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Posts posted by Steve-Gwenne

  1. Ok everyone, Thank you for all the replies. It is much appreciated. I know that anyone else that has this problem is not pleased but, I am at least glad we are not the only ones experiencing this.

    At someone's suggestion, I did open a Service Ticket. I heard from Mike in less than 24 hours. He said the door would need to be replaced. I responded by stating, "$$$$". Mike responded by stating that some people have covered the cracks with state park stickers. I think we'll go with white duck tape until we cannot stand it anymore or it gets much worse.

    We are the original owners of #224. Our window did not have clips. We changed our window in 2018. [the cracks have only recently appeared] In early 2018, there had been many Forum posts about alternate windows. One was the one that togun2 referenced & another is the one we used. I really like it

    Again, ty

    Gwenne - of Steve & Gwenne 

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  2. We are new to RV ownership so maybe this is to be expected; our door panel, on the inside, is cracking. See photos.

    Is this normal? If not, what has caused this? 'Sun' comes to mind but I do not think that pertains to us.

    What should we do? I am inclined to cover each crack with white duck tape. Is this a good idea? Or ????

    I am concerned that all of the laminate, or whatever this bumpy material is, will peel totally off & leave the door looking like ???. 🙂





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  3. 4 hours ago, Katjo said:

    That’s a very clever space saving idea you could use to store anything! Does it not interfere (enough depth) with your clothes/coats hanging? We hang all our clothes. I would like this just to fill the dead space back there to store odds and ends. We currently use an inexpensive hanging shoe rack. 


    Hi --- like your shoe holder. Where did you get it & do you have the name of it. Thx

  4. 13 hours ago, Steph and Dud B said:

    We have wedge pillows we put on the bed to recline, watch TV, etc. inside. We put them on the dinette seats when we want to sleep at night. 

    Yes, we do the same using what we used to call a 'husband'; a bed rest which we place against the pantry wall & the stove wall. Very! comfortable.

  5. 2 hours ago, topgun2 said:

    As per Google:

    Can you open a HEIC file on a Chromebook?
    At the top right, click “Upload,” select “Computer,” and find your HEIF/HIEC file in your Downloads folder(or wherever you saved it.) Upload the file and that's it. You should now see your full-resolution HEIC photo in Google Photos.Jun 10, 2022

    O MY Heavens!!! topgun2 --- how easy!! The funny thing is that in April my sisters & I went on a 2 week trip to the Utah National Parks. They are all Apple users; I document family activities. We could not easily get their pics into my Google Photos. I see that the Google entry is dated June 2022. I hope this means that this feature was not available earlier this year. 🙂 One sister & I are somewhat computer literate. Regardless --- thank you!!

    • Care 1
  6. We have had our camper for 5 years [#224/2017). I do not know why but the pictured item has recently bothered me. 

    I cannot find this item listed in my Owner's Manual nor the University manual.

    Would someone please let me know the name of the item. Also, what activity activates the individual lights?

    Thank you.




  7. FrankC started a topic in May 2021 re missing 'wheel center trim caps'. He had lost one & wanted to know how to replace it. The post did not provide a definitive answer as the one potential item from Amazon is now unavailable.

    The post segued into grease caps.

    So, we needed 2 caps for our camper. As the Forum did not provide an up to date answer [there may very well be an answer but I did not locate] I did various Google searches & finally called Dexter. She had no idea what I was talking about. 🙂

    I then opened a Service Ticket. A couple of hours later, Rider from the service center called. Oliver refer to this cap as a 'center cap' & they place a sticker on it. I had no idea that black & silver swish-y looking thing was a sticker! I suggested to Rider that the design be changed. Rider & I agreed that no one would be asking him for his opinion. 🙂

    The cylinder protruding from the axle & in which the cap will be placed is called a hub cap. Learn something new everyday.

    My purpose in creating this topic is to let people know what Oliver calls this thing & where & how to get.

    1. See below photos.
    2. Center Cap
    3. Contact Oliver & they will send you what you need/want. I ordered 4 & was charged $38.60, includes shipping.

    Screenshot 2022-07-06 12.06.47 PM.png

    Screenshot 2022-07-06 2.43.38 PM.png

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  8. Our grandson attends Florida Gulf Coast University in Estero, Fl [the Naples/Fort Myers area] & we would like to visit him. Of course, we want to go in the Jan/Feb time frame because: 1) March is spring break at his school; 2) April - Sept, Oct? way too hot. I have done a quick search and nothing has come back. O, & again of course, we do not want to spend an arm & a leg. Maybe we should go in the Fall? I have not checked dates for this time period. Any thoughts, suggestions?? Thank you!!

