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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite II
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  1. Super helpful SeaDawg. The Force 10k Parkit is rated to tow 10k lbs, the SuperHandy is 7500lbs so yes it will be interesting but both should do the job unless you have a grade more than 3-6 degrees variable on the model (oddly both had different numbers here in there specs) The Superhandy came with the full frame extra wheel structure, for the Parkit it’s an additional $500 on top of a unit that costs more than the Superhandy. Parkit said that easy connect extension removes the need to tighten your connection during the tow at the hitch and better cornering capabilities, I’ve not verified this yet but it makes sense looking at the design. Basically I now have two for the moment 🤨
  2. I purchased a Parkit360 10k force for an Elite II, to tow my Oliver into my side yard. I’ve used it three times and the device failed twice (circuit board, then battery on a less than year old unit) where it was 100% non functional. Just a friendly message to those looking for this solution. I just received my purchase of a SuperHandy dolly because I need a reliable option, so far that came with way more sturdy options and design than the Canadian company at a lower cost, while the jury is out on both, I recommend extensive research for those looking for this solution. I should have researched more sadly. Note the SuperHandy site demo utilizes an Oliver Elite II (non branded) in their own web pics…. Hope this helps others.
  3. Hi there, I actually replaced mine the first week of ownership last month. I replaced with a Samsung QN32Q60AAFXZA 32 inch. It just fits, you may need to tinker with the vesa mount screws a bit, I had to trim two screws from my collection of misc screws in my garage to get it to work, the screws from the Visio TV to the mount will not fit right. From there you will need an hdmi extension cable, I found one on Amazon that was 6inches and it did the trick. You will need to adjust the mount bracket slightly lower and then tighten the screw locks on the bar as the last step so that the tv will not hit the shade but clear the upper cabinet. Took about 45 mins to do just to get the right screw fit.
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