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Posts posted by bugeyedriver

  1. Geri,


    Pete here . . . just Pete . . . Oscar is in Texas on this initial pickup and maiden voyage enjoying the company of the children in the family he's with. The kids really missed him since I've not been traveling for work with my busted elbow in the healing mode and they have not seen him for months. It also allows me to fully concentrate on the trailer and the ins and outs of this new experience. I sure do miss him. :cry:


    I'm sitting at the General Cafe, across from the Lewis County administrative building. The coffee has been just right and the cup is continually refilled. Egg / sausage / biscuits & gravy filled the spot and the conversation around the room swirls with local flavor.




    65 minutes

  2. Sherry,


    I arrived at Hohenwald (High Forest - an apt name) yesterday evening and drove by the Oliver plant. Kind of felt like an expectant new dad outside the maternity ward. Checked in to the Goodenough Inn and ate at the Rio Colorado to compare the Mexican food to San Antonio . . . (go figure ) Breakfast soon at the General Cafe . . . looking forward to copious amounts of strong coffee.


    No sprint service on the phone but I can connect with my air-data card. Woohoo!


    195 minutes left, but who's counting?

  3. Sherry,


    The tire cover graphic is a bit "over the top" on the wacko side, but the whole purpose is so when drivers come upon Oscar & me from the rear it gets their attention and perhaps puts a bit of a smile on their face as they go along down the road. I asked for it to be tilted so it might appear to be looking at them as they pass on by . . .as if I'll be passing anyone - HA ;)

  4. Robert's digital camera has been busy today . . . more pics are up on the wonder egg. Finishing touches are happening today!


    Go to photobucket and see:


    - generator / multi-function basket, sturdy aluminum!


    - swivel lamp with rheostat control


    - Robert & technicians signing in on a piece of the trailer (cargo hold cover)


    - dual Optima batteries & wash station, note the nice finish on the door interior


    - tire cover graphic ;)


    - interior shots to include the thermostat controls


    - Solar Charge Controller up close and placement overview


    http://s262.photobucket.com/albums/ii12 ... 20Trailer/


    61 more hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





  5. Tom,


    Don't trow in the towel so easy . . . you gotta approach this a different way . . . simply go about the house belting out songs by Olivia Newton-John all day and your DW will start thinking your associating the new trailer with THAT Olivia . . . :o . . .


    Then come on up and get your Wendell Ho(l)me(s).


    heh, heh, heh

  6. Congratulations are in order to SeaDawg, Earthdancer and Tumbleweed for the awesome, momentous, splendiferous, gathering described with such delicious details! Can't wait to see the pics . . . if earthdancer is producing them they will be worth the waiting.


    Looks like meanderthal & I will have to settle for second in the annals of Oliver rallies :roll: shucks!

  7. rvngal,


    From your handle, I take it you have experience you can share with newbies to the rv world (such as myself) . . . please stay and be sure to hang around and point me in the right direction when i go astray. Best of luck in finding the right trailer for you and your DH at this time.

  8. Tom,


    It would be great to meet as we each make our maiden voyage with our Olivers.


    I may have stuck the name Wonder Egg on my new (and first ever) RV but I'm quite sure each of us will have a wonderful experience as we receive our portable fiberglass castles.


    Seeing as I am such a neophyte in the RV universe, I have decided to remain near Hohenwald for two nights at the Thousand Trails/ NACO campground where tumbleweed stayed. I'll be there on the 24th & 25th. This will give me time to make all the silly mistakes I can and call Robert for help (heh, heh, heh) . . .


    Join me at the camp on the 25th and we'll have the first Oliver purchaser rally!! WOOOHOOO!!


    We can put pics on the site to PROVE IT!

  9. I think I may be getting the hang of the picture thing, mountainborn. Now I need to try to downsize the photo for when I start posting Wonder Egg photo's next week. Anyway as you can see, Oscar is all smiles as he anticipates the arrival of our trailer . . . pickup is the 24th!



  10. mrasoul,


    I live about 1.5 hrs southwest of you near Boerne, Tx. I pick up my Wonder Egg on the 24th and will bring it back home later that week. I will also be attending the Bluebonnet Casita rally in Bandera, Tx from 2-6 April. That's only another 30 miles drive from Austin


    The rally would be a great place for you to see about 175 Egg Campers gathered. Looks like I'll be the lone Oliver in the encampment. I'd be glad to show you the trailer and you'd have an opportunity to compare it with other fiberglass eggs.


    pm me if you'll be coming and I'll be sure we get in touch.

