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Posts posted by bugeyedriver

  1. I've been to this rally several times and found the folks to be welcoming and just plain great.  Alas, I cannot be there this year because I'll be in Canada, but would encourage any Ollie owners to go and meet other molded fiberglass trailer owners.  Look at how great their 20 and 30+ year old trailers can look, learn the fine art of Dutch oven cooking, make new forever friends, and just relax and have a great time.  You can't go wrong.  Sign up!


    Over the last 11 years, I've learned the fiberglass owner community is a family.  It is wonderful to meet friends, catch up on their lives, and share your recent adventures.


    Go . . . enjoy . . .

    • Thanks 3
  2. The Wonder Egg (Legacy Elite #14) weighs just under 4000 lbs fully loaded with water and clothes & food for extended camping.  I have about 90 lbs in the back for my bike hitch, bike rack, and bike - no basket on the front.  My current tongue weight is 400 lbs.  Without the hitch/rack/bike hanging out the back, it is 440 lbs


    Although the Wonder Egg's axle has a max load of 5200 lbs, I could never imagine stuffing another 1000 lbs of gear into the trailer.

    • Thanks 1
  3. John,


    Most of us, going down the road are attempting to get somewhere and may not be able to read the mind of a passerby as to rendezvous spot.  And I would also think many Ollie owners are not on the forum at all.   Over the last eleven years, whenever I see a fellow fiberglass trailer (we're all in a very small community of travelers) in the opposing lane, I flash the lights, roll down the window, toss out my arm and wave like a madman.  I think I get about a 20% return wave and it feels grand.


    My most unique encounter with a fellow Ollie owner was when there were only about 20 Ollies in existence. I stopped into an RV park just to dump and put on fresh water, in California.  While I was in process, a couple pulled up in their rig, pulling another Elite.  The driver hopped out and we both simultaneously exclaimed "Who the HE** are YOU?"  Well they owned a hull number well before my #14 and invited me to camp in their yard and get acquainted.


    It's a wonderful world . . .



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  4. It looks to me like heat going horizontally from the fire under the pan, heating the edge of the countertop nearest the stove. The main discoloration being adjacent to the primarily used burner.  Do you use a wide diameter pan whose edge is near the countertop?


    There is a minor amount of discoloration beginning to manifest itself near the other burner.

    • Thanks 1
  5. Buddha & Buffy,


    Welcome to the forum and the Ollie family!  Also, welcome to the Texas Hill Country . . . Fredericksburg is a wonderful place to settle.  I'm about 40 miles down the road, in Fair Oaks Ranch.  You'll love the Fall, Winter, and Spring climates here.  Summer, not so much.  But with your LEII, you'll be able to seek whatever climate your hearts desire.


    This is a great place to ask questions about the LEII and get ideas on how you wish to personalize your own Ollie.  Now all you have to do is anticipate your trailer's delivery . . . it may feel like forever but it will be here before you know it.



    • Thanks 2
  6. Jennifer, It is so nice to see you have graduated way beyond driveway camping in Revilo!  #14, The Wonder Egg, is still going strong and will be in Quebec this summer.  I hope our wandering paths cross in the future.  Camp on!!





  7. I allowed my fresh water tank to drain once while on my last leg home.  After having numerous passing cars honk and point and watching their faces, I realized they thought it might have been the "icky stuff" and from then on, in order to play nice with the public and not trash their opinion of us travelers, I've never "let it go" while driving down the road.


    I could never imagine letting out the black water tank in other than an approved tank.

    • Thanks 1
  8. On my Elite, I've always found the source to be the galley sink.  If the road is rollicking of bumpy enough, I think the p-trap at the sink sloshes the water out and the fumes are able to enter the Ollie.  I've always been able to remedy this by pouring water into the sink to refill the trap.

    • Thanks 2
  9. You could connect your new and very accurate torque wrench to the old one you think might be wrong, and apply some opposing torque. A connector between the two square drives and pull one against the other. A nut screwed all the way onto a short bolt, and then a socket on each, will do it. When the new one clicks, see how far off the other one is. This will give you a reference as to how far off the old one might be. It might be 10% off, or ten ft lbs at 100 ft lbs, etc.



    I couuuuuld . . . . . . . theoretically . . . . . . . very theoretically . . . . . .





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  10. UPS just delivered my $155 torque wrench an hour ago.  It's still in the box.  For 11 years, Ive used a cheap, non calibrated, torque wrench which was jostled and banged around and never set back to zero after using.  Who knows what my torque values have been?  But I have been lucky so far, knock on wood.


    This new fangdangled gadget does not need to be set back to zero and can be set in much more nuanced degrees than my previous cludge.


    The way I see it is that another ten years of be-bopping around the land for another 130,000 miles with this OMG expensive tool, will only cost me $15.50 per year.  And it will be accurate!  Cheap insurance as far as I am concerned.


    Thanks, Overland!!!

    • Thanks 2
  11. Wow, Vector!  Glad you are OK after your pothole experience.  Like STEVEnBETTY says, one may have departed first and the second couldn't manage the additional stresses.  I watched a friend with a large tandem axle stickbuilt unit hit the mother-of-all-potholes in Canada last year.  He had no idea a wheel  departed until I called him on the radio to inform him.  His wheels were steel, part of the hub was completely sheared away.


