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A side trip adventure at the River Valley Egg Rally II

Our wives were at Wally World shopping for supplies, for an event at the RVER II Rally in VanBuren Arkansas. Four Olivers were camped at the rally in the Overland Rv Park, along with Casitas, Scamps, Burros and other very cool fiberglass travel trailers, ours were among them. We had went up over the mountain to the Fairview cemetary to examine and photograph a very old gravesite. Two groups both lay claim to the ancestry of the grave. One group claims it is a Viking grave and another claims it is an Spanish grave from the Hernando Desoto Expetition to exploit the new world.

After much discussion and examination, I began to think that it was neither. It clearly has the Masonic symbols on the head marker, but they are inverted. Leading me to believe that it had posibly been used by Masons before their Lodge, a short distance away, was built. Possibly for a ceremony of some sort.

As we left the Cemetary traveling down hill towards the old portion of downtown, we crossed the railroad tracks and turned onto Main Street. It was then that it happened.

The odor of substance assailed my nostrils !

My mind raced ! Substance, the stuff that dreams are made of ! Looking wildly about, I nearly ran a stop sign. Steve, in the passenger's seat, hastily snugged up his seat belt. Could he see that somehow I was distracted ? Could he also smell the captivating aroma ? Sencing my indecision, Steve said, "the river front is straight ahead ". I had actually stopped in the middle of a four way stop intersection. Right in the middle of old downtown VanBuren. An offended motorist honked his displeasure, but immediately thought better of it, I guess. Any how, he waived his middle finger in the air, cheerily, and sped away.

We continued on to the water front, passing through the quay wall gates, into the park at the water's edge. Photographing the house boats and murals on the quay wall were very cool, but I kept thinking about substance and where I had detected it's aroma. We left the park area heading back to the rally area, traveling up hill on Main Street.

This time I was more cautious and driving slower, remembering just exactly where it was that I had first smelled the totaly distracting odor of substance. None the less it hit me like a runaway street car on a down hill plunge !

I carefully marked the location in my memory. I would find a way to return. I had to find the source of the odor of substance.

The remainder of the day was taken up by the catered meal and entertainment. But, the next day someone suggested a shopping trip to all of those cool old shops in downtown VanBuren.

As Betty was shopping antique CocaCola stuff, I somehow slipped away. It was as though my nose had full controll of my entire body, forcing me ever closer and closer to the source of the odor. Soon I was standing in front of a nicely restored building, with an exhaust fan blowing out onto the Main Street. I was captured. With weak knees and trembling hands, I peered through the etched glass of the door as I turned the door knob and entered. Gleaming glass fronted display cases were full, absolutely full, of substance. I had struck the mother lode !

I pointed a shaky finger towards my choice in the display case, and soon, I had substance smudged on my cheek. It was then that Betty, Steve & Tali appeared in the doorway. Looking through the etched glass, they saw me there, with a large block of Peanut Butter Fudge. I was caught in the act, with my preferred substance of abuse in my hand !

Did you find the Fudge Shop downtown in VanBuren ? We did and was it ever so cool ! Betty had to drag me away before I overdosed.

I would rather wake up in the middle of nowhere than in any city on earth 08' Oliver Legacy Elite HULL NUMBER 0003(sold)

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We missed that fudge shop.... but I still had half a pound of fudge in the freezer from the Hendersonville apple festival.... Probably a good thing I didn't find it!!!



2008 Ram 1500 4 × 4

2008 Oliver Elite, Hull #12

Florida and Western North Carolina, or wherever the truck goes....

400 watts solar. DC compressor fridge. No inverter. 2 x 105 ah agm batteries .  Life is good.




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