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Everything posted by NHBoomers

  1. and its not the cushions, the odd smell is faint and its NOT the holding tanks, drains,musty, rodents or other critters,the plumbing, vents, sulfur or any odor we can identify so there you go we will stick with a faint odd but not off putting smell and call it a day...we have no other places to check. NHBoomers
  2. What we know for sure is completely dry and has been and even under the fridge we can see from outside thru the grill it’s dry, no smells or mold etc there but it’s still in the trailer, we had another fiberglass trailer many years ago that had an odor and it turned out to be the cushions so we will do more investigating there, not sure what else it could possibly be! Thanks for your suggestions NHBoomers
  3. We have not looked behind the drawer but it’s worth a try, thanks for the tip NHBoomers
  4. you've got a thing for mice don't you
  5. Greetings, In case anyone is wondering this is what we have found so far, we thoroughly cleaned both tanks with some Dawn dish liquid filling and letting each sit for a day then rinsing out good, we started at the top of the vent pipe outside and traced all the way down,nothing is loose or wet, there is good airflow all the way up the vent pipe, the drains don't smell all is good there there is nothing organic but what we think is the cause is lack of air circulation under the dinette benches and with the help of some Ozuim the smell is about 90% gone and rite now we have the bathroom for blowing out, bathroom door shut dinette benches open,windows open and the smell is all ending up in the bathroom so not knowing what is cause or effect for sure we are going to put in some vents and a fan or 2 in the dinette benches, it only smells on the driver's side even in the storage compartment in the back. It wont hurt to have more air circulating, the downside to not full timing I guess or maybe its not that and its wishful thinking. We do appreciate all of your comments we checked everything you all mentioned (no dead mouse) so thanks!!! NHBoomers
  6. It does not smell like a dead mouse…
  7. I dont think it would last this long 73s N1JEC and KN1H
  8. Good Morning, We have only lithium batteries, but we will be investigating the plumbing from top to bottom-thanks NHBoomers
  9. Ok, we are pretty sure so we can start at the top and see how far we can get- thanks for the tip, it’s driving us crazy. NHBoomers
  10. Greetings, For some background we bought a 2017 Elite 2 twin almost 2 years ago and off and on we have a bad smell thats strongest from under the dinette seat nearest the bathroom. It does NOT smell like sewer,mildew,rotten eggs,propane or electrical, its not a smell we can identify. It does not smell in the bathroom or in the toilet,(new last Dec) not the fridge area it comes mainly from inside the dinette storage area, its never wet, no obvious leaks and we have tried a few different methods for thoroughly cleaning the black and gray tanks, no smells from the drains and if we open the windows it goes away but comes back when closed up. I have read some reply's from another Oliver blog but our smell is mainly at floor level not the ceiling. Any ideas are appreciated. TIA NHBoomers
  11. Fiberglass RV Rally Quartzite Arizona now has a Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/domerockfiberglassrv Happy Trails
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