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Dean Rowland

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Everything posted by Dean Rowland

  1. Hello David, I'm sorry I'm just seeing this now and wasn't involved while you still had your old batteries. I had four T-105's in my sailboat for years. I suspect premature cell failure and usually it's on a single cell. That's the beauty of using 6V (3-cell) instead of 12V (6-cell), you can better pinpoint the problem cell and only need to replace one of four batteries. I would have told you to do what I eventually did and was very surprised by: Run some kind of decent load like 10-20 amps, then go into the battery compartment and measure each individual battery's voltage AT THE TERMINALS, not the cable clamp/connector. The loaded batteries should show around 6.1, 6.2 Volts. I was amazed when one of mine was like 5.3 Volts, all the others ok. And I bet even within that battery it's only one of the three cells that's bad, but our resolution is 3 cells. And replacing with a single new T-105 everything was like new. The reason you need to measure at the terminals themselves is the other likely problem would have been a high resistance connection; if you measure two batteries 6.2V and 6.2V then when you measure across all the wiring you better see 12.4V. If not it's then easy to make a few more measurements to narrow down where the bad connection = voltage drop is.
  2. Thank you Hokieman, that's what I was looking for. I did not know about the metal plates, that's great, and you are probably right that i should just ask Service.
  3. Oh, ‘Signature’ thanks!
  4. Sorry, Dean Rowland 2023 Twin bed EII #1359, thank you Bill. I'll try to figure out how you and others get that footer on your posts.
  5. Searched around some, can't find this so if there's a previous post on this please let me know. Want to add solar panels on roof, how do you get wiring from the roof to the overhead cabinets, I can handle it from there with Overland's clever down-through-the-pantry method. If you drill down into the roof how do you know where you won't hit any wires? Does Oliver factory wiring run with either the Vent fan's wire or the AC's wiring? Even so, you'd have to have the new wire run from forward on the roof back to the middle somewhere.
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