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  1. Mine moved from Dec 9 to Dec 22. It's only about a 4 hour drive for me, so thankfully no big headaches on rearranging long-distance travel. Same reason - suppliers.
  2. Soon-to-be new owner here. I put my deposit down in February for a LEII; taking delivery next month. I'm not much of a social network person, but I thought maybe this was fairly useful info for prospective owners. Based on reading older posts, I started out with the impression that there were a variety of changes that one could request. When it came time to finalize the order, I quickly learned the answer was "no." Even something as simple as mix-and-match standard floor / cushion colors rather than just choosing "Desert" or one of the other standard decor combos. I later read posts about how that flexibility has gone by the wayside. I totally get it. Demand is high, labor is scarce, etc. I have also read about how you can now request changes after build through the Service Dept. I thought ok, so manufacturing stays simpler and service makes more money. One option I did not choose was Cradlepoint. I used to have their products and loved them. But I don't love getting locked into an otherwise unnecessary subscription. Further, according to the order sheet it's a 4G device and 5G is now going mainstream. So I asked Service if they could just install the TAOGLAS antenna (the one they use with Cradlepoint anyway) after the build was done, and then I would bring my own 5G hotspot. You guessed it ... "no." So I guess I have my first project ... That's quite disappointing, but I'm still excited to get my unit.
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