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phil underwood

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  1. the kids in with the coonskin caps are ours, LOL there was actully 5 people that owned Olivers that were there, or stopped by. I'll get all there names but here are few i can remember Doug I Jam49 Pete
  2. We had 3 Olivers there
  3. the title casita leaving was labeled by the one of the working camp hosts at the park.. I think there were 3 Olivers at the rally
  4. thank you everybody for helping make the rally a success here are some pics we took
  5. we are heading out and planning on being there by wednesday night
  6. we will be there
  7. thank you and your welcome
  8. ... ember2009#
  9. it will be great to see you guys there again
  10. gettin close to 50 trailers
  11. so far we have two Olivers coming
  12. sounds great Pete For all those who would like to arrive early and/or stay late at Miller Creek during our Hill-a-Palooza: The parks weekly rates are $180.00 They will however honor our rally rates for those who are choosing to spend more time at the park. If you double up your daily rate will be $22.00 (that is 154.00 a week) If you are able to have your own spot the daily rate will be 27.00 (that is 169.00 a week) Either way you go, it will be cheaper to pay the rally rate rather than their regular weekly rate. It's your choice. Also, please keep in mind that Miller Creek has 2 rally's scheduled besides ours. One will end 4 days before ours and the other will start 4 days after ours. I spoke with the owner and he said that during those 4 days before and after he will allow us use of the rec. hall just like last year. Also, you only have to call the park if your planing to come early or stay late. I hope I answered everyone's questions. Thanks so much & we can't wait to see you there!!!! Phil & Denise Underwood
  13. spots are filling quickly
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