Good afternoon folks,
We were able to take our new to us Ollie out this weekend. We received quite the surprise when we went to use the fresh water... it smelled bad... really bad.
So I googled and found that we needed to sanitize the fresh water tank. Followed the instructions and pulled bleach water in from the boondock port in the back. That worked fine. Following instructions, I ran the bleach water through all the faucets and then after 15 min attempted to drain the tank through the drain value. While a little bit of water would trickle out it was way too slow, so I closed the faucets inside and closed the drain value to normal up the system.
At this point, I thought I'd just open the faucet and cycle the fresh water into the gray water tank. Unfortunately, I now have little to no water pressure in either of the faucets or in the toilet. The water pump seems to be running fine.
Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong or what may have happened to kill the water pressure?
Thanks for you help