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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite II
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    Twin Bed Floor Plan
  • What model is your other RV or Travel Trailer?
    Casita 17 Spirit, 2009, sold 2021

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  1. Last trip our front stabilization jack lost power; I used it manually for the last few days of the trip. Picked up a fuse but still no power. The fuse checks continuity ok. The other jacks work fine; batteries are fully charged, 12.9V. Do ya'll have any advice on troubleshooting this? I have a digital multimeter but would appreciate any help with how to actually do this. I looked at the manual but couldn't find the jack in the schematic This is a 2019 Elite II. Thanks! Dave
  2. LRN, We pull our LE2 with a '21 F150 Hybrid and are happy with the rig. We returned yesterday evening from a 6 week tour from here in Tx out to the West coast. 6000+ miles, averaged 13.0 MPG overall, start to finish, including towing miles plus the unhooked sight seeing. We get 25-26 around town, 24-25 at highway speeds and 11.5-12 pulling the Ollie. While we loved the ride and handling of the F150 we did spend 3 unscheduled days in Newport Oregon at the excellent Ford dealer there diagnosing a misfiring problem which turned out to be a spark plug/coil failure. Who'da thunk a spark plug and a coil have to be overnighted to a Ford dealer. It's interesting times we live in. BTW, Newport was an excellent tourist town to be stuck in. Also we had 3 instances of what I decided was erroneous error messages where we would see "Hot engine coolant" but after checking the fluids, smell checking under the hood etc we would restart and not get the message for a long time as in 1000+ miles. None of these events happened during our 108F crossing of the Mojave Desert but temps in the 60's. Now that we are back home I'll take it back to my local dealer and get them to check it over. Also we used the generator function on the truck to power the truck a couple of times. Big plus there. This was our first extended trip with the Ollie; it is now a full fledged member of the family.
  3. Here's a pic of the upper element; at center is an attachment to the metal oven interior and on the right where it goes thru the wall there are two more things that look like they could be studs with nuts on the other side. I can slide the oven out about 4" and it does a hard stop. Of course I can't tell what is holding it, but it doesn't feel like the power wires. Again, my goal here is to get it apart in a way that I don't create more probs.
  4. Our 2019 Elite II Contoure microwave/oven broil element hasn't worked since we bought it in August of '21. The microwave works and the oven gets hot on convect but without the top element working it seems that baked items cook slower than they should and broiling or making toast isn't working at all. So we've called the folks at Contoure to get help with troubleshooting and hopefully getting replacement parts but it's been 3 days and they haven't responded yet. For starters, I'm not sure how to take the unit out of the cabinet. I removed the screws from the trim and it will scoot forward about 2" but seems to jam; I'm hesitant to yank too hard not knowing how the back of the cabinet and the oven and its wiring are arranged. So that's question #1, getting the oven out. #2: The reason I think I need to remove the oven from the cabinet is to get the upper heating element out to test continuity and resistance. The upper heating element is attached to the stainless sheet metal interior and it's not evident from looking inside the oven how to remove it in a way that will not destroy something. Perhaps there are nuts on the other side of the metal oven interior? I'd appreciate help in not tearing anything up in my taking apart and also any ideas or experiences you may have had troubleshooting and replacing parts on this oven.
  5. We had a Southern Mattress in our Casita for almost 10 years and I believe that our 2019 E2 has Southern twins. (no label) They are both very comfortable and in the case of our old Casita, they seem to hold up over the years. One preference I have of the Southern Mattress over the latex is weight; the latex seems a bit heavy to move around while getting into the bins beneath the beds.
  6. HA!. Ya'll got me on that one and to make it better, I'm usually the first one to pile on misspelling,,,😁
  7. We too have had water system woes,,, 2019 E2, new to us summer of '21. We are the 3rd owners of a 3 yr old trailer and have so far had problems with low flow at each of the faucets and the toilet. The toilet was first and we found calcium deposits in the valve. Cleaned them out and finished the trip with good flow. Got home and flushed the fresh water tank with good water (not hard), cleaned the filter at the pump and found it not clogged but removed maybe 1/2 teaspoon of debris, both plastic and mineral. Removed the anode from the water heater and found it was totally consumed. Flushed the water heater and got LOTS of calcium deposits out. I believe this was the first time the anode had been removed. Also at this time I flushed the system with vinegar using the winterizing setup. Next we lost flow to the outside shower hot faucet. Contacted Oliver and asked for a replacement cartridge, they didn't have the part or know of how to find one, ended up buying a new complete outdoor shower assembly with the box, hose and shower head; about $75,,, used the faucet in our old box so if you need a box, I can help Next we lost flow to the kitchen faucet and was not in the mood for Oliver service so I went to Lowe's and got a Delta and replaced the original with one I could get parts for. Next we lost flow to the bathroom faucet hot and cold and finished the trip with the faucet head removed. We had good flow thru the faucet itself so we washed hands and showered with a good stream from the bare hose. It actually worked ok. In these forums I saw the faucet was made by Dura Faucets, contacted them and got a link to amazon, bought a replacement shower head for $12.03. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0090W2SOU?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details So at this point we think we have this solved and I think at this time the reason for all this was that our trailer had been full of extremely hard water all it's life and had never been maintained. Here in the DFW area we have pretty good water in comparison but most places we travel to have hard or extremely hard water. So the takeaway is, while your faucets are working is to flush with good water when you can and decriminalize with vinegar regularly. Good luck, Ya'll, Dave
  8. Thanks Mike! I'm heading out to the driveway to start removing the faucet. Once I get it out I'll get a name brand replacement like you did.
  9. Thanks Mike, I'll get out there in the morning and see how it goes. I'm not sure I can reach up behind the sink long enough to get the faucet undone due to neck issues, and I know I can't see what I'm doing there. The attachment in my original post is a picture of the bottom of the faucet. There are two set screws that I suppose keep the nut that holds the faucet in place from loosening. I think all this faucet assembly to the sink was done before the sink was installed. That's my reasoning for removing the sink first. I will look into a water softener once we get this faucet repaired; I appreciate the suggestion. Dave
  10. Hello everyone, Our new to us 2019 LEII, hull#515 came from a region with really hard water. We struggled with water pressure throughout and found a blockage in the toilet water valve with bits of calcium. Just replaced the Fontana outdoor shower faucet as the hot side had no flow. Also during the outdoor shower troubleshooting I treated the water system with a vinegar/water solution and flushed the hot water heater where we found a lot of calcium deposits. Now the kitchen faucet will not turn on. As in, the handle will not move in the direction it needs to to turn on. It moves ok left and right for hot/cold but not forward and back. So I'm going to replace the faucet. My question is to those who have removed the original faucet and installed a new one, it looks to me that the kitchen sink needs to be removed to be able to get eyes and tools in place to remove the faucet from the sink. Is this the way you did it or are you able to see and reach up behind the sink? There appears to be 2 set screws on the hold down nut for the faucet, then unscrew the hex nut that holds the faucet in place. Am I missing something here? EE3B16D1-D481-40A7-ADC9-E0614654904D.heic
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