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Michelle and Jamie

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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
  • Hull #
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  • Model
    Legacy Elite
  • Floor Plan
    Standard Floor Plan

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  1. Thought I would share this minor modification to access the fresh water drain valve in my 2020 Elite I. It was difficult getting my hand past the foam board next to the pump, It finally occurred to me that I could just cut off the corner with a 45 degree cut, using a friend's oscillating multitool. Sorry that I forgot to take a before photo, but the white board to the left in the photo was a rectangle before cutting a wedge off. The valve is now easy to reach ( just below the red pipe).
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  2. Yes, our second just Finished, though no graduation! So we stopped and made the tour of Gettysburg when returning with our Ollie. Rode our bikes which we great. Almost no traffic.
  3. Michelle and I picked up hull 610 on our 30th wedding anniversary in early June and made our way north, up the Blue Ridge Parkway, staying in RV parks and with Harvest Hosts along the way. Ollie life has been everything that we had hoped. Since our return to Maine, we have been on a couple more outings (Acadia had record low numbers of people for July). We plan to visit Gulf Hagas next. We just had a bit of graphics added to the Ollie, as a final touch. We look forward to seeing other Ollie owners on the road! - Jamie-
  4. Hi, We have an Elite 1. Stopped in Monson both going up and returning. Nice little town.
  5. We must have just missed you. We were there June 21-24. Hiked Mt Kineo during our stay. Hull 610- Woolwich,ME
  6. Could someone change our display name from the current one to Michelle and Jamie. Thanks.
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