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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite
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    Standard Floor Plan

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  1. Just returned from a deer/elk hunt in the Colorado Rocky Mountains with my two sons. The Oliver Elite was AMAZING. We were able to camp higher in the mountains than any of the other hunting trailers in the area. We had lows in the single digits and afternoon highs in the 40's. The trailer temps, sleeping conditions, hot showers, toilet, and morning coffee made wilderness conditions so comfortable. We did have several successful support calls with the Oliver service team. Couldn't have done it without Mike. He helped us with the furnace and the Truma water heater. The Oliver gave us the opportunity to experience the incredible backcountry and wilderness of the Colorado Rockies! Paul
  2. Thanks for the Kremmling fishing spot, this time we are hunting (deer, elk, bear), might get a little fishing in. We were able to vent the system today so all seems to be in order. I will bring antifreeze with me but we are heading out without winterizing. Thanks for your help. Paul
  3. Thank you so much for this information! If I understand correctly we should travel with no water in the trailer and everything vented? If we use the antifreeze kit the entire trailer is full of water and not protected from freezing and the heat is not on while traveling. Appreciate your help, Lori and Paul
  4. We have a 2022 Elite 1 and we are heading out to Kremmling CO for 5 nights. The forecast is for temps in the 40’s during the day and teens at night. (One night down to 9 degrees) We are concerned about water freeze ups. Here are some questions we have while traveling: Best to travel with or without water in the system? Truma Aqua Go with antifreeze kit -(electric heating cartridge) From what I have read this runs off the truck battery but should the water pump be on or off while traveling? The inside dial to the snowflake while traveling? What do you do if there is a lot of air in the water while boondocking? Any other winter camping heads up advice from experienced winter travelers is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help, Lori and Paul Laskowske
  5. We will be in Colorado at the end of October. We will be boondocking on BLM land and there is a chance that we could see snow. What preparations do I need for winter camping? This will be the first time. Thanks in advance for your help, Paul
  6. How do you keep track of the weather while camping? Is there an app that would send updates to your location? I know I can check the weather app but I get too busy doing things that I forget to check the app.
  7. Thanks for the great explanation!
  8. We have a 2022 Elite 1. When we are not using it, I typically turn off the lithium batteries at less than 100%. Should I turn off the Solar? It seems to wake and sleep on its own , so I have never done anything. Am I missing something? Thanks for your help, Lori
  9. Thanks everyone! Yes to Mike D! There was a value that needed to be turned! Once we turned it all worked fine! I appreciate the diagrams!
  10. Hello, We are getting ready to leave on a camping trip and can not get water to go into the trailer. What are we doing wrong? We have electric at the campsite but no water. The sea level read 0 and water is not going in.
  11. You guys are all GREAT! Thanks for all the advice! I am hoping to buy a truck with an open bed soon. I think I will use my feet this trip as I do not want to do any damage to the brand new Ollie!
  12. We have an Elite 1 that we just picked up Memorial Day weekend. I would love to bring our bikes on our next trip. Is it a good idea or bad idea to bungee cord them right inside the camper for travel?
  13. Thanks so much for all that information!~. I will try the hydrogen peroxide.
  14. Thanks for sharing I will look into the different ways to power the cpac.
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