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Everything posted by widgetwizard

  1. We just got a nice testimonial from an Oliver owner - so yes - someone has given it a try on an Oliver. Jim
  2. My guess would be less than 50 were made with Mach. We are hull 64 and it came with a Mach 8 which I switched out for an Atwood Air Command. Well if any of you out there are still unhappy with the noise of the Mach 8 - here is a chance for you to fix that for free Interested?. What we are looking for are short videos that show how easy the install is and the noise difference between before and after. We never seem to get around to making these things. So we thought - why not bribe our customers to do it for us. Rules are simple - video the noise your A/C makes now, you installing the kit, then the noise it makes after (from the same place - no cheating). Upload the video to YouTube somewhere and send us the link. Best one (in our humble opinion) gets their money back on the kit. Deadline for submission is March 31 2016. Simple eh? What are you waiting for. Cheers, Jim
  3. So does anybody know how many were made with the Mach 8? thanks, Jim
  4. Hi Folks, This is Jim from Orbital Machine Works in Dallas. We make aftermarket products for travel trailers (mostly Casitas but don't hold that against us!) The Casita folks asked us to see if we could come up with a solution to their noisy Mach 8 problem. Well we have finally got there with a workable fix. If you are interested in the fix - pop over to http://www.perfectcasita.com/fred.html for all the gory details. Thanks, Jim
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