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Mark and Teri JuneBug22

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    Evansville, Indiana

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  1. Hi John, we also looked at the R-Pod and the Minnie Winnie but then my boyfriend decided he wanted to take the trip to the Oliver factory. Luckily it's just a state away from us so it was easy even during these times. The tour was fabulous and seeing their manufacturing process sold us on how well built this travel trailer is. We toured the E I and E II in the showroom, where I told him I was concerned about the small galley area. Well as we sat down to get a price quote I made a run to the bathroom and came back to witness him signing the paperwork and making the down payment. Although I was thrilled to know that we were finally making a move toward our retirement dreams I was wondering how was I ever going to cook in that kitchen. Our pick up date is June of 2022 which has given me lots of time to practice in my kitchen at home. That's exactly what I'm doing now. At first I set up a small area to prep that represented the dimensions of the counter space in the Ollie, including the dinette table. It really is doable. I've since bought a pot and pan that are much smaller than what I use at home, which will fit perfectly on the stove top in the Ollie and I've been cooking with them. I'm also playing with our at home convection oven which I had never used before. I think if you look at the dimensions of the counter space you'll find in the owner's section, let your wife set up a little prep area and cook area up, she'll find it's more than doable, it can even be fun. Being that she likes to cook, she'll be great a pre-prepping at home which will save her on a lot of the prep space needed while traveling. Well that's my 2 cents worth and so far practicing is helpful for me. Good luck.
  2. Thank you so much for the measurements. 90 days....that would have been a dream. However it does give us plenty of time to acquire things for the trailer.
  3. Can someone help me? We are wanting to get a rug for the area from the entry door to the wall area past the bathroom door on an Elite II. We are needing the measurements of that floor area. Of course as I'm typing this we have 300 days, 8 hours and 28 minutes until we get to pick up our Ollie Elite II. So you see we are definitely in a time crunch for these measurements. Thanks Ya'll, we appreciate all of your help and advice.
  4. I love all of these ideas in this thread. We have a number of months before we pick up our Oliver Elite II but you've given me wonderful ideas of how to organize the space. Thank you all.
  5. Thank you for this information. I'll look the RV sleep sack up online.
  6. Oh my gosh! I love it. Definitely time to go shopping on Amazon. Thank you very much.
  7. Thank you. I've been practicing with an 8" round pan at home. Turns out my home microwave has a convection oven option also. It's just larger than the one in the Oliver. Nice to be able to experiment while waiting for our pick up date.
  8. Thank you very much.
  9. Mcb, what type and size of pan, bakeware are you using when using the convection oven? We have 10 months before our pick-up date by a girl can never be too prepared.
  10. Thank you for replying to my question. It really was helpful. I might be able to tweak the sheets, but I am no seamstress. I bet yours are beautiful. The info regarding the memory gel topper is very helpful.
  11. Thank you so much for this information. I was imagining doing the same thing, however I was unsure how they standard King size sheets and mattress pad would work with the curvature along the front end. You have put my mind at ease. Shopping I shall go.
  12. Although we just signed our sales order last Friday I'm a planner and needing advice on what mattress topper and sheet size people are using for the Elite II standard layout with the King bed conversion using the standard cushions not a mattress. Any and all recommendations will be helpful. I may have 10 months before our pick up date but I'm very excited. Thanks all of you.
  13.  Hi Oliver family,  we're Mark and Teri.  Last Friday we headed south to tour the Oliver factory and see the travel trailers first hand.  We had been pondering the thought of purchasing a travel trailer for years now, but never researched it enough to make it happen.  Well if the pandemic has taught us anything at all it's that we enjoy being together every single day and we are ready to enjoy retirement by traveling the US.  We both have backgrounds in manufacturing but that did not prepare us the remarkable manufacturing process we witnessed at Oliver.  It was incredible how much respect was put into their product.  Needless to say we were smitten after the tour.  Mark had told me we would tour the plant, see the trailers, get much needed information and return home to ponder and research further.  Jason was helping us get a quote together, I thought it would be a figure Mark and I would discuss later at home.  I excused myself to use the restroom, when I returned Jason was sliding over paperwork for Mark to sign. I look at Mark and he says to me, well you ready to start living our dream.  He was signing a sales order.  He was getting us an Elite II, standard with a king bed.  Although they couldn't scheduled our pick up date for my birthday next year they came awful close.  To say we are excited is an understatement.  I think I have sent photos to all my family and friends.  So here I am scouring over the Oliver forum trying to soak in all the information I can.  So many more questions, good thing I have 10moths to find all the answers.


    Sales order signed 8/12/21, pick up date 6/20/22 at 8:30am.  ❤️

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