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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite II
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    Twin Bed Floor Plan

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  1. Last week, I began an evening with full charge (Lithium Pro 390 AH). Running only two small ac Fans along with roof vent at 60% capacity (frig on propane), the batteries went down below 10% over night. This does not seem appropriate and welcome any feedback.
  2. Thank You, responses and it is decided.
  3. Thanks for feedback Mike. We are getting the regular porcelain toilet. Steve
  4. Finalizing build sheet and curious for opinions regarding Shower Curtain Kit. Is it helpful and useful or unnecessary? I welcome feedback. Thanks Steve
  5. Thanks to all for the valuable thoughts and feedback. Mattnan - might you share a picture of your side mount Lagun table? Steve
  6. Thanks John. At 5'10", I'm not too concerned about the 75" bed length of each configuration, more the functionality and practical use of the one vs other. You make a good point by simply pointing out that the majority sold are Twin. Steve
  7. Brand new to the Forum, with a very recent slot in the Production Que for 2022 Elite II. My wife and I have vacillated between Standard and Twin bed configuration. Obviously, there are pros and cons to each, which will be weighed differently based on individual use. We are looking for feedback from the "experienced". How easy/difficult is breakdown/setup of the Standard bed. Are there owners out there that have one configuration, but have regrets and would now prefer the "other", if so, why? Looking forward to your thoughts and thanks in advance!
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