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Everything posted by Katjo

  1. Hello, We have Lectric folding ebikes and love them! They are a great bang for your bike, we’ve had ours a little over a year with no issues. We’ve transported them in the back seat area (not folded) as well as the bed of our truck (folded). You can also fold them and put each one in a 40 gallon Commander Tote bin (from Lowes). There are several posts about transporting Lectrics on the Lectric owners FB page.
  2. New video posted! check out this great little compact fan that will surprise you with it’s features and power! We love ours, perfect for the camper. Goes from 3” to 3ft tall! More videos coming, please like and subscribe to be notified.😃💗
  3. Another favorite. Love the lyrics.
  4. My theme song! Smile😃
  5. Chris, Congrats on your upcoming retirement. Very smart to rent first to get a feel for RVing and pulling a trailer. Wishing you all the best in your quest for the perfect fit for you to travel in and enjoy the glorious days of retirement.
  6. Looks fabulous and I love the town, so cute!
  7. @rideandfly Thank you! Love that it made you smile!😃
  8. Just released my video montage of Lakeport State Park, Mi.😃
  9. If possible set up a tour of the Oliver factory if not check out the many YouTube videos, lots of Oliver insight there. You can also call Oliver and they will see if there is an Oliver in your area to go look at. We sold our Airstream and bought a 2021 Elite II twin bed model and absolutely love it! The quality and Oliver’s fantastic customer service can’t be beat!
  10. @Patriot You’re welcome. Have a great day😃
  11. That is very cool!!👍🏼
  12. @AZ Wonderer It’s a lovely site!👍🏼😍
  13. @rideandfly Thank you! Michigan definitely has so many beautiful areas to camp at being it’s surrounded by the Great Lakes.❤️
  14. This is Lakeport State Park in Michigan. Site #24 (our favorite site) has a beautiful water view of Lake Huron. Spectacular sunrises! This park also has a really good camp store. IMG_6498.MOV
  15. Ha! That’s awesome, I’ve not seen that video! Thank you for sharing it, so funny! @SeaDawg
  16. New Video! Tooletries! Love these organizers! Reusable, no suction cups, no sticky residue, no commend strips!
  17. I agree, I’m grateful we don’t have to use it very much but when we do I can’t run it long, it’s just too loud for me. I’m very interested in changing mine out to the Truma.
  18. Nice comparison! I’m all for the new quieter AC!!
  19. Welcome and congrats on your new Ollie!😃
  20. New video! please like and subscribe😃 Thank you for watching!❤️
  21. You’re so welcome and thank you for watching my videos, I’m so glad you are finding them helpful.😃❤️
  22. Thank you for sharing the photos. Love all the new features especially the quieter AC and the flip up outdoor table.😍
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