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Everything posted by Katjo

  1. I agree with you on the non-stick. I love the nonstick for the camper for easy cleanup, I’ve had mine a few years and they are holding up well and still look like new however, I don’t use them everyday. My everyday pans are All-Clad that are all steel. The Magmas also come in the all steel if you prefer that over the non-stick. Either way, they are great quality pans that take up very little space and fit nicely in the overhead.😃
  2. New video! Love these pans, they fit perfectly in the overhead compartment.
  3. New video. What’s in my kitchen drawers?!
  4. I will definitely keep you updated!👍🏼
  5. Hello, I’m glad you are enjoying the videos.😃 I got my bedspreads on Amazon. They are twin size but they are wide for the beds, I have to fold it under on the wall side. It works, but I’m not happy with it so I just recently bought the same one in a queen size and have it at the tailor right now having it cut in half. Queen size is 90 x 90 so after it’s cut I’ll have two that are size 45 x 90. The twin mattresses are 30 x 75 so I think this will work out much better.
  6. So exciting, you will have your Oliver soon!! I’m glad you enjoy the videos. I will have plenty more coming.😃
  7. Hello all, I started a new series of YouTube videos all about products, storage solutions and optimizing space for the Oliver, as well as a tour of my Oliver/decor. I have tons of great tips/products to share and really enjoy the challenge of organizing small spaces. My previous camper was a 16ft Airstream Nest so I’ve learned quite a bit about optimizing space and functional organization. I really hope to grow my channel for Oliver users since there are so few organization videos specifically for an Oliver. I’am not affiliate with any business, I do not get paid for links shares. It’s just me sharing ideas and products I love that work well in the Oliver. Please like and subscribe and I hope you enjoy the videos. Here are the links to the videos thus far.
  8. The lug (screw) was replaced with the exact same size as the originally used from factory.
  9. Thank you so much!
  10. That black tar coating came like that from the factory as did the poor weld job. The spatter from the weld on the screw would not let the screw make full contact, it only had a partial contact on the electrical spades on the wires which caused the poor ground and a very minimal ground contact. Because of the weld spatter the spade could not make full contact and there was a arc spot on the spade from only touching that “blob” of weld spatter. Now, the plate, nut and the screw after we repaired it is covered with dielectric grease and now full contact between all connections including the screw in plate.
  11. Here are a few photos. The photos that you see of the bolt, wires, nut and the silver metal plate below it were covered with an insulated black tar type coating from the factory, this was causing a bad ground connection. The bolt you see has been changed, the original was welded and it was a HORRIBLE weld with spatter all over the screw it was barely able to make a good ground connection!! There is also a bolt that goes through to the main trailer frame connecting that silver metal plate that you see. this completes the correct and secure ground!!
  12. I’ll take and post a picture tomorrow of where the ground wire was not connecting properly and more detail on how they fixed it.
  13. Thank you. If was definitely a learning experience!
  14. Update: Are Ollie is fixed! *insert happy dance* After a cry for help that I posted in a local camper group a virtual stranger from my neighborhood came to our house today and fixed it! He discovered it was a faulty main ground wire. I cannot thank him and every single one of you who reach out to try to help us, we are eternally grateful.
  15. We have had one mobile rv tech already that couldn’t find the issue and several others that aren’t available.
  16. It will be fun they said! I’m sure we will love our Oliver one day when it’s not just a $70,000 fiberglass tent! This too shall pass, trying to stay hopeful.
  17. We live in Michigan. To be honest, we are so discourage at this point and emotionally exhausted. A person shouldn’t have to know how to fix a voltage issue in an RV or any issue to own one but what I’ve learned is unless you do know how, basically you are at the mercy of overbooked service centers and rv techs.
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