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Dena Hill

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    I don't own a RV or Travel Trailer

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  1. Thanks! Yep learned that “look where you want to go” during my Harley days
  2. But doable, right? I’ve ridden the million dollar on my Harley and only saw the road then too. Lol!
  3. Very curvy! Have any of you traveled hawks nest highway towing your Ollie? Or million dollar highway in colorado?
  4. For those of you who are full time, which insurance company do you use? And do you disclose that you live in it full time?
  5. What do most of you use and think is best. We have AT&T mobile service with our iPhones acting as hot spots. Do any of you use Verizon’s visible?
  6. Bill, could you give me his email address if you have it? Thanks!
  7. Female style cap, not one with the mesh that men like. I have two Harley ones that are great. Would love an Ollie one.
  8. Yes, I did get the answer I was looking for and thank everyone who helped
  9. Exactly!
  10. I just find those kind of smart -a— answers unnecessary. Thanks for your support.
  11. I’m sure we will most times camp in more temperate weather. But I would like to be prepared just in case we are stuck in some heat. Some folks just need to learn to scroll on if they can’t refrain from being tacky and judgemental.
  12. Goodness! What a tacky reply! Just trying to learn a few things before we take delivery of our LE2. Hopefully you don’t feel the need to impose your opinion on my questions again!
  13. Can we run our AC while boondocking with our solar and lithium batteries?
  14. Who has camped in glacier and which campground? Thanks!
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