally. As the popularity of the rally has grown from 45 attendees for our first rally to the second rally last year with 175 attendees, we wanted upscale accommodations that offers exceptional recreational activities as well as great local attractions. We also needed a campground that is near enough to Hohenwald, Tennessee to allow an easy 
drive for Oliver Travel Trailer service work. For the 2018 rally, we will gather at one of the most beautiful state parks, Lake Guntersville State Park located in Guntersville, Alabama. This premium park offers full hook-ups, exceptional views of Lake Guntersville and the Tennessee River.

May 4-7, 2018
Lake Guntersville State Park
24 State Campground Rd, Guntersville
Alabama 35755
Breakfast Burrioto
This recipe was made for summer.

Total : 45 min

Prep : 15 min

Cook : 30 min

Yield : 8 burritos

Level : Easy
Ingredients :

½ tablespoon olive oil

1 cup frozen hash browns

8 oz cooked ham, diced

12 eggs

1 tablespoon taco seasoning

1 (4.5 oz) can green chiles

2 cups (8 oz) shredded cheddar cheese

¼ cup chopped cilantro

8 (12-inch) flour tortillas
Directions :

1. Heat the olive oil in a large skillet. Add the hash browns and cook for 1 minute, stirring continuously. Add in the ham. Continue to cook, stirring occasionally, until the hash browns and ham have both browned, about 8-10 minutes.

2. Meanwhile, in a large bowl, lightly whisk the eggs. Whisk in the taco seasoning. When the hash browns and ham have browned, pour the eggs into the skillet. Cook, stirring frequently, until the eggs have set. Stir in the green chiles, cheese and cilantro.

3. Warm the tortillas. Put ⅛ of the egg mixture down the center of each tortilla. Roll up like a burrito and wrap tightly in foil. Store in a ziptop bag in the refrigerator or in a cooler.

4. When ready to cook, place wrapped burritos in hot coals next to fire. Let the burritos sit in the coals, turning once, until heated through, about 10-15 minutes. (The time will depend on how hot your fire is.)
For More Recipes visit:  tasteandtellblog.com
Welcome to the Family
Paul K.

Steve V.
Stephen H.
Joel & Suzi J.

Steve & Judy L.
Patti M.
Gary H.

10 Years
Floyd T.
Olivia H.
Stemple J.
Stephen P.
Lawrence M.

4 Years
Bert G.
Michael B.
Dave G.

3 Years
Robert M.
Gary & Jona M.
Lee & Teri S.
2 Years
Tina S. 
Leigh B.
Dennie O.
Mike T.
Russ C.
Shawn D.
Don B.
Robert T.
 Terry & Terese H.
Zeke P. 
Brandon & Katrina B.
1 Year
Kit K.
Randy M.
Thomas & Elizabeth   O.
John D.
 Stephen T.
James G.  
Scott A.
Steve S.
Marc F.
Daniel E.
Mark G.
Trivia of the Month
Last Month's Trivia :

In the U.S.A., what song was the #1 billboard hit on April 2nd of 1955?

The #1 billboard hit on April 2nd of 1955 was Tennessee Ernie Ford's The Ballad Of Davy Crockett.

This Month's Trivia :

On May 1st, 1931, what famously known building was officially opened in New York City?
On behalf of The Team at Oliver and The Oliver Family we'd like to thank you for your interest in Oliver Travel Trailers.

We look forward to helping you learn more about the Oliver difference.

Feel free to give us a call with any questions you may have at this time.

Kind Regards,

The Oliver Family
For more information about our travel trailers, please give us a call at 1-888-526-3978 .
© Oliver Travel Trailers 2018. All rights reserved.
Oliver Travel Trailers 737 Columbia Hwy Hohenwald, TN 38462 | ~OptOut_8~