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  1. PS.. I traveled the speed limit. I checked everything each time we stopped front to back, which is why I saw the potential before it became an event.
  2. Yes... we had tire issues last month. We were delivering the Ollie to San Marcos and about 100 miles north of the destination, noticed the belts were bulging on the drivers side. Tires were the Chinese radials with maybe 12K tops on them. The brand that came with it on the 5K axle. Found a trailer only center north of Austin so pulled off and had him have boo. Verdict was to go to bias ply as they shred quite rapidly without taking precious fibreglass off the trailer carcass. No steel belts to continue shredding the wheel-wells. Nasty. The temps in Texas right now are un-condusive to high speed travel. Rubber seems to enjoy cooler roads.
  3. Hi, Just wondering who all is full-timing it in their Oliver and how it's working out for you. We did for a number of years BUT they were substantially larger units 35 to 40 ft. Any particular challenges with durability/care/maintenance etc?
  4. Hi Jam49, My answers to: 1. Yes, use with any 12 volt battery. Can revive most dead batteries as long as there isn't a mechanical problem such as shorted plates. They reverse sufation and turn it into usable electrolite. New batteries begin sulfation immediately and we are constantly charging and discharging when the trailer is in use and when it sits idle. There are different models. Some sit on or near the battery and use the juice to keep the pulse going, stopping when it gets lower than a certain voltage. Others only work when the battery is being charged by the alternator/hook up/genset etc. Then there are those which have a trickle charge to maintain sitting ones. 2. You can install. They're really, Really simple. 3. There are many brand and types: it depends on the need and equipment. I got a solar powered one with a 110 power source. It can be used either way. They come in 2-5-10amps. Take your pick. Higher power ones work more quickly. It does take time to restore. Since my last post my batteries have reached 12.7 Volts resting. This is the normal max charge for Exides from their website. Pulse Tech makes a whack of different ones including the Solargizer line. Pulsetch.com I got mine from a Canadian outfit to avoid customs/duty and shipping challenges. Infinitum is another and attaches directly to the terminals running full time. 4.I have 5 12 volt automotive batteries. 2 in the oliver about $5-600 to replace with quality deep cycle high amp hour. 1 Smart car,expensive german unit, I don't want to know! 1 motorcycle at around $100 and 1 for the truck, God knows..... Anyway it's a real saving to be able to extend the useful life. I use the Solargizer on all of them. It had clips. I could get 3 more and keep them hooked up continually but it has to stop somewhere. Gives me something to putter and fiddle with. There are CO and gas detectors plus the inverter that I know about. If the fridge is on auto, after AC, default is DC. Propane is cheaper and uses much less power but that has to be chosen from the menu each time we disconnect. We never turn the fridge off, ever. Done it like that for years and it runs fine.When I turn my stereo off on the main bar by the door,the blue light extinguishes. Do that nightly. Oh incidentally smaller and lighter means less juice shorter use. You want the heaviest lead filled sucker you can find to fit that box. The OEM's are top of the line 12 volt. Blue top Optima would be better in that they don't leak at all. Big $'s. On the 6volt vs 12 volt it's most likely cost issue. HQ 6 volts are more money. I'll replace mine next time, 10 years from now.... with 6's. Hopeful this is helpful.
  5. Hi, Having had 3 units and living on the road for 6 years, batteries are important AND expensive to replace. Site to site with full hook up is one thing but often days boon docking are what the moment requires. Interesting to note that the Oliver 22' had 4, that's four batteries. Two of the motor homes we lived in had 4 batteries, plus a genset, which was readily available and had to be run once a day to keep everything tiptop. the bus had a 24 volt. High end RV's have many continuous parasite draws...Oliver is a high end trailer. 12 volts doesn't really have the staying power of 2 6's correctly wired and designed for deep cycling. It takes quite a while for the battery to come back from exhaustion to full 12.7 volts. Recently I found something that reverses the sulphating, destroyer of integrity. Connected to the bank, it'll regenerate the sulphates into active electrolite. Battery life can be extended up to 3X's. A 4 year battery can be rejuvenated so it lasts up to 12 years. I have a Solargizer. So far in about 2 weeks of use, my 2 Exides have come north from 12.2 volts resting to 12.5. I expect 12.7 soon. It tales a little time BUT it works! They're available from many distributors web etc. and the cost is 10 -15% of a new install. Check it out on Google....desulphtors/desufators. There is a good Youtube vid that shows what to expect. Delsuphators are the 21'st century, few know of them and exactly how effective they are. How much does it cost to replace the trailer power and how many others do we own?
  6. Paul, Sherry , Thanks for the invite sorry to have been unable to see you. Jam49, Thanks for the welcome. Everyone who comments always says the same thing "Oh! It's SO cute!" or "It's a cutie!" So now it's the "QT". We picked up the QT in Fla, came back here and immediately began a move to a new location, so have been constantly moving. Amazing how things appear out of nowhere and have to be moved yet again. We are as yet to complete and have zero services 'til sometime late next week. Between stools, so to speak. Shake down cruise of 3000 + miles so we're pretty well acquainted by now. The QT is as far as we know the first one to have a Canadian import label on it ...yes all in Kilos and Kilopascals. We'll most likely be hauling it to northern Quebec next month where the road ends in eastern North America, just below Hudson's Bay. cheers, Jonathan & Hazel
  7. We're excited and looking forward to picking up an Oliver next week. We started RVing in 2000, so it's been 10 years, 46 states, 10 provinces and a dozen or so in Mexico. We've lived in BC but keep coming back to Ontario where we keep a home. Funny, many of you'll know what I mean but too long in one place doesn't suit. Houses are just houses. They get progressively smaller and the location more important. Same with the rigs. We had 2 class A's and one bus. Bedroom's take up 10 feet and carry little. Quality in a small unit was an impossibility until we saw the Oliver. The mostest in the leastest. We've never done the trailer thing and expect it'll be a new and great experience. Maybe we'll meet on the road. cheers, Jonathan & Hazel
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