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  1. I would be interested in renting a LE2, to see if purchasing one makes sense for me. I have owned a Jayco TT in the past (15 years ago) and I understand the hesitation on the owners part. But a rental from the factory seems like it might a great selling tool. “Try before you buy.” Oliver if you’re willing to do that, please contact me.
  2. Bill, it does help! Appreciate the response.
  3. Hello all, First post, seriously considering an Oliver. Wanted to know the difference between the frosted and black upper cabinet doors. (Besides the color obviously) From the videos I have seen the frosted ones show the contents of cabinets if the lights inside them are on. Do the black do the same? It would be great to see some pictures of the black doors with the inside light on, do the black completely block the inside light and the contents? Seems like the frosted are the most popular, but are there any benefits to either, other than aesthetics? Thanks a bunch.
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