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boler fun

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  1. If you don't mind me asking, For the ones that just ordered the Olivers, did you pay the new price, or was it the old price if you looked at it just before the increase?
  2. Hi Denise, Thats for responding, my question is that the trailer 4 months ago had a base price of $17,500. and now it is $25,750. (with A/C) that is a $8,250. increase. Why and How can you increase it that high and fast? The price increase has changed our minds and quite possibly others from what I have been reading. Scott
  3. When we first did up the Boler we had no idea you could purchase a new Egg and even with a bath/shower inside. The Boler was fun but it had its quirks, like sweating inside when it is cold out and warm inside. We figured out that we put 60,000 klms on it, and some was in the snow, so it was not perfect anymore. We are now on the hunt for another trailer, we sold the Surveyor 2 weeks ago and virtually broke even on it. We have it narrowed down to a Casita, Escape or Oliver (until the $ increase) we are leaning towards the Casita because it is close for us to pick up. Scott
  4. Hi Chris, I enjoy reading your stories of your travels that I thought I would share a bit of similarities we both have. My wife and I also lived in a trailer and traveled across N.A . 9 years ago, we logged about 6 months in total in our Boler that we owned back then, traveling from Niagara Falls to Tofino BC (farthest west you can get) and then down to Sand Diego. We did stay in Motels periodically due to weather conditions and the need to soak in a bathtub. We enjoyed the carefree lifestyle while we were newlyweds, we completely restored the Boler before we left, updating everything from paint to fabrics to bearings. Times changed and we thought that we needed a larger trailer and ended up with two new stickies, but always missed the light weight fiberglass eggs. Today we trailer on holidays with our toddler and pets, hopefully we can live out of a trailer again when we retire (15 years from now). Hope to meet you at a camp fire one day and hear more of your travels. Scott
  5. A/C is now standard, but the main reason for the increase was raw material to produce the trailer. I was surprised since most trailer manufacturers have lowered the prices along with auto manufactures. Hopefully they will reconsider the $ increase if sales slow.
  6. I called the factory this week and was informed that the base price for the Classic was $25,750 and up. Very disappointed, I thought that the old pricing for a 17' was high but I could justify it for the Oliver. I wonder with such a high price on a new to the market trailer will be the demise for them during the economic times we are experiencing right now. If the old price was still available, I would have one on order, too bad because they seem to be perfect for us, but I cannot justify that price for one.
  7. The $25,750 base classic is the price I was quoted also, not that much interested any longer.
  8. Can this be a printing error? That would make it almost double the cost in 3 months, tell me it isn't so. We were planning on visiting the factory this month, before we considered purchasing one, but I don't think we will if that is the cost. I would not pay that for a trailer, can someone bring me up to speed on price. Thanks, Scott
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