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John Welte

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Posts posted by John Welte

  1. 31 minutes ago, Boudicca908 said:

    Through research online, I think this is the one that John Davies purchased. It seems to be available (order for ship to store or ship to home from Home Depot). Their price is about $150. It can configure in a LOT of different ways -- as a step ladder, as an extension ladder. So the 14' reach is when it's extended out as a straight line, not when it's "A frame" shape. But it's fairly compact. Their website has complete dimensions, so if you have your Ollie already (I don't) you can measure if it would fit in the closet.

    Here's the mfr page -- https://www.wernerco.com/us/products/ladders/multi-ladders/MT-00IAASeries/MT-14IAA


    "Their website has complete dimensions, so if you have your Ollie already (I don't) you can measure if it would fit in the closet."

    We get ours on November 7.  I think you're ahead of us.   I am just getting things or researching what I think we will need.   Thanks for your comments. 


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  2. 38 minutes ago, topgun2 said:

    For what its worth - I carry my collapsible ladder in the closet.  A bungee around the vent pipe keeps the ladder firmly against the wall between the closet and the bath.


    Bill,  what size did you get and which manufacturer?  Are you happy with it?   John

  3. 3 hours ago, CnC said:

    John, I returned the collapsible 12.5 foot and got the 8.5 foot for the road.   I didn't feel like I needed to carry the taller one with me on the road.


    Can you do what you need to do with that?   You can reach the top with that I would assume. 

  4. 3 hours ago, CnC said:

    We purchased a collapsible and found it too lengthy and too heavy.  We returned it and got a shorter, lighter one that we can use to reach the Ollie roof.  If we need to get up on the roof, we'll use taller ladders at home.



    How tall was the one that you took back?   I am thinking of a 12-12.5 foot long one.   They weigh under 30 pounds and go to 32 inches when down. 

  5. 1 hour ago, SeaDawg said:

    This thread?

    Or this?


    I'll look forward to people who've used any of them.

    I read through the first thread.   I didn't see the second one.   Thanks for finding that.   I do a search on the topic so I don't duplicate questions.   I do my search on my Samsung phone.   Maybe there's more functionality on a laptop or desktop. Thanks again. 

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  6. I did a search on collapsible ladders in the forum and it appears that the 12 foot or 12.5 foot telescoping size is what people are using.   Are you all happy with them and what brand did you get?   I see about five different weight limits (200,225,250,275 and 300 pounds if I recall correctly) and a few manufacturers of these.   The thread that I saw was from 2019.  I am looking for current recommendations on these ladders.   I weigh 200 pounds,  6'1".  Thanks

  7. 50 minutes ago, Steph and Dud B said:

    Build sheet sent. Wallet lighter. Colors picked and street awning included. Thanks to all for the feedback! Can't wait to get a hull number!

    Congratulations!   I always say that money is just paper with pictures of dead presidents.   I might feel differently when I send in 40k on the first payment.   That will be in August. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, SNY SD UP said:

    one addendum,

    if you go to the TRNP Southern Unit near Medora, they have the Medora Musical, if you are into that.


    I went to that and it's impressive.   Well worth the money.   I don't recall it being super expensive either. 

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  9. 15 minutes ago, SeaDawg said:

    One of our local friends got a new, more powerful ebike this week. He and his wife rode over to show us this morning. 

    His helmet from specialized . Com has a gizmo that detects crashes, and sends a text with gps location to specified person. Pretty cool, I  think, since he sometimes rides solo. I'd never heard of anything like it.

    I think it's this. If anyone is interested,  I'll him ask him  more about it  tomorrow. Today's conversation was mostly about his latest ebike.




    I had never heard of it before.   Two of us are heading out for a two month bicycle trip so it might come in handy.   What kind of e-bike was it?   Mine is a Story with a 350 watt hub motor.   7 gears,  5 levels of assist.   Some come with mid drive motors down by the pedals with 1000 watts,  but they're a few thousand more than mine.   I would be interested in a folding e-bike. 

  10. 28 minutes ago, Steph and Dud B said:

    Yeah, I can see that. Especially the new armless ones. They do make me nervous, but I see the same ones on a lot of the big Class As, so I guess they're OK. I think the old manual awning we had on our 1999 trailer was the strongest we've had.

    I picture using the second one partially open to allow the street side windows to be open in light rain,  no wind conditions that we get here in Oregon especially often. 

