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Joe C

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Everything posted by Joe C

  1. Thank you everyone. Your comments were very helpful. Joe C Hull 1447
  2. Sorry, 2023 Legacy Elite II Hull #1447
  3. I am wondering what information I need to register my cell booster. If I need the serial number, how do I see that with the location that it is mounted?
  4. I’m very new to the process so please forgive me for being WAY behind the power curve. I am still learning how to navigate the forum. My question is, do all authorized Oliver dealerships also provide maintenance services? If not, is there a list of service locations? Thank you. Joe C
  5. Thank you very much. Our winters are very cold on occasion. I will open a ticket and ask.
  6. Does anyone have experience with storing your trailer outside with the solar lithium batteries? I have my trailer outside in Wyoming. It is winterized and plugged into shore power. I monitor my battery temp and the lowest temp I have seen is 39 degrees, however, it will get much colder this winter. I am concerned that my external heating pad will be unable to keep up. I am considering removing the batteries and bringing them inside. Is this an extensive process? Any suggestions would be appreciated Joe C Hull #1447
  7. Thank you all so much! Joe
  8. Hello, My wife and I are new Oliver Elite II owners. In fact, we put the last 2023 built. We took it back home to Wyoming and I have it winterized, covered and plugged in to shore power. I am feeling pretty good about this coming winter, however, I would feel better with tire covers. What covers have you had good luck with? Thank you for your suggestions.
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