  11. mountainborn,


    That's no simple mailbox contraption you've got there, its the whole dang post office! WOW, what a rig . . . looks as powerful as the generator your hauling. It is sure to get attention as you're cruising down the road.


    With the extra 200# strapped out on the tongue shaft, and your self proclaimed crazy, cushion tossing, back woods driving, be sure to add regular inspections of your tongue assembly looking for tiny stress cracks developing at critical points. May never develop, but better to be safe.


    The factory is making me an aluminum basket mount which will be immediately in front of the LP cover. It will distribute the weight over the "V" support section before the shaft of the tongue goes forward. My current concept is to have the Honda EU2000i travel in the truck bed, under the secure cover. I can use the cage to carry various supplies, as needed. At camp I'll reposition the Honda to the cage-mount and hook it to the generator quick connect.


    I'm also considering modifying the generator to propane and will have a propane tie-in incorporated that won't require me to open the LP cover. I'd get the Yamaha 2400 that is already propane ready but its too tall to fit under the Tacoma's bed cover.

  12. earthdancer,


    I've enjoyed the lyrical sounds of the Native American Flute for many years (I have and play three different keys) Over the past two years I've delved into the Irish whistle with a concentration on the Laments and Praises of the Aires genre. (I have 4 of these) I also play several baroque recorders, but I feel they are a bit "overboard" for the quiet solitude I'll be looking for with the Wonder Egg.


    There's nothing like the sound of a fipple flute wafting through the silence of the great outdoors . . . At home, I've had deer stop and listen as I play, leave when I stop, and return when I resume . . . It's another whole level of communication that touches the soul and brings solace to all who hear, including me . . .


    I will need to learn to be cognizant of my fellow travelers in the RV world so I don't disrupt their reverie in the evenings.

  13. The custom made front mural has arrived at the Oliver plant !


    see it at: http://s262.photobucket.com/albums/ii12 ... 20Trailer/


    "Honor the Sacred" is a canvas print by the artist Katy Hatt, of Show Low, Arizona. Her artwork may be found at . . .


    http://www.ebsqart.com/Artists/cmd_2735 ... tfolio.htm


    I was looking throughout the web for just the right picture to grace the front of the Wonder Egg when I came upon Kathy's work. I purchased one of her original 8 x 10 canvas prints and asked for her permission to have an enlarged mural made for my trailer.


    After explaining the recent passing of my sweetheart, Lynn, my upcoming retirement, and my desire to find solace and solitude in the great splendor of the outdoors, Kathy graciously gave permission for a one of a kind mural to be made.


    I placed the print on a photocopy stand and used a Nikon D40 digital camera to accurately capture the image which I then emailed to the Oliver graphics shop for creation of the mural.


    I feel that it will set the perfect atmosphere for my journeys.

  14. Mountainborn, I've always noticed your knack for writing that can paint pictures and that your heart is into it . . . now I know where it comes from. What a special grandma!


    Earthdancer, You may dance gently on Mother Earth, but your photography shouts strongly about the spirit that dwells within. I LOVE your pictures, thanks for linking us to them!


    Meanderthal, your handle is one of the cleverest ones I've seen in a long time . . . after you've meandered throughout these lands in your Oliver I'm sure we'll all be enthralled with your true story of what it means to you!

  15. OK Tom, I'll go first:


    BUGEYEDRIVER - No, I do not travel the highways for hours and hours on end, hyped up on way too much coffee, attempting to reach a distant destination . . . I drive a 1959 English roadster called a "Bugeye" because the headlights are permanently positioned in the UP position. They're called "Frogeye" in England. I've had it 20 years and it is great therapy to drive . . . top down, low to the earth, wind in your face, bugs in your teeth from the constant grinning, smelling all the fragrances of the new spring growth . . . Beats the the heck out of hiring a therapist. :D


    OK folks, its time for you to step on up to the bar and tell your story . . .

  16. Well BuffaloBob has put some new photos up on the production process! :lol:


    - a couple side shots from the outside (my favorite being the curbside view) you can see there's not much room for anything else up there . . .


