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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite II
  • Floor Plan
    Twin Bed Floor Plan

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  1. Thank you very much for that info Steph & Dud B. Batteries are now off.
  2. Thank you Roland.
  3. Steph & Dud B, I have the lithium pro package (390AH). And yes, I am referring to the red rotary switch in the cabinet over the street side bed. It is stored outdoors but with overhead cover. Mike, Yes, it stored under overhead cover. Thanks for the feedback.
  4. I'm not new to RVing but completely new to solar. Are there any books, articles, websites that you would recommend to get me up to speed on the system and how best to use and care for it? While I try to get up to speed can anyone tell me what I should do for short term storage...3 weeks or so? Right now I have the battery cutoff in the off position but the batteries are on and slowly draining. Should I shut off the batteries? Any recommendations/suggestions would be appreciated.
  5. Excited to be a new Oliver owner. I have a lot to learn about my LE II and am sure this forum will be valuable in that process. Hope to meet some of you somewhere down the road.
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