    Florida sounds especially nice right now as we are currently at the Lewis and Clark State Park in Onawa, IA. It is overcast & 50ish & no sign of Spring.   brrr~~~

    Bonus fun fact from Wikipedia re Onawa: "The city is known for having the widest main street in the continental United States"


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  9. John,

    1st, it was not coir; it was peat moss. I spoke, or wrote, too quickly. Steve uses peat because he knows where it is in his shop & I use coir because I bought it especially for the camper & Steve has obviously forgotten. 🙂 I do not know if peat could be sucked thru the fan?? We'll see what happens within the next several weeks as we leave on Monday for an extended trip.

    2nd: thank you for your response.  I checked the fan; it is there & it works. I removed the tube & soaked it in warm soapy water. I used a dryer brush to get inside & scrub. It does not look like new but a heck of a lot better.

    Gwenne Causey


    1. Part of Annual Maintenance is to Check Tire PSI.
    2. We have TPMS on our tires.
    3. At last year's Maintenance service, per the invoice the PSI was not checked due to our TPMS.
    4. The TPMS keeps track of PSI. 
    5. We can remove the TPMS upon arrival at the service center. If you remove your TPMS, how do you keep track of each sensor to its tire.
    6. What do people do? I know many have TPMS.
    7. I would like Oliver to be able to check the PSI as we believe one tire may be low.
    8. Maybe I am being overly concerned about something of little consequence.


  10. Thank you everyone for the replies. I have gotten an AllStays account, ordered recommended parts & have Steve reviewing Water Filter info. I think we're good to go on finding water. I look forward to trying boondocking to see how we do. We will not be staying at any one place for longer than 4 nights. So, we will be fine. Although we have had our camper for nearly 5 years we are still new at this game.

  11. 2 hours ago, SeaDawg said:

    For those of you considering using water from streams, etc., here's a link to a discussion about our friend Audrey's system. He used this throughout a trip through Mexico. 

    We also use Purogene vs Clorox to sanitize the onboard tanks in the Ollie and the boat. We don't (yet) have his extensive rv filtration system,  though, so we've not used water from streams in the Ollie, even though we don'tdrink that water. 


    I have sent the Water Filters link to Steve, better half, to read for comprehension. I do the initial investigation & then let him take over. 🙂

  12. 20 hours ago, topgun2 said:

    ! - always keep those portable containers in the back of the truck as full as you can unless you know there will be water available at you next stop or along the way.

    2- Get creative on your water sources - get one of THESE so that you can turn water "on" from almost any spigot.  Gas stations, WalMarts, convenience stores, many town water treatment plants, fire stations, police stations, etc., etc.  You may have to pay a small fee or at least offer to pay for the water.  Same thing goes for commercial camp grounds.

    3 - Get one of THESE so you can get water from spigots that do not have a "normal" threaded end.

    4 - Don't forget that while you do not want to drink it - mountain streams are reasonably clean water which certainly can be used for bathing.  And, with the "winterization port" on the Ollie you can draw water directly into your fresh water tank from that stream/lake if you have a long enough hose.


    I have just ordered the wrench water key & we have the water bandit. Thank you VERY much for this info.

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  13. Steve & I will be out on our 2nd out west trip this spring. Our 1st, was to Big Bend. On that trip we stayed in state parks which had water & electricity.

    This time we are headed to Glacier, from NC. I have a reservation at Fish Creek for June 5 - 9. I do realize that we could run into cold weather. We will be prepared for that.

    As we go further west state parks do not have water or electricity. Electricity is no problem as we have solar; we have a compost toilet & I have the RV Dump Site app. What I am wondering is, where do people get water? I have also planned on a couple of dispersed nights & will need water for these.

    Also, so many of you express caution over campsite water. Do you purchase water as you need it? Our last couple of trips we have brought water from home using a 4-gallon container & an 8-gallon wheeled container. But these ain't gonna hold us for 3000+ miles, one way. 🙂

    Right now my thought is to find water for showers & washing dishes & use purchased water for drinking. Is this what people do? But, again, we have to find a place to fill up.

    Thank you.

    I really enjoy the Forum. I get the daily notification email & read any post that intrigues me. The information & humor are priceless.


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  14. Our valve does not move in & out smoothly; it is a bit difficult to manipulate it. I thought WD-40 sprayed on the metal rod would fix it. Steve said 'no', that it's the closey thingy. (my description, not his.)

    Anyone have an idea on how to rectify or is this the way the valvey thingy works.


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