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  1. In the context of this forum, this person is posting advertising spam. I have inactivated the account but left this post in the event that the information contained might interest someone. Moderator http://www.pbcheap.com – Everything LED Lighting Everything made with LEDs. Find everything from loose leds and led drivers to finished LED fixtures, LED Light Bulbs, LED Landscape Lighting, RGB Color Changing LED Lights, etc. pbcheap.com – Everything LED Lighting Links to technical data, text and schematics for the beginner and the experienced LED user. These links will help you determine what to purchase, how to work with the LED products, where are some of the resources, and to provide as much in depth technical knowledge as we can to those who require more than a passing knowledge of LEDs Luxeon LEDs, Assemblies, and AccessoriesSide Emitters The Side Emitting LEDs directs the light beam 90 degrees off the optical axis in a 360 degree rotationally symmetrical pattern. This produces a toroid of light that is useful for lighting large opaque surface areas. Side Emitters are as is, no Batwing or Lambertian designation. Luxeon EmittersLuxeon EMITTER is the basic building block of all Luxeon Power Light Sources. Luxeon EMITTERS give you total design freedom by allowing you to design from the ground up enabling a fully integrated lighting solution design..
  2. I ordered my LED's from e-bay for $13 each you can find them by searching for "Brightest MR11 12 V 10 SMD LED White 160 Lumen Wide Ang": Or you can get them from their website direct. http://www.pbcheap.com/led-light-flashlights For the 10w light I added today, I bought a base for a light bulb at home depot for $3. I cut the socket portion of an extension cord off and wired it to the bulb base. I got the bulb at walmart. And then zip tied it all to to the stock light fixture as seen in the pictures above. I put some aluminum foil under half the cover so the light doesn't shine through the top. So I'm working with about 14watts of light total. I have both sets of lights timed to be on at the same time for 10hours a day. If I start getting algae growth then I'm going to cut back the 10w for a little bit halfway through the day.....etc. I'll keep everyone updated how it works \
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