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Everything posted by Bborzell

  1. As a followup, I spoke to Progressive Industries about the value of an accessable digital readout. They indicated that the display is there for several reasons and that easy visual access is important for each of the reasons. Trouble shooting is much easier if the owner can read error/fault codes as they occur without having to remove access panels or ports. With respect to getting a clean bill of health from the unit immediately upon plugging in (or by using a standalone circuit tester), that reading is a brief snapshot in immediate time and as more folks arrive and place greater demands on what might be a marginal electrical service system at a given park, the display might well begin to show reflection of changing conditions that are not desirable as things are changing rather than later on when the only option for voltage dropping below 104 volts, for example, is a total shutdown. I have mixed thoughts about where the remote dispkay should be mounted for best use under most potential need scenarios. Outside the coach but on the wall of the power side storage area makes sense for plugging in and getting an immediate diagnosis. Inside the coach would be good for monitoring changing conditions. Maybe that is why Progressive Industries offers an additional digital display. But, wherever the display is placed, I would like to be able to check on it without having to remove panels.
  2. Thanks to all for your replies. In addition, Oliver got back to me and noted that they had been giving thought as to where to mount the remote display without intruding into the coach and having things get caught on it (it apparently sticks out more than an inch from a surface mount). I have seen the same protector mounted in another trailer with the display viewable from the rearmost (opened) storage door on the shore power side. That would allow you to be looking for offending codes as you plug in. In my view, the sooner a fault is discovered, the better. I have also used a standalone circuit checker (just remembered that I let it go with the Class C MH that we sold this week). I agree that that one of these devices is a good alternative to not being able to read the codes on the hard wired protector. At the same time, Oliver shows the model with the remote display so taking a shot at getting it installed at the factory makes sense to me. Thanks again. Bob
  3. My wife and I have been looking at Oliver Trailers (Elite II) owned by folks who are relatively close to where we live. The most recent delivery (2 weeks old) had the surge protector enclosed under one of the dinette seats. According to the details on the optional surge protector, it has a display that shows conditions as well as faults. It seems odd that this display is not visable. One might plug on into a faulty hookup and have the display reveal a potential problem, but not know that the issue exists. Anyone have experience with this issue? Since the product info shows a photo with a remote display, is it likely that Oliver is switching to a unit that has the display mounted in the coach? I put this question to the Oliver folks but have not heard back yet.
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