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GraniteStaters last won the day on July 21 2020

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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite II
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    Twin Bed Floor Plan

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  1. Bulldog HD Shock Absorber Replaces 555001 For Trailer Leaf Spring Retro Kit 19-050000007 These are the shocks that I ordered based on other folks recommendations. They are pretty substantial shocks and I haven't installed yet as they didn't come until November, 2024. The guidance I received from this forum suggested that the top rubber cushions might need to be compressed a bit more than you would be inclined to do because of they are a bit larger than the originals. I paid $128.00 for 4 for our LEII.
  2. We try to never have our AGM batteries discharged beyond 12.6V. This can be very challenging in cold weather as our Dometic Furnace squirrel cage can use a lot of Ah overnight. If you can keep your SOC over 80 percent at all times, we never go below 90 percent, you will double the life of your batteries otherwise you can expect only so many cycles. The advantage of Lithium is that they can be discharged more deeply and cycled many more times. The usual expectation for LiFePO batteries is about 3000 cycles. The best you can hope for AGMs are 750 cycles if you keep SOC above 90 percent.
  3. We love Lost Dutchman. Took this last winter. Paula
  4. We had The Swallow, #509, done in June at the Maine rally. I was a bit appalled at the price but we could see some oxydation beginning on the top and the nose even though we waxed twice a year. Our Ollie does sit uncovered in our driveway in NH so it takes a hit from the weather. I didn't mine the washing, but the waxing was hard on the arms! Anyway, after watching the CGI guys work for an entire day and a half it was clear that they earned their money. What a nice and hard-working crew! The shine is amazing but the ease of washing off the bugs and road grime, then giving it a quick "spritz" and wipe with the the ceramic spray is worth every penny. Paula
  5. Chris, On our LEII, 2019, there was a yellow ground wire from the negative post on one of the 6V batteries that ran back to a bus bar that was grounded to the frame. I discontinued this yellow wire in favor of an additional bus bar that I connected to the Oliver ground bus bar to allow grounding of the inverter and the shunt. This means that our batteries are grounded by the 4/0 inverter negative wire that runs from the new bus bar to the battery negative post on the first 6V battery.
  6. Mine is sitting in the dining room while I try to work up the mental energy to tackle it. I am getting confused just reading this thread! Things that look like mazes baffle me. 🙂. Paula
  7. The step for winterizing the fresh water inlet is really to prevent damage at the check valve where some water may accumulate and not drain due to the design of the check valve. I have never added any significant winter antifreeze in the freshwater tank because if it drained, there is very, very little chance that any freezing would damage the tank. Imagine an ice cube tray with a bit of water in the bottom of the tray. Any freezing water would just fill the void and not press any significant issue to the sides of the water tank.
  8. Not sure what you mean, but here is what I have seen on the Lippert and my original hose. If there is any water in it and I stretch out the hose I create negative pressure. On the Lippert, when I stretch the hose to its entire length, the vacuum was so pronounced to cause the beginning of the hose to collapse. It was the downward leg of the connection and was laying against the bumper which probably contributed to the collapse.
  9. There is a DIY video on Dexter YouTube channel that showed checking the magnets as a part of the bearing repack and shows how to check the face of the magnet where it activates on the wheel. If there is uneven wear the magnet won’t be as effective. I don’t believe they explained why the wear would be uneven.
  10. Welcome from #509, and it is nice to have more New Hampshire Ollie owners! Paula
  11. ScubaRX, I was surprised to see that you have several Oliver owners visiting you for your assistance in replacing their springs. Now that you have announced this and considering my order from Alcan will be here on Friday, I may inquire about whether you are “scheduling” and whether you are an HH stop too. GraniteStaters aka David Caswell
  12. Wayfinder, you will need to replace your seals too, so you should had those, qty 4.
  13. There is a kit available to rebuild the diaphragm pumps for Shur-Flo. It a very straightforward rebuild and worth it if the pump motor is working. The part is very compact and is good to have in the vehicle if you don’t travel with a spare.
  14. We decided to replace our sewer hose with a Lippert Cam Lock version. They are expensive but have a nice design that includes a smooth interior and that improves flow. I used the honey pot option so I wouldn’t have to modify the interlocking connection on the Oliver. I purchased the primary hose, a coupler, and the honey pot cable for the same functionality. I also received an adapter that can be used to permanently modify the Oliver, but don’t anticipate ever using it. I did purchase the hose adapter to convert the honey pot hose to allow a garden hose connection as we only dump grey water and want to be able to dump to a container for longer stays where we don’t have sewer hookups at the campsite. I have attached a video. IMG_0349.mov
  15. The math on the credit for Lithium Pro on LEII looks like it is off. 30 percent of $7120.00 isn't $7120.
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