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wink-n-deb last won the day on April 28 2022

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1 Follower

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My RV or Travel Trailer

  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
  • Hull #
  • Make
  • Model
    Legacy Elite II
  • Floor Plan
    Twin Bed Floor Plan
  • What model is your other RV or Travel Trailer?
    Oliver Elite II

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  1. Thanks for the reminder JED. The campground setup is nice.The grass and everything here is much greener than in PA. But somehow we keep dragging those little stones from the driveway into our camper. lol
  2. Hahaha! YES to all! Thanks a million - see you in May!
  3. Thanks so much all! Your well wishes are greatly appreciated and we can't wait to meet you and hear all your stories @the Rally!
  4. Please help! Apologies for the oversize photos, but I didn't see an option to choose a smaller size. Any assistance to reduce the image size is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  5. Delivery Day went great yesterday! Kudos to Ryan for a thorough orientation that enabled us to learn, have fun, and ask endless questions before choosing our spot on the Oliver Campground. It's been so much fun meeting other owners and learning from their experiences during our stay here so far. We were also blessed with beautiful weather on pick-up day and a quiet peaceful evening for our first night stay. Today, we are enjoying another sunny and warm day in the 70's before we head home tomorrow for PA, where it's currently in the 40's according to family members. Oh well. We eagerly look forward to seeing you all at the Oliver Rally, which is quickly approaching. Peace, love, & safe travels!
  6. We are empty nesters, Deb and Rod (aka Wink) from Lancaster, PA, who thought our camping days were over when we sold our pop-up camper and eventually invested in a fixer-upper vacation home in NC years ago. And then along came COVID (just as we were approaching retirement and planning to travel), which prompted us to reconsider our options and research campers at the beginning of 2021. We stumbled on the Oliver TT website fairly quickly, but what really got our attention when comparing camper features was the Walkthrough Tour Video on the Oliver TT website. After a visit to see an Oliver (Hull #247) in our area and a factory tour in Hohenwald, we placed our order for an Elite II in March 2021 and requested a delivery date for April 2022, when we would both be retired. After over a year of waiting, we pick up "Captain Ollie" (long story) in TWO days! Shout-out to everyone at Oliver who guided us through this process and especially all of the Forum members who contribute such valuable information on a daily basis. While we have learned so much from the experiences of others, we also recognize there will be challenges and much more to learn along the way. We are super excited about the adventures that await and look forward to seeing/meeting you all at the 2022 Rally! Many, many thanks! wink-n-deb
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