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Everything posted by jpk323

  1. From whom did you purchase your second remote? I've been looking everywhere on line for one. Thanks for the P2 solution as well.
  2. Has anyone successfully registered their Booster with AT&T? Every time I call support after going through several levels, they try to hook me up on their Base Station (stationary) or act like they haven't heard of it. I tell them it is an aftermarket booster used in vehicles. Am I not using the right terminology?
  3. Excellent, that's near my Texas Base, thanks!
  4. As a half year Wyominger I'm glad to hear it as well
  5. Ha! And today I just finished rewiring and adding the second thermostat and it works as well as you said, thanks Bill. I still have my open ticket with Oliver and no word from the repair guy so maybe there were a bad batch of Thermostats. I'm only 5 hulls ahead of you. I'll see if I can get a new one out of them as well.
  6. Bill, Did you ever get to test a new thermostat from Oliver and did it solve your problem? Also, did you get a wiring diagram from Dometic or are the wires factory labeled as per your photo. got my parts in to bypass and will commence surgery shortly. I am still trying to get possible repair shop and Oliver to talk to each other so no new news there. I appreciate your lead on this. Jack 2022 Elite II Hull #1260 Ram 2500, 2018 Land Cruiser (in the works)
  7. Thanks bhncb. I am a firm believer that hassle has costs on the soul as well (time on the phone dealing with people who won't help, missed camping because your rig is tied up for a month, alcohol to you calm down instead of enjoyment😃). Bill's solution is right up my alley as well as improving the heat throughout the hull by adding return vents forward. I would spend more in diesel getting it to Idaho (closest "possible" repair to me) than this fix would cost. Now when I screw it up and burn up the trailer....... just kidding! Once there is enough feedback on the TRUMA quieter units, we may upgrade. We live part time in Texas and AC is a MUST.
  8. Hi Bill and Nancy, We live in a parallel universe or at least parallel Olivers. You have pretty much described everything I've experienced with mine from the troubles beginning while driving it home to WY, to being denied service at a couple of Dometic service centers. The random frequency of the clicking drove us to buy electric heaters and just shut off the furnace. We have Hull 1260 and I probably picked it up a couple of weeks before you did yours. However, I didn't do all the data acquisition you did (great Job BTW). I too am frustrated with Olivers response, "just take it to a Dometic service center", which as you said many don't service Olivers. I have a promising lead with an independent repair shop in ID which ONLY does sales and service service on RV equipment and add ons, not an RV dealer. I'm putting him in touch with Ollie service (at his request) and hopefully he will fix it. He diagnosed it over the phone as the control box in the AC unit which clicks frequently and randomly. I will try the other recommendations by Chukarhunter as well as the link to GAP's thread. I would be interested if anyone has put a list together of those places who WILL work on Olivers, or I'd be willing to work with some folks to put a list together. I am a competent DIYer, but warranty work is supposed to be done by "qualified folks, right?
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