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  11. 2 hours ago, Steph and Dud B said:

    I think I've read every thread about the 2nd awning. No absolute consensus there. We do boondock at a CT state park in the summer. Basically in an open field, so good for solar but it gets hot. And, I like that the awning can help keep light rain off the dinette window. And, and, we absolutely plan to get back to the Southwest during retirement. So, those are all pros. The biggest downside to me will be that it will make snow removal a bit harder. But... we really hope we won't see that much snow after retirement anyway! I think I know which way that coin's falling.

    I am leaning towards the second awning also for  the same reasons you listed. 

  12. 8 minutes ago, topgun2 said:

    John - 

    Not to steal mtkadan's thunder and I expect that he will answer your question when he gets settled, but, there are a bunch of apps that can be used to do this type of thing.

    You might want to start HERE for some that help.

    There are all kinds of ways to get these apps to work - computer, tablet, smartphone.  Even the Garmin 890 GPS has a couple of them built into the device.


    Thanks Bill.   Being new to the planet,  I have a lot to learn. 

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  13. 16 hours ago, Mike and Carol said:

    If you’re looking for states parks in the hill country, there’s Blanco, Perdenales, Guadalupe River.  There’s a municipal park in Fredericksburg (Lady Bird Johnson), there are also some good commercial parks around Fredericksburg, one is brand new and just opened in the middle of all the wineries.  Also a couple of commercial campgrounds around Kerrville.  State parks here fill up on the weekends almost all year round, so reservations are important as early as you can make them.  As you head this way I would try to avoid going through Austin, traffic can be pretty bad.  Mike

    What data base or guide do you use?   In November I will need to know what's available between Hohenwald and Portland, Oregon.   Don't worry Mike,  you don't need to list every camping option, although I am impressed with your encyclopedic knowledge of places.  I just need to get or know where to find places.   There's probably an RV campground guide for the country that I need to get. 

  14. 9 minutes ago, Mattnan said:

    We have the factory camera.  I use it primarily as a rear view mirror during daylight hours.  It is too bright at night for me.  The resolution is not the best.  I have it placed in the lower left hand corner of the windshield.  I use it to also see my wife's hand instructions while backing up.  

    What year is your Ollie? 

  15. 30 minutes ago, routlaw said:

    We also have the rear view camera, however the factory installed one was stolen out of our truck a few years ago so I installed a different brand. Truthfully I really didn't like the factory installed one anyway, too gangly with all the wires and monitor was terrible. I installed a Fusion which was marginally better with the monitor and more importantly with a significantly smaller footprint. If I had it to do again would have bought another brand. Maybe Oliver has also changed the brand of rear view cameras by now compared to the original we had. They are very useful however, and wouldn't want to be without one.

    "Maybe Oliver has also changed the brand of rear view cameras by now compared to the original we had. They are very useful however, and wouldn't want to be without one."

    Anyone know if Oliver changed brands.   We get our trailer in eight months.   I would think they would want the best possible camera.   There's nothing worse than a poor quality camera.   I want the display to be as good as a rear view mirror if that's possible. 

  16. Hi all,  I searched the previous posts to see if there were any posts about the backup camera.   I assumed that there would be some.   Maybe I don't know the right way to search even though I put in "backup camera" in the search bar.   Are you all pleased with the backup camera?   I hope the one that is an OTT option can be used to give a rear view also when towing the trailer.  Ideally,  the monitor would mount over the truck's mirror or be somewhere easy to view while driving.   If it does go over the truck mirror,  then when driving there's no adjusting the vision to see the rear view.  Thanks. 

  17. 54 minutes ago, John E Davies said:

    Do you mind explaining that? Are you afraid of fire? Theft?

    John Davies 

    Spokane WA


    Theft.   I realize that the door has a key on it,  but given how expensive these batteries are,  couldn't that lock be defeated by someone who wanted to steal the batteries.   I would hope that no one has had that happen,  but think of all the catalytic converter thefts that have been occuring, and those are small change compared to these batteries. 

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  18. On 2/25/2022 at 5:49 AM, Mike and Carol said:

    You need to have your TPMS when you get to Hohenwald.  There’s not much to installation…. With the TST you just screw the sensors onto the tires, do some programming (button pushing) on the small monitor and you’re done.  Mike

    Mike,  I watched the video on how to set it up.   Looks easy.   Thanks for confirming that. 

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  19. 27 minutes ago, dewdev said:


    Topgun was suggesting one for your tow vehicle spare. I was suggesting one for the Ollie spare.

    Total of 6 and more if you want any spares.

    You're quite right when I read it again.   Six would be the minimum.   My tv spare is under the vehicle.   I haven't checked the air pressure in that tire ever!   Side note,  some car manufacturers don't even have spare tires.   My brother and sister have Teslas.   No spare tire!   Thanks for pointing that out about the Ollie spare. 

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