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    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer

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  1. My husband built out the van as a camper van. It has a queen bed, solar and lithium battery, and a pull out kitchen. But....no real bathroom! And no standing room.This was our maiden voyage with the Oliver but it seems like it will be a great tow vehicle. It is also a V10. It is really nice to be able to pull out the kitchen and cook but also to be able to be comfortable for the night.
  2. It took me a few minutes but what a FANTASTIC name!
  3. Thanks! Yours is beautiful as well! Maybe we will meet up one of these days. We plan to use our Ollie for out west travels!
  4. So excited to join the Oliver family. We have been looking for awhile and found Hull 464! Loving it so far. Have you all named your Olivers? We are trying to come up with an original name but we are stumped!
  5. Thank you for the information! I will follow up!
  6. We are looking at purchasing a used Oliver. We are having a hard time finding insurance that will either provide us with full replacement value or agreed value. What have you guys used for an Oliver that is older than 3 years? Thanks for the help!
  7. Maybe we will have an Ollie get together there!
  8. We don't own an Ollie yet but we actually saw yours! We were staying in an Airbnb and scouting the area and saw your beautiful Oliver. We are hoping that when we go back we will be staying in an Ollie!
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