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Boudicca908 last won the day on July 3 2024

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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite II
  • Floor Plan
    Twin Bed Floor Plan

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  1. Congrats to you on all of those changes -- that's a LOT of changes! I look forward to perusing the catalog.
  2. Re-reading this post.... I have seen damage to lanai doors that seem to have a similar construction (materials) and we thought it was due to long bouts of strong sun exposure on one side of the door, with cooler shaded side reacting differently. That may be wrong, but I wonder. Foams and plastics are light weight, but sun and heat can really break them down.
  3. Bill -- I was severely distracted when you posted this, and missed it. It's nice to see where others go for fishing. This year I did manage to spend some time in WY but it was late. I will post photos eventually. Next year, I plan to spend a lot more time there, and hopefully see more of MT and visit ID for the first time. Love the fishing report!
  4. I don't -- where are you? It looks lovely.
  5. Something I need to read and learn about!
  6. And this year's trip for me lasted from mid-April until after mid-October. Even so, with my three propane tanks and the Oliver's solar power, I haven't needed a generator. Or maybe I should say ... I haven't needed a generator YET... but I am still thinking about it because I prefer to boondock or camp off-grid, and I've found that sites aren't always solar-friendly (in the forest, trees can interfere with solar), plus the fact that weather can interfere. My batteries ran very low, ONCE, and it was not fun. Then, I was given a used generator by a friend, and it might work for a trickle charge (it's undersized), but I have been slow to figure it out (testing). OTT is trying to help me with guidance (I have had too many balls in the air to tackle the testing yet.) Generators weigh a lot, imo.
  7. When I was ordering my Elite II, and knew I wanted to boondock a lot, I considered ordering the 30# tanks -- but once I understood how much they weigh when full, the decision was easy. I use 20# tanks and I carry 3 of them (2 in the dog house and one in the bed of the truck). I have never run out of propane, though I have allowed 2 of the tanks to be out (once). I have learned to be mindful of where I can REFILL my tanks and also to keep a watchful eye on tank levels (watching for the sensor to show it has switched over to the second tank) -- so I know as soon as one runs out. Remember that if you are boondocked somewhere, you might need to be able to lift the tank into the bed of your truck (unless you want to tow your Oliver every time you refill) -- so it's not just lifting to get into the doghouse, but also in and out of the bed of your TV.
  8. This summer I experienced my GM Silverado's engine braking -- it was the first time that I recognized what it was doing, and it is fantastic. I'm glad you had the tools to measure temperature and the knowledge to recognize what was happening, and what to do @jd1923
  9. After this year's journey through 19 states, I will admit that -- as I dodged left and right around asphalt potholes and cracking concrete highways with large chunks missing -- my thoughts have wandered into the same zone mentioned by @jd1923 above. Our interstate system (and other roads) are in shambles, literally crumbling. And the conditions vary by county and state lines, changing significantly as one crosses administrative boundaries. I have followed the sage advice of many owners on the forum: keep the tire pressure on the low side, and go slowly enough to be able to dodge debris and potholes. The "BUMP" issue is impossible to dodge, so going slow in those areas with heaving swells or significant shifts in height at bridge junctures is very important. It's a wonder that the DOT seems to maintain the frequent signs reading BUMP AHEAD but doesn't (or can't?) fix the problem. I have earmarked Newfoundland on my wish list as well, and hope to go one day. Like a trip to Alaska, it will require special preparation and forethought, but I hope not to shy away from adventures due to challenges.
  10. Ain't that the truth! This is a great looking little toaster oven.
  11. I drove south along I-95 today, from Savannah to Titusville, and there was a lot of debris on the interstate. Enough to force drivers out of a lane for about a mile in one section. Traffic was steady but not too bad, and I didn’t encounter any issues with flooding (contrary to the google maps warnings).
  12. I am looking for general and specific input regarding recent road and fuel-stop conditions in the past week, for travel from the mid-Atlantic region down to southern Florida. I am heading to Lee County (west coast) but I feel inclined to stick to the east coast until I get as far south as Titusville. Yesterday, I received confirmation from two state parks that they are going to be closed. Today is 10/15; I will be leaving Chesapeake VA around 10/18. I will be taking my time heading south. I have perused the FPL website (power outages) trying to gauge where I might encounter fueling problems, but it's not specific enough. With the heavy south-bound snow bird traffic, I am a bit concerned about getting stuck somewhere without a landing or without fuel. Has anyone driven I-75 or I-95 south from I-10 since Milton? How about any experience post-hurricane driving the gut (interior corridor) south of Orlando via US-17? Thanks in advance for any help.
  13. I'm curious about the size of that Pelican case (I think I have an old one at home) -- any chance you can also post a photo of the case open with the SL nestled inside?
  14. My brother sent reports from my place in Lee County Florida. All is well. Flooding in the neighborhood stayed below the door thresholds, and all but one resident had moved their cars ahead of time, so our neighborhood residents avoided vehicle damage. (Every vehicle had been totaled during Ian in 2022). I'm feeling grateful.
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