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Citrus breeze

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Everything posted by Citrus breeze

  1. I used the street side fresh water inlet. The green light is on. The first valve on left lower side is open. It seems that no water is being drawn from the tank. No sound. Is there a circuit breaker for the pump somewhere? citrusbreeze
  2. Hi, I just parked at my first boondocking site. Filled my fresh water tank, and turned on the water pump. Heard no sound. It’s not pressurizing the tank. No water flows from any faucet. What am I doing wrong? Or, Heaven forbid, is the pump broken? I’ve never used pump before. HELP! Charlie.
  3. Hi Everyone, Find it necessary to store our Oliver Elite 2 for 5-6 months. What is the best procedure to keep the 4 batteries up to specs for that period of time. Would it be advisable to keep our unit plugged into AC, or should I use a battery maintainer on them? Appreciate any suggestions and advice. Charlie
  4. Thanks for all the suggestions. I will start investigating tomorrow.
  5. I really appreciate all the "immediate" replies. So, I'll attempt to reply to all of you with a big "Thank You"! Yes, my unit is 734, picked up a year ago Feb. That's 2021. Now, How do I determine whether it's a roof leak between the hulls, or a window leak. And, the comment about the "rain guard"...you seemed imply that it helps "somewhat". I'm praying for a permanent fix, not a half way fix. Is that at all possible? Charlie
  6. I'm baffled! It seems that my Oliver does not like to be rained on!! For the second time, I have had leaks on both side windows, at one time or another. I checked the tracks, removed the white strip gaskets, and there is apparently no reason for a leak there. The second time, it soaked the mattress! We are not happy. Just bought silicone caulk to seal the windows, if needed. Why, in a camper that is otherwise so well made, that we pay a premium price for, do we have this problem? It beats me. Does anyone have the same problem, and if so...have you solved it? Charlie
  7. Hi There, I'm just back from a camping trip to Blue Spring State Park in Orange City, Florida. Quite a trip...but that's not why I'm writing. Here's the problem. I removed the screen on the rear emergency escape window a few trips ago, to do some cleaning. Man! I can't get the screen back in place!! The screen has metal clips on the top and the bottom facing the outside of the camper. I can't seem to remove those clips which seems to be necessary to replace the screen. Has anyone else had to the same problem? Charlie
  8. The reply about the level of the unit while draining the gray tanks is very interesting. Now, I'll have to figure how to raise the Ollie while at a dump stations, and I'm attached to my truck. Charlie
  9. Thanks loads for the reply. Meant to get back to you sooner, but just followed your advice without checking back in. Thanks to you...no wet socks! Everything seems to be as you said. Charlie
  10. I don't know if this is the right place to ask about this, but here goes. After camping several times with our Ollie, we arrive home the last time to find that the floor pan in the bathroom was flooded with water that had come up from the floor drain. I had drained both the black and the gray tanks at the last campground dump station, where we had been connected to city water supply. The monitor read that both tanks were empty, yet...there was obviously water coming from the gray water tank into that pan! Any ideas?
  11. Thanks. I'll try that.
  12. Thanks for the responses. It's bewildering because I could not see any water inside the track when I pulled the gasket out. However, I could see water slowly dripping off the top of the Oliver over the middle of my window. So, that had to be the source. Only...how the heck did it get inside when there was no apparent water in the track?
  13. I have water dripping slowly down the inside of the rear side window. I checked the weep holes and cleaned the track. Strangely, I did not find any water in the track. Yet it is still dripping after being parked at a camp site for two days…without rain! It did rain 4 nights ago. Any idea?
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