    Perhaps a TPMS sudden loss of signal would have alerted him of the departure if I had not been following behind.


    When an aluminum wheel is mounted onto a trailer, it's recommended the torque gets rechecked soon, usually about 50 miles or so because  steel and aluminum components expand and contract differently to heating and cooling. After the wheels and hubs have gone through a couple heat/cool cycles, rechecking torque may help correct a loosened  condition, if one occurred.  (It will not find an over torque situation) How far from Hohenwald were you? Did you retorque the lug nuts?


    It's good to hear how docile the trailer was as you smoothly pulled off the road.  Keep us updated on how all of your repairs go.









    • Thanks 2
  12. Pro - more living space inside. BUT!  You are outdoors . . . IN NATURE . . . and should be maximizing your time outside, so what does the extra space matter except being able to sleep 1 more person? Not much.


    Cons -  Significant increase in weight, wear on TV, limitations on maneuvering into parking or many campsites, lessor quality of build inside and out, factory support?, all the problems inherent with slide outs (leaks & mechanical failures), huge hit in mpg, how well will the interior hold up after 100,000+ miles of towing?  (the Ollie will still be like new).  Multiple exterior seams which will leak over time, delamitation, as opposed to a solid fiberglass mold . . . yada yada yada.


    Hey, this is an Ollie forum, what did you expect?



    • Thanks 6
  13. Woody,


    Congratulations on your retirement and your purchase of hull #80.  Coddiwompling around this great nation with a quality and dependable trailer will be a joy.  While I don't full-time,  my 11 years of coddiwompling with hull #14 have been splendiferous.  May it be the same for you.  See you down the road.  enjoy!

    • Thanks 1
  14. Only one way to work on that Sonic.


    With a match.





    Now let's not get too snarky here.  Those of us with Ollies are fortunate not to have a unit with all the problems inherent in many stick-built units. (or hail magnets)  "Stickies" do come in at a price point some can just afford to help them get their family out making smores around a campfire, or dipping a fishing pole into the water. It's about getting out there, after all.   While they will not have the stamina of an Ollie.  They do serve a purpose during their comparatively brief lives.



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  15. Several years ago, one of our single axle Elite owners, JR Birdman / Aubrey, traveled through Mexico with a well organized, large caravan.  He said it was a wonderful trip that went down the eastern states of Mexico all the way to Belize and then returned on a more central Mexico route.  Aubrey said the numerous large speed bumps were brutal on some of the caravaners' equipment.  His Ollie stayed together much better than most of the larger units he travelled with.  He was also very happy to have his sophisticated water filtration system along. I believe the key to a trip like that is joining a well established RV caravan group that has experienced leaders who have made the trip before.  It may be expensive, but you get the benefit of their in-depth planning and knowledge of how to "grease the system" when needed.


    Safety-in-numbers is a real benefit should you decide to go there.  It would not be advisable to embark on a solo journey through much of that area.

    • Thanks 2
  16. Have you attempted to see if a bug/mud-dobber is clogging up the outlet?  If it is blocked with a foreign object, perhaps a pipe cleaner or something similar could dislodge it.  Do you have a source of pressurized air? A short burst of air could help.


    And do be sure to double check your valve placement to ensure they really are set for draining.  You mentioned that you turned the "valves" to drain.  On my old model Elite, from 2008, it only requires one valve (the one in line with the drain port) to be repositioned in order for the fresh water tank to drain.  Does your newer unit call for turning two?  One last thought . . . if the nose of your trailer is low and the water has all sloshed up towards the front of the tank, you will not be able to drain normally. An elevated nose is best for that operation.


    Let us know how it finally works out.  Good luck.

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  17. I'll make a reservation if I have a rally to go to, or if I know I'll be near a tourist destination on a holiday weekend.  Otherwise, I am like ScubaRx ,  wandering at my whim and enjoying wherever I happen to be.  Parks with reservations systems usually set aside a small number of "non-reservable" sites which are intended for the drop-in traveller.  The key to scoring one of those sites is to stop for the night early enough so the non-reservable sites are not all taken.


    Another way to find a site at an "in demand" campground is to arrive anytime after checkout on Sunday (or Monday if it is a holiday weekend), when those still in the working world are heading home to start back to work on Monday.



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  18. Nan,


    Hooking up a trailer is a learned experience, like many other things, and not to be feared.  Should you select an Elite in lieu of an Elite II, the Anderson hitch is not even needed.  Most modern tow vehicles have integrated back-up cameras that can assist you in getting very close to your hitch ball.  Over my years of travels, I've encountered numerous single women with small trailers who do very well with the mechanics of dealing with a trailer.


    As has been said, there are you tube videos, various devices to help, and most campers are more than glad to come to the aid of a newbie in a campground.  Baby steps . . . you will be fine.


    My single axle Legacy Elite has almost 130,000 miles on it and I have found it very commodious for my needs, as a single traveler.  I'm sure you would too.



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