Are there any Oliver owners out there with Sleep Apnea?
I use a BiPAP machine on a nightly basis to address issues associated with Sleep Apnea. It looks like the electrical, solar, and battery systems will all allow me to plug-in and use my BiPAP in the Oliver. However, based on the online pictures of the interior, it also looks like we might be leaning toward the twin-bed configuration with nightstand out of necessity for placement of the BiPAP each night.
We envision the BiPAP machine sitting on the nightstand while not underway, but I am wondering about plug placement and access ports in this area of the Oliver. Are there any openings on the nightstand that would allow the BiPAP to sit on top and run the electrical connections through an opening into the nightstand?
Trying to plan for a good configuration or option for plugging-in the BiPAP... placement... storage... etc.
Any comments or observations would be appreciated.