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  1. All taken care of …. all four batteries are in excellent condition at 12.70 And stable.There was no damage to the batteries. Now if I could just get my OLIVER in the heated garage.
  2. I received mine last week from Oliver. Put it in it needed a three-quarter piece of foam to level out microwave she rides nice no more broken rim. I don’t really use the microwave. So this summer I will take it out and in close And put a door on it.
  3. Hey thank you guys I’ve been bumping these batteries with my Honda generator bumping them up to 12.6 after four days they’re down down down. Check the water seems to be fine. I think everything is shut off in the camper?Hope I didn’t damage them they’re brand new as in from the OLIVER factory new trailer in August 2022
  4. I have 412 V wet cell batteries. That I need to maintain over the winter. OLIVER has told me to take them out and nurse them all winter. Right now I show 11.6 when I push the battery button inside. I need to take them out I’ll take a picture so I know how they go back together. I understand the camper pretty well other than this battery situation. Wish I would’ve upgraded? Any suggestions on storing these batteries and disconnecting them for the winter. I am expecting subzero temperatures over the next few months. Any help would be Greatly appreciated. I guess I will disconnect them all and bring them in the house for the winter because I have no power going to storage location. Hope this makes sense.
  5. This is a must have. Make one this next weekend Well done thanks
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