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Bill Reed

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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite II
  • Floor Plan
    Twin Bed Floor Plan

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  1. These instructions were a big help to me. I broke the mirror in my bathroom door and was able to replace it by following the above directions. My local glass and mirror place was able to remove the mirror from the backing and replace it with a new mirror. Cost me about $100 to have this done. I was very pleased to be able to do this myself, and the door looks like new.
  2. The fuse is not under the dinette. It is kind of hard to find. I have an Elite II so my location may be different. In my trailer it is located under the street side bed up toward the front of the camper near the pantry. Here's what it looked like on my trailer before I replaced it.
  3. I'm sorry I don't recall the part number, and it isn't clear to me that the same cap would fit your awning anyway. My awning is powered. I would contact Panther RV and give them the model number of your awning. I found them very helpful, and the part they shipped was the correct one.
  4. Kudos to Panther RV. They responded promptly to my query with a link to the correct part, and I have placed an order.
  5. Thanks for the prompt reply. Oliver did not give me a part number to search with. I found an end cap at Panther RV that looks right, but the Dometic model numbers it fits don't include 9500E. I have sent a message to Panther but haven't heard back yet.
  6. I've lost the left hand end cap for my Dometic 9500E awning and can't seem to find anyone who sells this as a replacement part. I'd be grateful for any pointers. None of the suppliers suggested by the Oliver service department has been any help.
  7. This turned out to be the problem. I had a blown 40 amp fuse, and I replaced it with a circuit breaker that I ordered from Amazon. Fixed the problem and everything is working fine now. Kudos to Mike at the Oliver service department for correctly diagnosing this problem and suggesting I replace the fuse.
  8. I'm on a long trip and my Zamp Solar Controller has started flashing an error code b01. The leftmost led below the error code displays a solid red, and the rightmost led is blinking red. The manual says this error code means the battery is disconnected or less than 3.0V. The manual also says this combination of leds means that solar power present - no battery connected. Can anyone tell me what is likely causing these errors? I have got about a month of traveling ahead of me and I sure would like to figure out what's wrong. I'm OK right now because I'm staying in campgrounds with AC power, but I have plans to do some boon docking and will need to depend on my solar panels. I'd be very grateful for any advice.
  9. I think this is exactly the problem that I am facing. But one side of my trailer is covered with literally thousands of these little black spots, so working on each one individually would take way too much time. This is a two-year-old trailer, but I have only had it a few weeks. So I don't really know how long the spots have been on it, but I am thinking at least a year. Most of them are no longer soft and easily removed with a fingernail. They are hard and tightly adhered. They are not tar, because I have tried a variety of solvents and nothing removes or even softens them. Degreasers, soaps, and other cleaning agents don't touch them either. So far the only thing that removes them is a lot of rubbing with Meguiar's 91 compound, which is way too much work if done by hand. I'm thinking I have no choice but to resort to a power buffer, but I'm still worried that I will damage the finish on the trailer. I will say that rubbing with the 91 compound by hand leaves a nice, shiny finish and doesn't seem to damage the surface at all, so perhaps my fears are unfounded. I'm grateful for all the advice. As a new Oliver owner it is wonderful to find so much help available on this forum.
  10. My recently acquired second-hand trailer came to us covered in small black spots about the size of a pin head. I thought they must be bug spots but an internet search says they are mold spores. I haven't found any way to remove them except for extensive scrubbing with a non-abrasive pad, which would be way too much work for the whole trailer. Has anyone else had this problem, and how have you dealt with it? I'm thinking of using a power buffer/polisher but am worried that I might damage the gel coat. I'd be glad for any advice about how to care for the exterior of our new trailer.
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