    - photos of the galley front panel in production


    - closet rod and mounts (very strong)


    - amplifier antenna mounted in the rear, street-side corner underneath the cabinets


    - swivel reading lithe under cabinet near support bar


    Thanks, B-Bob!

  17. Great news on the cell phone signal booster . . . it works GREAT! :D


    Robert said they've never had cell phone coverage on the shop floor. That is until the fired up the Wonder Egg's signal amplifier. Now they all have solid connections . . . WOOHOO!


    So for the next two weeks they can enjoy full cell phone coverage on the shop floor to talk to home, their girlfriends & boyfriends, receive and send text messages, web surf on their high speed blackberries, etc. ;)

  18. Chuck,


    Did you purchase a kit and do the Honda 2000i propane mod yourself, or have a shop do it? With the generator on the tongue mount how will you tap the propane? I think the quick connect for the grill is on the rear, am I right? Do you intend to open the propane cover or make your own hole for an access?


    More pics are posted on the production album. You can see Jason modeling several locations for the tag (I'll have a customized tire cover graphic) and you can see pics of mounting the top shell onto the rest of the unit. The metal bar exerts inward pressure on the top as the suction cups pull out the bottom for a firm seal.


    15 more days . . . . . . . . . . :P

  19. bugz,


    Your Oliver looks very happy in your family. Thanks for sharing your great photos with us . . . looks like all were having a grand time. Can't wait to do the "smores thing" with the grandkids!


    Nice mural, is that Lake Havasu itself?


    May you experience many, many more wonderful memories building moments with your trailer . . .

  20. sacsun,


    I've tested the range of the transmitter / receiver and have solid contact at at 75'! If it transmits through the Wonder Egg, I may mount a metal washer on either end of the bumper and on top of the spare tire cover to attach the magnetic mounted camera.


    More pictures have materialized on the photobucket album:


    - a shot of the interior front of the outer shell showing the extra support for the antenna and the front solar panel mounts. You can also see they've affixed the antenna cable securely as it works its way back . . .


    - the coolest fabricated antenna bracket ever . . . strong and angled perfectly for a vertical receiver / transmitter antenna to the cell phone signal amplifier


    - 2 pics of a modification to the upper rear superstructure. This "bump" is to level my a/c. Because I've asked Oliver to add the cell phone antenna and 100w solar panel on top of the trailer, they had to move back the air vent and the a/c, placing the rear of the a/c over a downslope. The bump overcomes the downslope and supports the aft placement of my a/c unit.


    - 2 pics of an a/c unit on an Oliver without the modified bump, for contrast.


    About my a/c, I've asked Oliver not to put the strong Duo-Therm unit on . . . instead, I am requesting the Coleman Polar Cub. I've asked for this so I could run the a/c with a Honda EU200I and for a longer compressor run time to facilitate removal of moisture from the trailer.


    During my last conversation with Robert, he mentioned a modification I believe tumbleweed has on his trailer . . . a propane quick connect mounted near the curbside of the bumper run from the front tanks for use on a portable gas grill. Well, I couldn't help myself and asked if he could incorporate it on my Wonder Egg and Robert uttered those familiar words: "Why SURE!"


    Pickup date is now slated for 24 March, still in time to get it back to Texas for the Bluebonnet Rally. It'll also give my badly busted elbow time to heal (trees, ladders, and chain-saws just don't mix well - but that's a story for another time :o )

  21. mountainborn,


    Here's my understanding on the need for the "tin-foil"


    The antenna on the front rooftop will receive a very weak signal on 800 or 1900 Mhz. send it to the amplifier which will boost the weak signal to 3 watts (max allowed) and this stronger signal will then be retransmitted from an inverted cone antenna mounted under the rear storage cabinet in the "street side" corner. I then sit inside (or outside for that matter) with a strong 4 bar signal.


    If the retransmitted, boosted signal is picked up by the topside antenna, we get into the situation where it oscillates. That is; "the amplified signal provided by the amplifier/repeater to one antenna for rebroadcast would likely be picked up by the other antenna and fed back into the amplifier input, where it would be further amplified, etc. The amplifier/repeater unit would quickly be overloaded with its own signal and would cease working for its intended operation."


    So . . . the aluminum foil is a shield that prevent that problem. The idea for the shield came from one of the technicians with the cell phone repeater company who happens to be a Casita owner, so he was aware if the trailer dimensions we are dealing with in the Oliver.

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