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Steph and Dud B

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Steph and Dud B last won the day on February 8

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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite II
  • Floor Plan
    Twin Bed Floor Plan

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  1. Here ya' go! https://pebblelife.com/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAwaG9BhAREiwAdhv6Y1nfr4vhcwlGralq6abgET5Pw27r1LfENSEXaE_3xUXrZYcRA21KLhoChccQAvD_BwE
  2. I renamed my batteries in the app, FRONT and REAR. You could do OUTER, CENTER, INNER, etc. Makes it easy to identify them.
  3. This is good news! Did you find the culprit that caused the batteries to run down so fast? Now that you have the Lithionics app working you can see how many amps are being drawn while in storage.
  4. Bought something like this when we had a fifth wheel, to help me reach into the bed while hooking up: Heavy Duty Tire Step https://a.co/d/5vK6ftR.
  5. @Tideline77 it is best practice to set the Xantrex breaker setting to the max current your source outlet can provide. (Actually a little less. Note that Oliver's default setting for a 30A campground outlet is only 25. It's not great to run electrical components at full load.) This is to prevent your trailer from over-drawing power and tripping the breaker on your power source (or worse). Your generator may have a 30A outlet but a 2200W generator can't actually provide the full 30A, at least not continuously (2200W / 120V = 18 Amps). You can go to the max available output of the generator (probably 18A in your case, check you manual) as long as the trailer is the only thing plugged into the generator. One advantage of setting the Xantrex to lower Amps (say 10A) would be that the generator wouldn't be screaming at max RPM the whole time. However charge time would go up. If plugged into a household outlet, I go at least 5A below the circuit breaker for that outlet. When in storage and I need to charge, our trailer is plugged into a 20A household outlet. However, that same circuit might also be used to run power tools on different outlets, so I actually set my Xantrex breaker setting down to 5A. This causes the trailer to charge more slowly, but allows me to use other outlets in the garage at the same time without tripping the breaker. Also, if you're using a regular extension cord to connect to a household outlet, you should lower the Xantrex setting to no more then the cord is rated to handle. If you attach your trailer to a 20A outlet, set your Xantrex to 20A, but then use an extension cord rated for only 15A, you run a risk of melting that extension cord and starting a fire. In summary, never set the Xantrex higher then the breaker on the supplying outlet and consider going even lower if you don't need absolute max charging speed.
  6. Good luck. Let us know how you make out.
  7. He won't be able to link the app to the batteries via Bluetooth until he's brought the charge up enough to bring the batteries out of low voltage shutdown. That's why I told him to check the blue indicators to verify charging. But, yes, they should have the app handy so they can use it once the batteries power up.
  8. @TxMN2020: IMPORTANT: Do not try to charge your lithium batteries if their internal temperature is below freezing (32 degrees F). Lithium batteries cannot be charged below freezing. It can damage them.
  9. @TxMN2020: "Low Voltage Cutoff (LVC) – During discharge, the BMS will disable discharge current when any cell reaches the 2.6V (approximately 10.4V total voltage). Charging current is allowed, so that the battery can still be charged by a charging source. Some charging sources require to “see” the battery voltage before allowing charging, in which case LVC lockout can be temporarily overridden by short-pressing the Power button. This will allow the charger to sense the battery voltage, so charging can begin." - from my Lithionics manual. Based on this, start and connect the generator first. The blue battery button lights should start blinking slowly, indicating they are charging. If the batteries are not taking a charge, short-press the battery power buttons once to trigger a charge. The only real ways to know the batteries are actually taking a charge are the blue button lights on the batteries and the Lithionics app. Once the batteries are powered up I strongly advise you install the app on your phone and connect it to your batteries. It gives you very good information on each individual battery's status. You also should get the manual for your specific batteries. This is what I have: https://search.app/Sri9bZ77WSrryceG9 Yours may be different. P.S. If your batteries are that low, it will take a while to get them charged back up, even with the dual generators. If you see that they're charging, sit back and give them time.
  10. Depends on the batteries. In the 2022 model year the smaller Lithionics package had heating pads under the batteries with a separate switch, but the larger batteries had built-in heaters without an external switch.
  11. A third, and probably best, option for charging would be to bring your trailer somewhere where you can plug it into an outlet. Ideally, a campground with 30 amp receptacle but you can use a household outlet, too, if you set the Xantrex breaker rating to about 15 amps.
  12. I agree with @Rolind. Sounds like your batteries are in low voltage shutdown. You should not do anything to drain them any further. Leave them off until you can get a charge into them, as soon as possible, following @Rolind's procedure. Once you've got them recharged, my next question would be, what caused them to discharge? I suspect something got left on in the trailer after you left it for the month. My first suspect would be the Xantrex inverter. It's easy to leave that on by accident. The little silver button should be in the "out" position whenever you don't need to convert 12v battery power to 120v household power for boondocking. It should be off/"out" every time you park your trailer between trips. Another possibility, considering the dealer winterized your trailer before this happened, is that the water pump was left on and has been cycling while in storage. On our 2022 there's a green LED above the water pump switch on the kitchen wall. (You can't go by switch position alone because it's a 3-way switch.) Make sure the pump's off during storage, too. Good luck. Let us know how you make out with the recharging.
  13. Ok. Lithium batteries. Do you have Lithionics batteries? If so, do you have the Lithionics app installed on your phone and linked to the batteries? If you do, what does the app say about your batteries' state of charge? No app? Our Lithionics batteries have power switches on them which glow steady blue when the batteries are on, turn off when the batteries are off, and can blink error codes. What do you see on your battery power buttons?
  14. So, you have interior lights when the generator is connected, but no lights without the generator? If that's the case, I agree with @jd1923 that it sounds like your batteries are disconnected somehow. Could be a cable, cutoff switch, or 12v circuit breaker. More details needed.
  15. This is how the cables are connected to the Vizio TV in our 2022. TV audio through the Furrion stereo is by selecting the ARC input on the Furrion. We have to turn the Furrion volume up quite a bit to hear the TV audio.
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