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Everything posted by BrownT

  1. Did they forget to put food in bear bag/away from the camp? Reminded me of a story I've read once: some folks were working as wood cutters with camp set up in the middle of nowhere(most of the food was air dropped on them I think). So on one of the drops they've got a bottle of booze or something and got completely smashed. Needless to say, they forgot to throw away food scraps... From the words of the guy, both woke up drunk being dragged through bushes 'cause bear came to eat scraps and got tangled with tent ropes. Ended up dragging 'em for couple of hundreed yards before untangling. Now that's an experience that won't make you forget about taking care of food 😄
  2. How's CRKT and Benchmade compared to Spyderco? Mostly been buying Spyderco ones, but thinking about getting something new (also X-mas sales soon, so might aswell 😄 )
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