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Everything posted by fwunder

  1. Solar/lithium...check. No more dumping? How do you deal with grey water? I spend more time hauling my portable grey tote to dump station than I worry about black tank.
  2. Funny you say that. After ten years of almost constant modding/repairing our first trailer ( soft start, solar and inverter, 12v outlets, new converter, new cabinetry, new sinks, bed modification, caulking, caulking, caulking, slide out seals, frame rust, wall separation and finally replacing rotten floor from black tank flush leak ) we moved on to a much better built unit that requires much less maintenance and pretty much had everything we were looking for - a 2023 NuCamp Tab 400 BD. I was over the mod stage in my life. At least, major mods. I did have to engineer a space for the cat litter box and added a second lithium battery in our new rig, but that's about it. And, after 5K or so miles we haven't found one mystery screw on the floor or wet spots we couldn't blame on the cat. In that 5K miles we have learned the trade off was space. Our Tab 400 is a wonderfully built and well thought out trailer with systems I really like but it's just a little too little for us. @ 70+ we found we just don't bend like we did @ 55. That brings us ( me ) back to Oliver which I have lusted after ever since seeing one in a S.C. parking lot seven years ago. I say me because while at Acadia Schoodic Woods a couple weeks ago my wife noticed several AS Flying Clouds. I caught her with pictures on her iPad and she even ordered brochure. I was never very good at sales, but I intend to learn!
  3. Thanks guys. Yes, after many years and two trailers we are considering Oliver...finally. A little due diligence and I discovered this very helpful thread: I also found that these two YouTube videos are helpful: The two things I would miss that we have in our NuCamp is the Alde system and the cool cat ducted AC.
  4. Long time lurker and covetor - one who covets. Having owned a couple of different units - currently a 2023 NuCamp Tab 400 - we are seriously looking for a bit more space in our cat's old age ( certainly not us!! ). Not sure our budget can handle a new Ollie Elite II, so I'm shopping used. Of course, not a lot to choose from and that's a good thing! I would really like to know differences in model years for older Olivers. It does appear mold has *not* changed at all in years, so we're really talking systems, suspension, options, I guess. Can someone tell me changes/improvements from, say 2019 to present? Frame, suspension, appliances, tankage, GVWR, or over all impressions? Thanks to all!!
  5. Thanks Jason! Yes, I have scoured the website several times, watched every Buzzy "Living with Ollie" video and worn the edges of the printed brochures sent from the factory! I lurk here too. This has all been done in between digging out old and inferior caulk and re-doing the seams of my current TT, dealing with rust - tacking, gluing and screwing loosened trim and accessories and coating slide-out seals and thoroughly inspecting for any signs of water intrusion or rot or mold. What do Ollie owners do with all their free time?! Do you get bored? ;) I can't wait to get bored! Thanks again, Fred
  6. Scotty, NJ?! What exit? Just kidding. Actually, I was doing business in Elizabeth, NJ yesterday. Hey neighbor! Thanks for the welcome, the offer and for being a friend of turtles! Good Karma. I did PM you. Thanks again. fred
  7. Interesting discussion. I can't speak directly to the Oliver scenario because I am still in the process of justifying (read drooling over) one. I can offer that I have spent many, many days and nautical miles on numerous small (mostly glass) sailing yachts as a charter/delivery captain in a (much) earlier career. I can say for a fact that I have witnessed and felt quite a bit of flex. Mostly the flex is felt and seen in heavy seas. The most dramatic flex is seen "on the hard" when a yacht is hauled and braced on dry land - often carelessly blocked. Different designs flex more or less - both hull and rigging. Sometimes the shaking and movement and bending was unnerving in seas as big as the boat, but I preferred flexing over breaking. I would guess there is a certain amount of designed flex in the Oliver. It would be interesting to hear from factory rep. I can also say that having witnessed and currently dealing with seam separation and leaks in my current TT, I am soooo looking forward to offering first hand experience with an Oliver! fred
  8. How are folks dealing with cat necessary box? In our current TT, I didn't hesitate to modify a locker and cut a hole for Henry, the camping cat, to use as necessary. Henry goes everywhere with us. We are his staff. Is a cat "necessary locker" an Oliover option? I suppose a 8" deck plate into an interior locker would work without destroying aesthetics? https://www.westmarine.com/buy/west-marine--screw-in-deck-plate-8-smooth-white--11743069?recordNum=8 Thanks, fred
  9. Thanks Randy. Yeah, West New Jersey. ;) I just get tired of hearing, "What exit?" when I mention we're from New Jersey. Moved here (Hunterdon County) from South Florida about eleven years ago. Yeah, I know that's weird too but it really is pretty out here. The only question I got so far is: Where are the rod holders?! fred
  10. Thanks for the warm welcome folks! Having spent most of the afternoon chasing down a leak, ordering new wall panels to repair water damage, emptying the trailer so we can find the gaps where the mouse and stink bugs got in, making notes of the rust I need to deal with this spring, etc., I am more convinced than ever a (sealed) fiberglass RV is in our future. Don't get me wrong. We've had a blast with our r-pod traveling to and up the west coast, several trips up and down the entire east coast, Canada and points between. It really has been good to us and is kinda cute. It has become painfully apparent, however, that I don't want to be spending so much time maintaining/repairing/modifying our little traveling home. We're gonna do it! We're gonna get an Oliver! We just got figure out how and when. In the meantime, I'm going to be doing a lot of lurking here. I will be the best informed Oliver wannabe ever! Thanks again and a little treat to take a many of you down memory lane when you owned something like the rest of us, I like to try to document some of the stuff we have done and bought to improve our traveling experience => http://goo.gl/8WM9Mv fred P.S. We're in New Jersey (west). We just needed to escape to Florida and SC last week.
  11. Whoever parked their Oliver Legacy Elite II next to Atalaya in Huntington Beach State Park in South Carolina this past week created a huge problem! We happened to be camping in the park with our little R-Pod 178 when we saw your Oliver. You weren't home, but we walked all around it. You cost us $15.00 in extra data charges while camping researching your incredibly beautiful TT! You created an obsession by both of us to learn everything we can about Olivers! Upon our return home, you have cost us hours of "productive" house work time while we try to figure out how to get one! So...whoever you are...know that when we get one...it's your fault!! Thanks a lot, fred
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