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Everything posted by Marce

  1. Using Oliver E-II for first time this Summer. Encountered what appears to be a nest of Carpenter Bees in the AC. Sprayed some bee killer into the sides…still see bees. im assuming this is not an unusual event. Thx in advance, for best practices in successful eradication (hopefully, w/o having to take the top off)!
  2. Anderson chains: can anyone tell me what grade/length I need for replacement chains? Mine are rusty and If like to replace w/ yellow chromate anti-rust linkage. Thanks in advance!
  3. While attempting to replace the Back Upper Right LED Brake Light, I was informed by Mike Sharp that the original LEDs installed in my 2021 E-2 (Hull #883) that the original vendor was no longer being used. Mike directed me to the Optronics company who now make the same light so I ordered a new one. once it arrived, I noticed the new light is the same size but the black bezel that has the 4 screw holes is NOT the same nor does it accommodate the plastic Chrome veneer that snaps on the light. I ALSO realized that Oliver simply drills the 4 screws into the fiberglass hull instead of a bracket or steel repository. This is not a good practice since the space curves while the light fixture doesn’t. So, as a result, the outside screw hole has complete stripped out the fiberglass. question: Has anyone installed any sort of permanent steel bracket/female receiver into their unit as a modification in order to avoid any future stripping out of the screw threads? If so, please share…
  4. Was curious to hear thoughts on Water filtration systems for people who prefer to NOT travel with drinking water. Is a Reverse Osmosis System worth the $$ over a standard system? Any insights are appreciated.
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