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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite II
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    Standard Floor Plan

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  1. Ordered two dust cap combos. In photo one set is (partially) installed on hose end and on my Oliver. Other uninstalled set on floor. They fit very nice
  2. We actually do offer dust caps for our quick connect fittings, they can find found here: https://goblutech.com/collections/accessories/products/dust-cover-plug-blu-tech-quick-connect
  3. SmartPlug...where did you purchase the kit from? Any install advice in addition to that the holes match and the use of Dawn lubicate?
  4. Ahh...blue painter and duct tape; my go to tools.
  5. I recently purchased a couple Blu Technology Stainless Universal Hoses with quick release fittings as recommended by other Campers. I like the hoses because when not in use, and in storage, they take far less storage space than other hoses. However, when the hoses are not attached and the quick release fittings remain on my Oliver there is no cover for the fitting opening and the Oliver provided cover does not fit thus road dirt will be a problem. Any other Oliver owners with the same Blu Technology hose quick release fitting have a cover solution? Thanks.
  6. If I purchased the PR4 Dexters as travel backups, and I have a roadside trip break, would they be a straightforward replacement install for a local garage? I have a 2022 Legacy II. With the history of breaks that others have had I am really considering packing an emergency replacement for our next long trip. I assume I should order two. Thanks.
  7. Found the problem. Wires behind Seelevel II were not connected completely. Easy fix once found. Jason at Oliver was a great help; thanks to Jason!
  8. Doing my end of the season sanitizing and when I tried to turn on the pump to draw in from the boondocking port the water pump did not start/make any noise. Check the 15 fuse and is good. Is there another "in-line" fuse for the water pump somewhere? Or other items I should check? Thanks.
  9. I will have my annual ceramic coating inspection and update next week and at that time the technician will strip the ceramic coating in locations to install the flexible window gutters other Oliver owners have installed. Quick questions: *How far (inches) above and beyond & down the sides of the windows do you recommend? *Any installation advice to share with the technician? Thanks.
  10. As per Jason ("I would just make sure the inverter is off and the shore power is disconnected. When you connect the wires make sure the breaker itself is tripped. Once all connections are good you can reset and verify it is working properly.") I installed/replaced the Optifuse breaker. After a few test discharge/recharges all appears to be working correctly...finally! I also worked with Xantrex and Lithionics call reps and made some small adjustments to the controls via the apps. Jason also added "We no longer use them (Optfuse breakers) as the system was changed in the '23 models with busbars and an ANL fuse & cutoff." Thanks for all the prior input & thoughts.
  11. John Did you replace with same brand? Or did you replace with a higher quality (if one exists) brand?
  12. I have been chasing (previous post) some problems charging my batteries. The saga continues. Xantrex now suggests that my DC breaker, which often breaks while charging may be the problem and should be replaced. I have done a fair amount of my own house electrical work so the process of replacing is not a concern. However my knowledge of the Oliver electrical system is less. The question, and request for advice,is other than, turning off the big red solar dial, unplugging the 120 line and manually setting off both breakers what else should I do to be safe and sure no current exists? As an aside, has anyone else replaced the 300v inverter/charger breaker? Thanks (Hopefully this solves the problem,,,)
  13. I have purchased three different greases for my Oliver; see attached photo. My uses from left to right are... Far left; under hull zerks Center: top of front jack Far right: gears of all three jacks Is this correct? Also, if necessary can far left be used on the top of the front jack? Your thoughts are appreciated
  14. A few (basic?) Xantrex Inverter/charger questions. I had some recent battery charging issues which are hopefully resolved and I want to check related items to make sure settings and software status were not changed by mistake during the process. 1. Where do I find the recommended settings to confirm/adjust my current settings on the Xantrex Inverter/Charger? I have the 3000 model. 2. Any advice/warning on the potential setting adjustments related to #1 above? 3. Where do I find the recommended/current Firmware versions? (Mine currently displays U1 03 19, U2 01 28 & U3 01 07). 4. Where do I find instructions on how to download/update the firmwares if required? Thanks.
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