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  1. Hello Charlie! We are happy to have you here at the Oliver Forums! Lisa
  2. Hi Eric! A big welcome to the Oliver Forums! Lisa
  3. Have I mentioned how crazy excited we are to be going to Burning Man?!?!? Lisa
  4. We leave ours in and it seems to stay put just fine even on bumpy dirt roads. I do bump into it from time to time when sleeping though but it is handy for glasses, keys, phones and such. Lisa
  5. Welcome to the Oliver Forums Claudia! Lisa
  6. I keep hearing that the dust at BRC gets into EVERYTHING. How did your Oliver do in those conditions? We've had JJ in the wind, rain, snow, hot hot heat and he has kept us snug and comfortable through it all but never a dust storm. Lisa
  7. We are all looking forward to your visit! Get here when you get here and stay as long as you want I think the 22' Oliver will still be here next weekend along with Jim and Evon so we can wander over there at some point if you like. Lisa
  8. You are correct that there were four batteries in the side compartment. Jim had two more somewhere else but I can't remember where Not sure if it makes a difference to your trailer order or not but Jim said they were starting their next manufacturing run on Monday. You might want to call Robert Partee at Oliver and find out if there is a deadline so you don't have your order delayed any more than it has to be. Lisa
  9. The 22' is actually an ideal trailer for us since there are usually at least five of us camping. It has the ability to have a larger bed and Jim said they can maybe do a bunk type bed over the large bed area in the back. I love the head room in there even though I am only 5'4". There are a ton of storage areas, the closet is larger. I like the battery capacity. This one had six! I was already planning what I would do if I were getting one and I think I would definitely put a double sink in the kitchen and figure out if there were a way to make the bathroom sink a bit larger or have it moved out from the wall a little. I love the ability Oliver gives you to customize the trailer just the way you want it. Lisa
  10. Yes the pictures were taken in Lake Havasu. I am not sure when they intend to head back to Hohenwald. The weather is just too darned nice here so..... Lisa
  11. Jim and Evon were nice enough to let us come barge in and look at the 22' Oliver. It sure is nice and roomy! Lots of nifty new features like the cabinet in the bathroom. Whoever thought of that is pretty smart http://oliver.hewus.com/Trailer/Other_T ... oot_Oliver We would love to have one but will never get rid of JJ so we will have to figure out how to do this: http://oliver.hewus.com/Trailer/Other_T ... sc_Olivers Enjoy! Lisa
  12. We got really lucky and only had to go down 205 feet. Static is at about 150 feet and we get 20+ gallons per minute. We put in a pump that does about 5gpm which seems like more than enough to me Lisa
  13. I am sure this is probably not very exciting to everyone else but we finally got our well pump up in Hackberry last weekend. Showers are a wonderful thing! I don't know about the rest of you but I really like the shower in our Oliver. With so many of us camping we had to skip them in order to make it the whole weekend with enough water but now we have plenty. This also brings us one step closer to being able to have a gathering for everyone up there. We just need to get our septic put in and we will be set http://oliver.hewus.com/Trips/2009/2009 ... stallation Lisa
  14. I must echo the words of others on the list. We own an Oliver Elite and it happens to be the very first trailer we have ever owned. As I have said before, we were not looking to buy a trailer, had never looked at trailers and knew nothing about them in the least. Jim and Evon happened to have some demo models parked on an empty lot near my office and it was complete dumb luck that I even saw them. I didn't even know what they were but something about the shape, color and size drew me over to them and when I stepped inside I just could not believe my eyes. For you Dr. Who fans "It's much bigger inside" It was beautiful and so well made. I told the salesman that it was if I had told someone exactly what I would want in a trailer and they made it just for me. I called my husband right away and made him come look at them. We put a deposit on one that night. We have not had one second of regret in purchasing our trailer so quickly. All of that being said nothing has been as meaningful, surprising and important to me as the quality of the Oliver company. These are GOOD people. We knew we were getting a quality trailer but we had no idea the level of customer service and support we would get as well. It is pretty much unheard of these days. I am sure you will get a nice trailer if you go with Airstream but no way will you get the customer service and support you will get with Oliver. We love that we can tow our very light and sturdy trailer up the side of a mountain if we want to and make our own path Lisa
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