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Work Kamper Question


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In our current work year, we will have wage earnings in three different states. Since we will be retired, we would like to recover as much of the paid in taxes as is possible. He, he, converting it into gasoline money ?

Our Ollie will be our Office where will handle correspondence, pay bills, do banking, do paperwork associated with the campground, and just on and on. Then we will make arrangements to rendezvous at our next job in another State. All from this office.

My question is this:

Anybody writing the office costs off of their taxes ? Can that extend out to include Cost of solar Panels, propane, sun room and other camping items ?

I would rather wake up in the middle of nowhere than in any city on earth 08' Oliver Legacy Elite HULL NUMBER 0003(sold)

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Was talking to a folks today who have been workamping at Grand Teton for last 4 years and the deductions he mentioned were NUMEROUS, mileage to and from and while there, food, campsite (he's paid by check by a concessionaire vs campsite swap) and best advise was to check with a tax person in the state you file taxes in.

Chuck 8-)

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One thing to consider is your official domicile for state income taxes. We registered in South Dakota for our purposes. However, if you're already in a state without income taxes, that's a great start :)


We also live and work out of our Oliver.. we definitely write off mileage, camp fees, equipment specific to our work (computers, etc) and other job related expenses. We haven't tried writing off office space, as there is no space in our Oliver that is dedicate just to work, so that would get tricky. And when we're living and working in a small space, so much of our stuff is dual purpose personal/business. But if you're camp hosting.. that's probably different - as you are there for work. :)


If we get into publishing books on nomadism and/or making money off our blogging - we will likely look different at our living expenses and how they should be written off.


- Cherie

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Yep, there's a lot of things to consider alright. Another thing came up yesterday during a conversation with a friend who is also my insurance agent. Should our home have no one in it for sixty consecutive days, our insurance policy will become void. Wow !

When I asked how long we would have to come back home and stay to keep the policy intact, the answer was "one night".

Looks like the grand daughter who looks after things and takes care of animals may pick up some extra work.

Any one else have this occupancy problem in their policy ? Or, maybe no one is staying away over sixty days ?

Have you got a solution ?

I would rather wake up in the middle of nowhere than in any city on earth 08' Oliver Legacy Elite HULL NUMBER 0003(sold)

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