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  1. Update on the AGMs. I had them load tested at an automotive shop and was told one battery was good and one was bad: no details or readouts were provided. i called Lifeline battery and explained the history to a representative, who initially was skeptical about the readings done at the shop (he wanted more details that I didn’t have) and whether I had correctly attempted to recharge the batteries. Eventually though, he agreed to send me two new AGMs at no charge and with free shipping! I was astonished, especially because he told me the batteries were manufactured 13 months before I purchased the trailer, and technically no longer under warranty. I still don’t show any deep discharge on the Victron history in the 60 days before we noted the poor battery function last week. So I don’t know when the battery was damaged or if it was defective from the start. At any rate, I’ve learned a lot and appreciate all the help on the forums. I will be watching for lithium batteries on sale, and maybe my wife will get some for her next birthday!
  2. Thank you all for your input. We have a legacy 1 so the battery compartment size is limiting. We’ve read Epoch’s great reviews. They not yet on Oliver approved list and we’re still under warranty. Still researching options.
  3. Thanks, Bill. I naively assumed that the solar panels would maintain adequate charge while in storage. Since I can’t review the battery history more than 60 days ago, I’m wondering if the batteries were bad at the time of purchase. Now to decide to replace with AGM or Lithium. Appreciate your help.
  4. I have a call in to Oliver and have searched the forums, but need some advice about rapid depletion of our AGM batteries, so I apologize if this information is in the forums. We have a 2024 Legacy Elite 1 purchased new in November. We have only used it previously with shore power when camping (twice). It has 2 Lifeline deep cycle AGM batteries and has been out in the AZ sun with the solar panels charging since we got it. Earlier this week we went camping without shore power. It was sunny every day and the battery charged to 100%. At night, with the inverter on running the TV, Truma furnace and refrigerator, the batteries ran down to 10v in less than 90 minutes. I plugged the trailer into the 30 amp outlet on my powerboost F150 and recharged, but it ran down again. The next day it fully recharged with solar, and that evening it behaved the same (ran down quickly.) I reviewed the battery monitor data and found that it had, in the past, been discharged nearly fully, but not in the last 60 days when data was recorded. I checked the battery connections and voltmeter reads each battery at 6 volts after fully charged. Are my batteries toast because of the prior deep discharge and is it worth trying to salvage them? Thanks in advance and I’ll add some screen shots from the battery monitor. The lower trend is for the last 60 days, with my last 2 nights discharged to about 10 volts, which should be far less than 85% of capacity, I think.
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