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pam roach

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  1. What are ya' waitin' for? Come see us... We are amazed at the numbers of people that are familiar with your "contact name" and are listening to your information. They are silent on the forums-- "but listening and watching.," We have had 3 "Ollies" pull in since we have been here. Pam
  2. Awesome!!! You have met us and been with us...we are the "Nintendo generation" and thought that was "lightspeed advancement". But we are plugging on...computer help on the way this week with our son coming to Quartzsite before he ships out to Iraq....You have an inquiry from Iceland...did you hear from them? Pam
  3. You definetely need to talk to Jim and Evon Oliver and the Road Crew,,,,,,they have two Yorkies that travel with us and "Let the Olivers live in their trailer!" We have a "Wienie" (dachsaund) - You will have to get your "Ollie" and meet the "pups"- Rags, Abbie and Radar...be prepared to share all people food! Pam
  4. We have really had a great crowd in from the Fiberglass Rally in Quartzsite The pictures taken and posted are really beautiful. We love the EXTERIOR pictures of the very first Oliver ever produced in 2007! Oliver Number 1! In memory of John Oliver - Jim's brother- Sorry, no outside pictures of the 22 footer in the line up/slide show. Thank you for posting the INTERIOR pictures of the 22 footer! Price range: 17 footer- $22,800- plus options 22 footer- $31,900 - plus options If you have any questions call the factory ((888) 284-7437 or call Pam - (931) 808-1486 :
  5. If you were in the Quartzsite area today.. did you see the rainbow on the east? Is it a rare sight in the desert? I have a picture. Did anyone else take one? Pam
  6. Technomadia- Hello and Many Greetings!!!!! Radar says "Woof- Woof" also. : We have a wonderful couple from Iceland that is seriously looking at the Oliver - they are were asking about the bigger screen and computer compatibility. We gave them your contact information and suggested they get with you guys about "specializing" with the electronics. As you have worked with Robert and been down that avenue. Hey...it's raining in the desert tonight!!!!! How surreal. Roach's
  7. Whoa.....you where chilly in Florida!!!! That is extreme for the Orange state. Last nite's low in Quartszite was in the high 50's. They are calling for rain today in the desert.. Wow! Will help with the dust. Pam
  8. What a wonderful thought..a good soak in the spas sounds like "a slice of heaven." Your information on work sites is great!!! My mom spent two summers working with a group called Aramark. She was graced to have spent the summer of 1999 at Lake Meade Recreational area and the next summer working at Denali in Alaska. They pay minimum but also include the campsite and utilities. Will find that link and post it. The Denali positions have a lo-o-o-o-ng waiting list. You are going to be approximately what 8 hours from us now? We will be at the Albequerque Samboree scheduled mid April in New Mexico. Pam
  9. That's it!!! The picture shown on the link is truly how they work!!!! I use it on the tables, mirrors, doors-and the floors- I even felt comfortable enought to dust my laptop with it! The true test....David dusts his "precious motorcycle" with the duster! No scratching either. People tell us...it has to be the "Original California Duster"- the imitations don't work. And...the older and dirtier they look- the better they work. Pam
  10. No stripper pole in this one!!! The pantry takes takes that space up...but we have a tanning bed on top of the 22 footer... that's what the twin solar panel looks like. Pam
  11. Hooray !!!!! for you guys!!!! What a dream life....RV'ing -n- working! You guys will be pretty close to us as we are doing a lot of Arizona time. Pam
  12. We were introduced to the California Duster last weekend and have wondered how we survived without it! We are using one and it takes the dust off of everything. We are using one on the outer shell, mirrors , floors and even our vehicles. We have decided to give one to our new customers. Check them out! P.S. I would rather move dust than snow! Pam
  13. Well...we are calling the new California King Bed - "The PlayPen!" Pam
  14. Hey Oliverites! Dave, Pam and Radar would have loved to have been hanging with you this weekend. You truly are in several of the most fantastic camping places in Florida...It's our old hometown! Did you do any fishing out by the Skyway Bridge? Or did you see any sleepy "crocs" on the Withalocochee? Pam
  15. Well...Quartzsite is quite a crazy place indeed! We have been busy as heck out here! We have met some of the most genuinely wonderful and interesting people...We also have several new Oliver owners! We will let them introduce themselves as they wish...all of the guys at the Oliver Plant are going to be plenty busy from here on out! The new 22 foot Legacy is a great hit!!! We do appreciate all of you that have made long trips out to see us and put your orders in...We are looking forward to many years of traveling and getting to see you occasionally. The weather has been beautiful and the scenery is magnificent... Will keep you posted as much as I can..the days go quickly with the crowds. Our Oliver friends from last year are keeping us company and are wonderful at helping with the questions. Thanks guys! Pam
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