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Everything posted by JohnZ3

  1. Hi, I am anticipating replacing the 4 6volt Trojan AGM batteries in our 2018 LEII (Hull #405) in the next year or so. Since we have the solar option, is there any step by step procedure I should follow in replacing them with the same type battery? Thanks. John Z in PA
  2. Bill, I had the same question about jacking up the Oliver, so I purchased the Andersen kit that included a red plastic Rapid Jack. It allows you to drive up on with one tire while lifting the other tire. I thought I had it figured out until we attended the 2019 Rally and Dexter cautioned against the use of such devices. The concern is that the W shaped spring shackle will "flip" down and you might have a real problem getting it back into place. My solution was to purchase a new Ford "take-out" bottle jack on E Bay. It is compact, has a 4 ton capacity, and a shaft that telescopes to about 17 inches. I mounted the jack and its cradle on a board and store it in the basement. I had to use it once and it worked great. John
  3. Thanks for your reply. The illustration is very helpful, but my unit (#405) clearly does not have a valve there. Also, since there was a previous post from hull # 409 with the same findings, I'm guessing we were in the same class of not having one. Oh well.
  4. Thanks for the reply and ideas. John
  5. <b>Hello, I wanted to try out the black tank flush port today for the first time (using clean water on a previously emptied tank). I carefully read all of the instructions and reviewed the bathroom vent and drain diagram. Both reference a shutoff valve that must be opened before flushing the tank. I located the incoming water line under the front dinette seat, but there was NO valve anywhere. I then hooked up a hose and slowly added water which I could see (clear inlet hose) and hear water filling the black tank. When I opened the black tank tee handle at the rear, everything appeared to flush properly. My question is.....did the factory forget to install a shutoff valve or has there been a design change? I can cut in a valve, if needed. Thanks, John</b>
  6. Hello, Has anyone painted the inside of these doors in a color other than the factory grey? If so, what kind of paint did you use and how has it held up? Also would like to hear if anyone has used a different kind of treatment. Thanks, John
  7. Hello, We picked up our unit in Hohenwald in November of last year. On the way home we used the furnace once and everything worked fine. We have camped since, but used an electric heater for heat. I went to start the furnace today and the ceiling mounted a/c unit comes on and blows cold air. The gas is ON and the thermostat is set for FURNACE (not heat strip). Shouldn't just the furnace come on and blow hot air through the heating ducts? Am I doing something wrong? Thanks. John
  8. Thank you Mike (and Andrew), that is exactly what I experienced, however I was fortunate enough to be just using fresh water. That's how we learn. John
  9. Hi, Can someone please explain the proper operation and use of this option? Should the valve be kept OPEN or CLOSED? I just got my trailer out of winter storage after bringing it home from Hohenwald in November. I was going over all of the systems to insure that everything works. I also looked at the owners manual and found parts diagrams, but no instructions for its use. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. John Z., Hull#405, '18 F150 EB
  10. Hi, I seem to recall reading a number of posts about different ways to hold the bathroom door open. I've searched the forum, but can't find them. Can anyone direct me to them? Thanks, John
  11. <b>Has anyone considered using this over the "gray" fiber glass edge on the twin beds? That is between 3/16" to 1/8" thick. Thanks.</b>
  12. Hey Bill, The tag team approach works for me! Thanks to both of you for all the great information. Yes, other than the first night of camping down there to check out all of the systems, I believe we're going to try to get back home prior to Thanksgiving. John
  13. Hi Scotty, Thanks for all the good advice for our trip home. My only question is.....will the furnace operate on DC/ battery, if we use one of the free overnight areas, or should I plan on taking my Honda generator along? John
  14. Bill, Pickup is scheduled for November 19th. I'll work on pictures when we get home. Thanks. J (&E)
  15. Thank you Bill.
  16. We are anxiously awaiting the mid November pickup of our 2018 Elite II. Unfortunately, with winter weather not far away, here in PA, we'll more than likely only use the Oliver for the trip home from TN. Then it's off to winter storage till next Spring. We'll use the down time to stock up and equip the trailer and "make it our own". I always look forward to reading all of the posts on the forum and find that they are a wealth of good information. We may sign up for the 2019 Rally (if there are still sites available) after we take delivery. Perhaps we'll get to meet many of the happy Oliver owners out there. John & Eileen
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