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Everything posted by Toojennifer

  1. I think that was us. We were living in the trailer during house remodel. Tanks were fine but we do have tank heaters. We had lost our tankless water heater when we were out of town and the contractors knocked the trailer plug out. I think a faucet and the toilet valve thing. That was round one. Then during the really cold weather I went to my sisters and my husband stayed in the trailer with bunks pulled up, every possible type of heater going (we were trying to keep house from freezing as well), propane freezing up so water lines frozen etc. it finally thawed. I’m not getting all that exact but my husband could sure fill you in on any damages. It was rough though.
  2. Bill - thanks. We will double check that tomorrow.
  3. For anyone interested, our trailer froze. We lost our faucet and our Truma On Demand has to be repaired (and hopefully not replaced). Here is the faucet we replaced and fit wise it seems perfect. Not as tall but I like that better. It has a pull down sprayer so taller isn’t really as issue anyway. https://www.lowes.com/pd/Moen-Adler-Spot-Resist-Stainless-1-Handle-Deck-Mount-Pull-Down-Handle-Lever-Commercial-Residential-Kitchen-Faucet/1001327070.
  4. We drove cross country with the rack in place. I threw a towel over it to cushion against fiberglass and removed anything that could bounce out. No problemo. Still love it and it's working for me although I do not have a cooktop built in (separate induction unit).
  5. No Susan but so far it is making life a lot easier for me. We dont have a gas cooktop (we have a portable induction cooktop we use outside or I could use it on the dinette in bad weather) so that may be an issue for some. I sure wish Oliver did more in this area, like maybe built in pegboard type system that each could modify their areas as they like and need.
  6. Sure. Note that this is for longer stays as depending on your faucet you have to screw in the lower bar (2 screws) after you set it behind the sink. Unless you are comfortable traveling with it in place. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0886FHV6F?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
  7. 4.5" between top of basket and underside of cabinet but you can move these baskets around to suit. It is not adjustable side to side. I measured and knew it would fit.
  8. I will post the empty pic when I get some decent wifi
  9. Bought this on Amazon since we are temporarily living in the trailer. Seems like it's going to work. Put a bit of cushy styro behind top corners - bottom has suction cups.
  10. Could someone give me the measurement between the sink countertop and the underneath of the cabinet overhang? I don't have the trailer handy to measure. Thanks in advance. Jennifer
  11. I'm sure this has been asked a dozen times, but what has anyone used for extra storage shelves in the closet? We are going to be living in the trailer a few months and I need to add something to store food. Is there a good Rubbermaid that fits? And could someone give me the interior dimensions? Our trailer is over in storage at the moment. Thanks so much.
  12. Thank you John. You are always a wealth of information. This happens to be leaking at the base of the toilet where it connects. It appears there is a small 3x3" valve that the fresh water connects to at the base of the toilet. It doesn't appear to be leaking at the connection of the line itself, it seems to be leaking from a valve maybe. We don't think its leaking from the inlet hose.
  13. Hi. We are traveling (working trip) and have a toilet leak. Porcelain toilet leaking at rear base but not at connection. Leak happening at what appears to be plastic possible pressure valve at base of toilet. Of course only happens when pump is pressurizing system but is steadily becoming worse. What does that base connection do? Is it repairable? Thank you so much.
  14. Although I am thinking about recovering the mattresses possibly with ticking and then making bedrolls we can just roll up in the morning. Something along this order:
  15. Hi Sherry. Thank you. Yes on the pillows. I have an Etsy store where I have sold these for a while now: https://www.etsy.com/shop/SalvageSistasToo?ref=seller-platform-mcnav so it was a no brainer I was going to incorporate some. (:
  16. Assume you wanted pics of the trailer.
  17. Jitters - we boondocked or overnighted at the Walmart in Gillette, WY on way thru. There is an old Walmart next to the new one there. Huge vacant parking lot with lots of rvs stopped for night. It was great for overnight plus a bonus thunderstorm and excellent pizza at Pizza Carrello (wood fired) which we would make a detour for next time. Prior night we did a Sams parking lot in Omaha. We were at RV parks most of the rest of the time but tend so far to boondock some when en route. We got very tired of the mountains and with construction here and there they really slow you down (Montana, Idaho was the worst). So if you are only passing thru and not there as destination I would also pick whatever routes avoid them. Super pretty through there though. Bellingham is a great town for sure. Right at the gateway to everything - Vancouver, Mt. Baker, the San Juan’s, Seattle. John Davies we buzzed right thru Spokane last night. Stupidly we decided to drive all the way in from Gillette to Bellingham. Otherwise we should have looked you up and compared Ollie’s. We are paying the price today for the endless night of driving. Not doing that ever again.
  18. Thanks Bill. Good to know why and we just found out our hull is no 188 so I will update my profile with that.
  19. We are doing this route as I type with our Ollie. Headed home from AR to Bellingham WA and currently in Billings MT area. It's been pretty easy but for sporadic road work. We are on I90 now but on way out to AR we took the roads you will travel on thru corner of OR. Ollie is SO easy to pull you wont have problems assuming your TV is suitable. I have been surprised at how easy it has been. Good luck to you and safe travels. Jennifer
  20. We have the twin beds and I bought a small ottoman (which has storage in it) to prop my legs on when I'm sitting on one of the sofas. At night we slide it down next to the night stand/drawers to keep it out of the way. This is the ottoman and I've since seen them at places like HomeGoods and Bed Bath & a Blonde: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0753NXXXG/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  21. Hi. It was not private. It was $54 for the night but they do have specials sometimes. There may also be a better rate for longer stays, not sure. A few more bucks than others but worth it to us. We stayed at a less expensive place in Brookings near the ocean but it was basically a gravel parkinv lot (Driftwood RV, Brookings). Had tight spots, too. We wished we had cut out from Brookings earlier to stay at this one in Eugene.
  22. Favorite campground so far in our limited travels but see the pics for yourself. Only slight negative is you can hear I-5 a bit (but can't see it). They even had a big pancake breakfast one morning in the center pavillion.
  23. Not sure if this was one or not but it was damn cool.
  24. Hi again. I dont have all the technical jargon to fill you in but in a nutshell, Progressive(?) just said send it back. They werent a huge help otherwise. New campground though and we are okay but I think it is still bypassed maybe (husband napping or I would ask). We do have the necessary yellow tester. I will try to update ghis in the end when we find out final problem, for what it is worth.
  25. Ooops, you assume everyone knows where you are talking about...Oregon, yes. Abd we hit Tillamook and stocked up. Fun fact; I won a grilled cheese recipe contest in Sunset magazine sponsored by Tillamook a while back and got a really huge basket with cheese and goodies from Tillamook. It was awesome.
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